• 实际上,早20页,间日疟地区发现过,俄罗斯阿尔格尔斯克。

    Indeed, in the first half of the 20th century it was found as far north as Archangel, in Russia.


  • 19欧洲探险家大卫·利文斯敦约翰·等人来到这里寻找尼罗河源头

    In the 19th century European explorers like David Livingstone and John Hanning Speke came here searching for the source of the Nile.


  • 谟拉比法典》仍现存法典前言里,法典作者实际上解释为什么将在后文中列出的法条应该被人们遵守

    The law code of Hammurabi is available to us and there's a preface to it in which he basically explains why you should obey the rules that he now is laying down for you.


  • 欧洲探险家约翰·宁·斯皮克19晚期到达这里的时候对看到的那些秩序井然王国感到非常惊讶,而且这些国度里竟然还有法庭外交家

    By the time European explorer John Hanning Speke arrived in the late 19th century, he was astonished by the highly organized kingdoms he encountered, complete with courts and diplomats.


  • 负责美公司北美迁移业务艾德尼巴尔也同意这种说法:“每家公司来说非常困难。”

    "It's a struggle for every company," agrees Ed Hannibal, who leads Mercer's North American mobility practice.


  • 16晚期荷兰个眼镜工匠·利伯希(HansLippershey)申请第一个望远镜专利声称发明使地球远处物体看起来更近装置

    In the late 16th century, Hans Lippershey, an eyeglass-maker in Holland, applied for the first telescope patent, claiming invention of a device that made distant objects on Earth appear closer.


  • 棵大树下一个重要树枝就是·乔纳斯(Hans Jonas),透过偏颇的立场从20早期存在主义那里看到了灵知主义。

    The next major branch on this tree is Hans Jonas, who also saw gnosticism through peculiar lenses; in his case, those of early 20th century existentialism.


  • 华盛顿弗利尔艺术馆也慧借了所珍藏17纪时期杰作,《坐在风景中的胡马雍》,幅作品是Payag吉尔之国王所绘。

    The Freer Gallery in Washington, DC, has sent its treasured 17th-century masterpiece, "Humayun Seated in a Landscape", which was painted by Payag for Jahangir's son, the emperor Shah Jahan.


  • 根据顿宫的记载伊丽莎白(Elizabeth i)时期膳房每年烘烤1240只公牛、8200只羊、2330只鹿、760只小牛、1870只猪以及53野猪

    In one year during Elizabeth I's reign, according to records at Hampton Court, the royal kitchens roasted 1, 240 oxen, 8, 200 sheep, 2, 330 deer, 760 calves, 1, 870 pigs and 53 wild boar.


  • 根据顿宫的记载伊丽莎白(Elizabeth i)时期膳房每年要烘烤1240只公牛、8200只羊、2330只鹿、760只小牛、1870只猪以及53野猪

    In one year during Elizabeth I's reign, according to records at Hampton Court, the royal kitchens roasted 1,240 oxen, 8,200 sheep, 2,330 deer, 760 calves, 1,870 pigs and 53 wild boar.


  • 然而兰蒂克女士所述,很少门外知道在20纪60年代就有科学家首次不同物种细胞融合在一起。

    Yet few laymen realise that scientists first fused cells from different species as far back as the 1960s, as Ms Landecker describes.


  • 亨利(Henry VIII)将其位于普顿(HamptonCourt Palace)的都(Tudor)御膳房扩张55间屋子占地3千平方英尺(合280平方米)。

    Henry VIII extended the Tudor kitchens at Hampton Court Palace into 55 rooms, covering over 3, 000 square feet (280 square metres).


  • 15民谣,让罗宾走进民众:《罗宾僧侣》、《罗宾和制陶工》,还有《罗宾演义》。

    Robin really entered the public space through the ballads of the 14th and 15th centuries -- "Robin Hood and the Monk, " "Robin Hood and the Potter, " and "A Gest of Robyn Hood."


  • 其中一幅玛丽女皇油画肖像。 该画橡木框装裱.埃沃茨于1554年创作而成。

    Among these treasures is an oil on oak portrait of Queen Mary I painted by Hans Eworth in 1554 and a glowing 12th-century enamel casket designed to hold the remains of Thomas Becket.


  • 20纪80年代初期,金属乐队詹姆斯·海特菲尔德柯克·密特正在演出

    James Hetfield and Kirk Hammett of Metallica performing in the early 1980s.


  • 1820年,摄政王成为国王乔治搬入白金宫。

    In1820, the Prince Regent became King George IV and moved into BuckinghamPalace.


  • 巴比伦王国:美不达米亚的一个古代帝国幼发拉底河流域繁荣穆拉比尼布甲尼撒二统治之时,于公元前562年后衰落于539年于波斯人手中。

    Babylonia: an ancient empire of Mesopotamia in the Euphrates river valley. It flourished under hammurabi and Nebuchadnezzar ii but declined after562b. c. and fell to the persians in539.


  • 流浪小说16西班牙小说《小癞子》开始,至今已有400多年历史

    Since the 16th century Spanish picaresque novel Lazaraillo DE Tormes Start, has been 400 years of history.


  • 它们直观地展示乐舞伎人风采,揭示了他们悲惨历史命运

    These Figs show directly the spirit of Han dancers, at the same time, reveal their tragic fate.


  • 卫组织驻中国代表星期五中国农业部已经办公室保证,中国送出了2004年2005年的20禽流感病毒样本

    The W. H. O. 's representative in China, Henk Bekedam, said Friday that the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture has assured his office that it has shipped 20 bird flu virus samples from 2004 and 2005.


  • 19纪以来白金宫成为英国王室活动场所

    Since the 19th century, Buckingham Palace British royal family venue.


  • 年华飞逝,转眼间已一生此刻凝视眼睛洛威广场咖啡屋与第一次邂逅仿佛只是昨天

    It is truly a lifetime, I know. But as I gaze into your eyes now, it seems like only yesterdaythat I first saw you, in that small café in Hanover Square.


  • 威廉·安德鲁·崇拜的英雄——他集约翰韦恩奥迪•墨菲•迪玛吉奥于一身

    William Andrew Hanson II was my hero - John Wayne, Audie Murphy, and Joe DiMaggio all rolled into one.


  • 传说旋律可能是罗里·戴尔·欧卡创作16

    According to some legends, the tune was possibly composed by Rory Dall o 'cahan in the 1600's.


  • 805年就已闻名,在3批准设市,并且成为主要城市之一

    Known as early as 805, it was chartered in the 3th century and became one of the chief cities of the Hanseatic League.


  • 艾勒卜拉堡垒民居区的东面风景秀美赫内拉利费花园,公元1314统治着西班牙部分土地的埃米尔们就曾居住在这里

    To the east of the Alhambra fortress and residence are the magnificent gardens of the Generalife, the former rural residence of the emirs who ruled this part of Spain in the 13th and 14th centuries.


  • 1543年今天,英格兰国王亨利宫殿迎娶第六任也是最后一任妻子凯瑟琳·尔。

    1543 - King Henry VIII of England married his sixth and last wife, Catherine Parr at Hampton Court Palace.


  • 1543年今天,英格兰国王亨利宫殿迎娶第六任也是最后一任妻子凯瑟琳·尔。

    1543 - King Henry VIII of England married his sixth and last wife, Catherine Parr at Hampton Court Palace.


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