• 希尔博士认为这种对于对称性偏好动物皆准的(事实上似乎正是如此),尤其是人类当中。

    Dr Thornhill thought this preference for symmetry might turn out to be universal in the animal kingdom (and it does indeed seem to be). In particular, he showed it is true of people.


  • 希尔博士认为这种对于对称性的偏好动物准的(事实上似乎也正是如此),尤其是人类当中。

    Dr Thornhill thought this preference forsymmetry might turn out to be universal in the animal kingdom (and itdoes indeed seem to be). In particular, he showed it is true of people.


  • 冈瑟拥有麦当娜手里买来迈阿密豪宅,还拍卖会上买来了个稀有

    Gunther IV has bought a Miami villa from Madonna and won a rare white truffle in an auction.


  • 张照片看上去像是电脑合成恶搞,或者来自几个平行宇宙的抓拍,在那里已故20偶像们一起出来玩,更何况这两个人是猫王艾尔维斯·普莱斯利理查德·尼克

    The image looks like a computer-generated joke, or maybe a snapshot from some parallel universe where the dead ICONS of the 20th century hang out together-even Elvis Presley and Richard Nixon.


  • 其中一部分存活长叶另一部分20当地砍伐后留下树桩

    Some were still alive, and some were in the form of stumps left from logging that took place on the site at the beginning of the 20th century.


  • 与20纪80年代90年代接管共和党那些人相比,尼克一个激进的自由派

    Compared with the Republicans who took over the party in the 1980s and 1990s, President Nixon was a wild-eyed liberal.


  • 俳文(haibun)是个日文名称,源于17纪僧侣诗人尾芭蕉(BashoMatsuo)的嵌俳句的诗文云游日记

    Haibun is the Japanese name for 17th Centurey poet-monk Basho Matsuo's poetic-prose travel journals which were studded with haiku.


  • 尼克演讲进行到一半的时候,有人告诉标牌上着:“巨额贷款怎么样了?” ---它的是HowardHughes(20纪美国电影节风云人物)借给尼克哥哥的笔有争议的巨款。

    Halfway through his speech, Nixon is informed that the signs read "What about the huge loan"—a reference to a controversial loan Howard Hughes had made to Nixon's brother.


  • 作者:蒋可廖巧玲蒋小剑,李胜,邓永梅目的提高机械通气患者留置胃一次性插管的成功率,减少插管过程不良反应

    Objective: To enhance the success ratio of the machinery ventilates patient's leaving alone stomach tube intubates disposable, reduced responded bad occurrence in the process of intubation.


  • 19乌兹坎查:全长38厘米,柄14厘米,

    Wuzi with silver scabbard handle in 19 century: full length 38cm, handle length 14cm, Dao base is slightly loose.


  • 烛台图表本来传奇商人本间宗久日本大米18介绍西方史蒂夫在上个纪。

    Candlestick charts are originally used by legendary Japanese rice trader Homma Munehisa in 18th century, and introduced to western world by Steve Nison in last century.


  • 这种“启迪之路”的宗教仪式起源于8。 1885年以来只有其他46位佛教天台大师完成了这种仪式,这些大师称为马拉大师”。

    Since 1885, only 46 other so-called "marathon monks" of the Tendai sect have lived through the ritual, which dates to the 8th century and is believed to be a path to enlightenment.


  • 起源于公元前5雅典长跑运动员费迪皮迪兹故事,他以传令官的身份马拉雅典26英里宣告希腊战争中的胜利最后却牺牲生命

    It came from the story in the 5th century B. C. how a herald named Phidippides ran the 26 miles from Marathon to Athens to announce the Greek victory and died on the spot.


  • 起源于公元前5雅典长跑运动员费迪皮迪兹故事,他以传令官的身份马拉雅典跑了26英里宣告希腊战争中的胜利最后却牺牲了

    It came from the story in the 5th century B. C. how a herald named Phidippides ran26 miles from Marathon to Athens to announce the Greek victory and died on the spot.


  • 出现确诊病例特勒·德中国没有出现确诊流感病例或者卫组织描述疑似病例。

    No confirmed cases Troedsson says there are no confirmed cases of swine flu in China or even what the WHO describes as probable cases.


  • 首次短短一周2009年博登微调卡尔e级预计将购买更多'精彩'的内容普通轿车

    Set to debut in just one week at the 2009 Tuning World Bodensee, the Carlsson E-Class is expected to add some more 'exciting' elements to the ordinary sedan.


  • 首次短短一周2009年博登微调卡尔e级预计将购买更多'精彩'的内容普通轿车

    Set to debut in just one week at the 2009 Tuning World Bodensee, the Carlsson E-Class is expected to add some more 'exciting' elements to the ordinary sedan.


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