• 这项工作花去的心血。

    This job's going to take me till doomsday.


  • 到了19瓶装鸦片鸦片是很容易得到的。

    By the 19th century, vials of laudanum and raw opium were freely available.


  • 经济发展快速的20纪90年代,有才华的大学毕业可以发展很快。

    In the expansive 1990s bright graduates could advance rapidly.


  • 贝拉·巴托克匈牙利人,19纪末延续20中叶

    Béla Bartók was a Hungarian, whose life stretched from the late nineteenth century to the middle of twentieth century.


  • 然而希腊其他地方一些文学家同意地心说观点例如一位公元前希腊文学家

    However, there were a few astronomers in Greece and other places who didn't agree with the geocentric view, for example, a Greek astronomer who lived in the third century B.C.E.


  • 这种克制很大程度上解释了缺乏普遍意义上的成功的原因,尽管她的才华没有完全被18的同时代法国人所忽视

    This restraint largely explains her lack of popular success during her lifetime, even if her talent did not go completely unrecognized by her eighteenth-century French contemporaries.


  • 所以要是当初朋友主动联系我向道歉,我也肯定不会去联系,本来一友谊也就永远失去了

    Therefore, I think if my friend did not apologize to me first, I would not contact him any more and our friendship would have been lost forever.


  • 你们地球上任务就是以前这些补偿人类带回正义

    Your mission on earth was to make up for these former lives, to bring back love and justice to humanity.


  • ,呵护你,珍惜你,保护你。

    I will spend the rest of my life loving, cherishing and protecting you.


  • 如果一个男人愿意”,意味着

    When you say "I do" to a man, it is supposed to be for life.


  • 我们只能从一些7圣徒传教士无名阿尔斯特编年史作家著作中知道

    We rely on the works of some 7th century hagiographers and the anonymous writer of the Annals of Ulster for information about his life and activities.


  • 最终报答那个把掩埋的人,他现在丈夫

    The one she will repay for her whole life is her present husband, who buried her in the past.


  • 不要忌恨啊, 我不想失去你这个一朋友!

    You know I do not want to lose our life-long friendship!


  • 19伟大的小说家之一,沃尔特·斯科特先,曾人称为“傻子”,上了象征劣等帽子,整整戴了一个

    The greatest novelist of the 19th Century, Sir Walter Scott, was given the title of "king of blockheads" and was made to wear a dunce cap for a whole month.


  • 修订国际条例2005年获得卫组织会员国批准于2007年。本次流感流行疫情使《国际卫条例》面临首次重大考验

    The influenza pandemic is providing the first major test of the revised International Health Regulations, which were approved by WHO Member States in 2005 and came into legal force in 2007.


  • 浪漫我们对待我们所爱选择一起人一一个习惯

    Romance is a lifelong habit present in the way we treat those we love and choose to be with.


  • 是个鬼魂,保护着一个爱尔兰人家庭除非家里有人否则人们是不会看见她

    A ghost that protects an Irish family throughout eternity without showing itself, unless someone in the family dies.


  • 国际条例(2005年)》2005年大会第五十八届会议上正式通过,将2007年

    The IHR (2005) were formally adopted at the Fifty-eighth World Health Assembly in 2005 and are to go into effect in 2007.


  • 纳深深地被克劳德·洛兰作品打动,这位伟大17法国风景画家创作启迪者。

    And Turner was all struck, most significantly by the works of Claude Lorrain, the great 17th century French landscape painter who was to inspire him throughout his life.


  • 真的这个拯救诅咒差异,更不用说了。

    It is truly the difference between salvation and damnation - here on earth - let alone throughout eternity.


  • 关于寻找真的热门歌曲着重表达了一个歌手许诺他的女朋友

    This hit song about finding love features a singer promising his girl he will always love her.


  • 教皇约翰·保罗名字阿尔比诺·卢恰尼,第一位有两个名字的教皇,这是他为了表示对他的前任教皇约翰二十教皇保罗尊敬

    Born Albino Luciani, Pope John Paul I was the first Pope to choose a double name, a move that honored his two immediate predecessors, Pope John XXIII and Pope Paul VI.


  • 限制销售法规20前半叶证明全国公共上的一成功

    The regulation of raw milk sales in the first half of the 20th century proved to be a major public health success in this country.


  • 觉悟就是向光明靠得更近提升频率加强你的源头连接去掉成为负担层层业力

    To be enlightened is to move closer to the light, to raise your vibration, to strengthen your Source connection and to remove the layers of karma that have been burdens for many lifetimes.


  • 有一件事耶和华,我仍要寻求就是耶和华殿中,瞻仰荣美,在他的殿里求问。

    One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.


  • 一个人牵手时候以为相守

    When we are holding someone's hands, we tend to believe that he is the one that will stay with you for your whole life.


  • 年后,这位1898年纽约已经在做演讲了,而且自称20伟大的数学家。 长大后,压力使不堪重负,他消失在人们的视线中,做着一些杂事。

    Two years on, the New Yorker, born in 1898, was lecturing and already claiming that he'd become the greatest mathematician of the 20th century.


  • 年后,这位1898年纽约已经在做演讲了,而且自称20伟大的数学家。 长大后,压力使不堪重负,他消失在人们的视线中,做着一些杂事。

    Two years on, the New Yorker, born in 1898, was lecturing and already claiming that he'd become the greatest mathematician of the 20th century.


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