• 一个世界不变旋律只有“爱”世界才会变得美好!

    "Love" is one of the world the same melody, only the "love" the world will be a better place!


  • 很多商人认为一个相对价格从来不变地方极乐世界

    Many businessmen think that a world where relative prices never varied would be nirvana.


  • 世界卫生组织一起开展这项研究发现几乎每一个国家糖尿病发病率或是有所上升或是保持不变

    The study, carried out in conjunction with the World Health Organization, found that the diabetes rate had either risen or stayed the same in virtually every country.


  • 外在世界总是变化无常只有内在永恒不变

    The outside world always changes, but inner self is constant.


  • 我们外部的世界已经发生了改变利比亚也不得不变,这些变化早就该发生的!

    The world has changed around Libya, and Libya has to change. Change is long overdue.


  • 这个结论反驳所谓的“恒温器假说——预测世界其他地区升温同时热带温度保持不变

    This counters the so-called 'thermostat' hypothesis, which predicts that tropical temperatures would stay fairly stable even as other parts of the world heated up.


  • 世界并非万古不变而是日新月异

    World changes with each passing day instead of remaining unchanging.


  • 人均GDP假定世界人口增长100亿,然后保持不变

    The per capita assumes that world population grows to about 10 billion and then stays flat.


  • 我们认为时间固定不变的,世界并没有什么东西固定不变的。

    We think of time as a constant, but there is nothing constant about it.


  • 不要封面判断本书古老言语这么说,但是雅》杂志就无效主要吸引力就是一直不变火辣封面,当然她们是这个世界漂亮女人

    Don't judge a book by its cover, goes the old adage, but Swank Magazine has undone it, its main attraction being its invariably hot cover, featuring some of the most beautiful women in the world.


  • 尽管不是处处变、事事更新,然而似乎是:科学家们仔细严谨地关注这个世界,那么他们就越不会发现稳定不变岛屿

    Not everything, everywhere is in flux. But it feels as though the harder scientists look at the world, the fewer islands of stability they find.


  • 感谢特殊隐形眼镜、藏于衣服内的电脑分散过的各处的位置传感器,你可以看到一个恒定不变信息流覆盖真实世界之上的虚拟景象。

    Thanks to special contact lenses, computers in your clothes and locational sensors scattered everywhere you go, you see a constant stream of text and virtual sights overlaying the real world.


  • 与其说月球是个死亡不变世界事实上不如说可能是个非常活跃有趣的世界

    Rather than a dead and unchanging world, it could in fact be a very dynamic and interesting one.


  • 因为某些原因我们认为我们自己周围世界不变的。

    For some reason we think that we and the world around us do not change.


  • 移动世界变化无时无刻不在发生,我们这里所讨论也不是一成不变的。

    In the mobile world, the biggest constant is change, so this promises to be a bit of a shifting landscape.


  • 这些药物疗效世界各地基本一样子孙后代而言价值也将保持不变

    The efficacy of these drugs is similar worldwide, and drugs will maintain their value for future generations.


  • 觉得这个世界没有什么是一成不变的,爱情不是一个戒指套住一生情感,不是一句海誓山盟就确保了执子手与子偕老

    In my opinion, there is nothing stay the same in the world, and the love is not the feelings that can by ringed by a ring, not a promise can ensure the ageing together by getting married.


  • 另外dbc术语中,遵循dbc规则针对维护内部一致性外部世界一个契约人所共知的类不变

    What's more, in pure DBC terms, a class that abides by DBC rules has a contract with the outside world about the internal consistency that it will maintain, which is known as the class invariant.


  • 这个世界唯一不变就是变化任何事情想到了就要永远不要去等待拖延

    In this world, the only constant is change, anything, but I want to do, never to wait and delay.


  • 我们想象有另一个世界,则那个世界一定不变法则否则必然坏。

    And could we imagine another world, it must also have constant rules, or it would inevitably perish.


  • 实际上我们周围的世界永恒不变的,它一直相同方式存在着,并且继续这种方式存在永远。

    Actually our world is forever unchanged and has always existed the same way and will continue to exist that way for eternity.


  • Birol先生表示:“即使石油需求保持不变世界需要每天找到大于4000万桶——相当于四个沙特阿拉伯产量新石油抵消供给下降

    Even if oil demand were to remain flat, the world would need to find more than 40m barrels per day of gross new capacity—equal to four new Saudi Arabias—just to offset this decline,” says Mr Birol.


  • Birol先生表示:“即使石油需求保持不变世界需要每天找到大于4000万——相当于四个沙特阿拉伯产量新石油抵消供给下降。”

    "Even if oil demand were to remain flat, the world would need to find more than 40m barrels per day of gross new capacity-equal to four new Saudi arabias-just to offset this decline," says Mr Birol.


  • 本质就是创造自己不死能力生命以及生活世界不变东西结合存在)。

    The essence of the love is a kind of ability to create immortal life and to integrate invariable things into the world of life (being).


  • 我们这个世界似乎没有东西永恒不变的。

    In our world nothing seems constant.


  • 当时的数学可以对付一个一成不变理想世界——想想几何原理没有考虑运动

    The math of the time could deal with a changeless, ideal world - consider the principles of geometry - but not with motion.


  • 当时的数学可以对付一个一成不变理想世界——想想几何原理没有考虑运动

    The math of the time could deal with a changeless, ideal world - consider the principles of geometry - but not with motion.


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