• 例如19场大地震改变密西西比,一条流经美国中部流向。

    For example, in the 1800s a monstrous earthquake changed the course of the Mississippi River, a large river flowing in the central part of the United States of America.


  • 历史学家认为,19一再发生蝗虫入侵改变了美国密西西比以西农业格局

    Historians credit repeated locust invasions in the nineteenth century with reshaping United States agriculture west of the Mississippi River.


  • 去年冬天一对情侣被困伦敦17格林威治海军学院雪地里。右侧可以看到笼罩薄雾中的泰晤士

    A couple caught in the snow last winter at the 17th-century Greenwich Naval College, London. To the right, shrouded in mist, is the River Thames.


  • 这位美国作家幽默因为的作品《汤姆索耶历险记》他对密西西比热爱而闻名于

    The American author and humorist was best known for his book Tom Sawyer and his love of the Mississippi river.


  • 20早期建设洛杉矶欧文斯引水到洛杉矶,使得加利福尼亚的许多被破坏消失。

    Lakes in California were damaged and destroyed when the Owens River was diverted in the early 20th century to build Los Angeles.


  • 从20纪70年代到80年代,繁荣景象出现之前持续干旱,干旱扩大灌溉需要,导致墨累成了涓涓细流。

    But the ten years of drought before this efflorescence followed a huge expansion of irrigation in the 1970s and 1980s that reduced the flow of the Murray to a trickle.


  • 20纪50年代风格餐馆沿路,在当地人用作渔村码头对面矗立着伊斯特核电站(Oyster Creek)。

    Down the road from the 1950s-style diner and across from the bridge that locals use as a fishing pier stands the Oyster Creek nuclear plant.


  • 20纪90年代每年向下游排放超过1亿有毒物质

    During the 1990s, this river discharged over 100 million pounds of toxics downriver each year.


  • 莫斯科圣彼得堡数千20纪50年代享受段愉快有趣时光

    A few thousand people in Moscow and st Petersburg had a nice and interesting time in the 1950s.


  • 自从20纪,工程师回转芝加哥流向伊利诺伊州便将密歇根湖的顺着密西西比一路向下送至墨西哥湾

    Since 1900, when engineers reversed the flow of the Chicago river, Illinois has sent Lake Michigan water down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.


  • 欧卡左岸遍布茂密森林,19纪60年代一位名为考夫曼的俄罗斯教授注意到一种奇怪变迁物种。

    All the left bank of the river Oka is covered with a dense forest. In the 60s of the XIXth century one Russian professor Kaufman took notice of a strange transitional nature in this place.


  • 博物馆占用了一17的老宅子,这座宅子双面临街,矗立这座城市最大(Herengracht)之上。

    The museum occupies a double-fronted 17th-century house on the city's grandest canal, the Herengracht.


  • 这些化石形成地点方位同时也研究者们知道始新绿环境条件

    The placement and orientation of these fossils also tells researchers about the conditions at Green River during the Eocene .


  • 建筑灵感来自19设计,建筑师将幢位于格罗马(挪威最长的)东岸一座破旧农舍改造21纪的现代建筑。

    Inspired by the original 19th Century design, a rundown farmhouse on the east side of the river Glomma - Norway's longest and largest river - has been brought into the 21st Century by LINK architects.


  • 这座位于巴尔干半岛小城布拉加·特克修道院的所在地。布拉加·特克修道院是一座建立于16的德尔维希修道院,坐落于布纳旁,以蓝绿色闻名

    This tiny Balkan village is home to Blagaj Tekke, a 16th century Dervish monastery at the mouth of the Buna spring, renowned for its blue-green waters.


  • 中国第二含沙量特大和下游的“地上悬”而闻名

    Yellow river is the second large river in China and it is also famous in the world as the abundant sand river.


  • 介绍了大概今哈萨克斯坦七地区一带,于1415左右成书史诗《乌古斯可汗传说》。

    It retells something of Qi He area in Kazakhzitan country now and the epic, the legend of Wugusikehan, which was finished about 1415 centuries.


  • 二叠晚期消亡,本区转化内陆陷,形成湖泊沉积为主充填

    During the late late Permian the epicontinental sea extincted and this area evolved into an inland depression and formed river lake fillings, mainly lake facies.


  • 相同构造背景下,山旺盆地、包家盆地青山盆地中新对应层位的层发育特征具有可比性。

    With the same geological structural Settings, the Miocene sequence development of the Shanwang, Baojiahe, and Qingshan Basins are comparable.


  • 乌伦古组——至早

    Late Oligocene and the Ulunguhe Fm. Early Eocene to Early Oligocene.


  • 上新巴漏淄博地区发现填补了地区上新统的空白

    The development of the Balouhe Formation discovered at first time in Zibo area, Shandong Province filled the stratum gap of Pliocene system.


  • 到了18部分驯鹿鄂温克顺着石勒来到了额尔古纳右岸的大兴安岭。

    During 18th century, along Silik river, this group of people reached Big Sin 'an Mountain.


  • 费利克斯·冯·卢克纳法国元帅法军莱茵总司令尼古拉斯·冯·卢克纳尔曾孙,丹麦国王18晋爵尼古拉斯·冯·卢克纳伯爵。

    He was the great-grandson of Nicolas Luckner, Marshal of France and commander-in-chief of the French Army of the Rhine, who had been elevated to count in the 18th century by the King of Denmark.


  • 本文着重研究断裂发育特征以及全新以来活动历史

    This paper emphasizes on the study of the developing features and the active history of the Zemuhe fault since the Holocene.


  • 之间冲突忽必烈中亚领导开都持续了几十年,直到年初14纪,他们个人已经死亡

    The conflicts between Kublai khan and the khanates in Central Asia led by Kaidu had lasted for a few decades, until the beginning of the 14th century, when both of them had died.


  • 公元4 ~7间,古城上游段曾先后两次发生岸滑坡堵塞形成堰塞湖,导致孔雀改道,从而彻底断绝了维系楼兰古城生命唯一水源,古城不得不废弃而且无法复兴。

    In the 4 ~ 7 century, the water resources from Kongqiu river was cut off because of old Kongqiu river changed channel resulted from landslip on upper reaches. The old city had to discard.


  • 20早期铁路起来了,港口挖掘出来了科罗拉多穿越内华达山岭引来

    By the early 20th century, railroads were built, a harbor was dredged, and water was piped in from the Sierra Nevada and the Colorado river.


  • 解说词翻译样稿: 曾几何时,地火燃烧岩浆冲突而上,搏而,不可一地奔涌高高的兴安 岭上,滚滚流淌着哈拉

    Remember when the fire underneath was flaming, magma uprushing and spurting out, proudly flushing through high Xing'an Mountains, and diving to the running Halaha River.


  • 解说词翻译样稿: 曾几何时,地火燃烧岩浆冲突而上,搏而,不可一地奔涌高高的兴安 岭上,滚滚流淌着哈拉

    Remember when the fire underneath was flaming, magma uprushing and spurting out, proudly flushing through high Xing'an Mountains, and diving to the running Halaha River.


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