• 这座教堂11纪时君主康斯坦丁·莫诺建造

    This church was built by the Emperor Constantine Monomarchus in the eleventh century.


  • 甚至19纪60年代,就已经一个相当广泛元素线模式

    There was a pretty extensive library of spectral line patterns of elements even by the 1860s.


  • 我们担心,按照现在消耗速度那个地下储存20年内枯竭,而21纪末留给地球的将几乎都是游离氦。

    The fear is that, at current consumption rates, that underground bunker will be empty within 20 years, leaving the earth almost helium-free by the end of the 21st century.


  • 卫组织通过全球卫生观察站网络门户以及负责提供大量疾病卫生指标统计数据,公布数据分析结果

    WHO makes its data and analyses accessible through the Global Health Observatory portal as well as databases that provide statistics on a wide range of diseases and health indicators.


  • 卫组织家用能源数据用来监测更清洁燃料以及改良炉灶过渡方面全球进展,同时还有助于评估家庭能源带来疾病负担

    The WHO household energy database is used to monitor global progress in the transition to cleaner fuels and improved stoves and to contribute to assessments of disease burden from household energy.


  • 卫组织国际项目将争取创建一个全球氡数据提供界范围内有关氡相关疾病负担更好的全球估计。

    The WHO International radon Project also aims to create a global radon database and provide improved global estimates of the disease burden associated with radon worldwide.


  • 广大的层面组织会员国技术规划产生出版物数据以及各区域办事处那里收集信息用来判明趋势

    On a broader level, WHO draws information from Member States, publications and databases produced by its technical programmes and regional offices to identify trends.


  • 1415年,亨利六阿让尔攻打法国,取得出其不意决定性胜利,刺激了获得法国王冠的愿望。

    His unexpectedly decisive victory over the French at Agincourt in 1415 whetted his appetite for the crown of France as well.


  • 卫组织精神卫生地图集数据显示非洲东南亚大多数国家只有不足1%卫生预算用于精神卫生。

    WHO's mental health Atlas database shows that a majority of countries in Africa and South-East Asia spend less than 1% of their health budget on mental health.


  • 现在几乎有100个国家已经建立起国家体系药品不良反应组织合作中心(普萨拉监测中心)管理数据做出报告

    Nearly 100 countries now have national systems in place to report ADRs to the database managed by the WHO Collaborating Centre, the Uppsala Monitoring Centre.


  • 为了严酷冬季生存,早在19后期西伯利亚俄罗斯远东地区的居民开始搜寻啮齿类动物食物储藏

    To survive brutal winters, inhabitants of Siberia and the Russian Far East as recently as the late 19th century raided food stores-of rodents.


  • 罗德岛上的贝尔城堡纽波特,于1894年,仿造路易凡尔赛宫狩猎奥利弗·贝尔蒙特建造

    Newport, R.I. 's Belcourt Castle, built in 1894 for Oliver Belmont, was modeled after Louis XIII's hunting lodge at Versailles.


  • 现有理论中,专家提出亨利八可能患有II糖尿病梅毒综合症(内分泌失调症)粘液腺瘤甲状腺功能减退引起。

    Among other theories, experts have proposed that Henry suffered from Type II diabetes, syphilis, an endocrine problem called Cushing's syndrome, or myxedema, which is a byproduct of hypothyroidism.


  • 很可能已经听说这个就是闻名奶酪比赛

    You might have already heard about this one, it is the famous world known Cooper’s Hill Cheese-Rolling Race.


  • 鲁兹说:“直到18绘画作品里所暗藏寓意极度重视起来。”

    At least until the 18th century, the allegorical side of painting was extremely important.


  • 因特网21全球人才

    Think of the Internet as the 21st century global talent pool.


  • 根据组织全球血液安全数据血液安全指标》。

    Based on WHO Global Database on Blood Safety (GDBS) and Blood Safety Indicators.


  • 结果,在史密斯博士作为主管一个数据中,犹他州血统人口资源包括160万份早期1800到1970纪中居住于此的居民家谱记录

    As a result, Utah's Pedigree and Population Resource, a database of which Dr Smith is the director, contains 1.6m genealogical records for people in the state from the early 1800s to the 1970s.


  • 研究小组查阅犹他州居民资讯数据数据储存资讯最早可追溯到19纪初期

    The research team used the Utah Population Database, an enormous genealogical record of Utah residents dating back to the early 1800s.


  • 5月18日吉尼斯认定瓦伦汀前一年龄纪录保持者--来自佐治亚州梦露的贝斯 ·伯多活48

    On May 18, Guinness determined that Valentim was 48 days older than the person previously considered the world's oldest human, Besse Cooper from Monroe, Georgia.


  • 原因可能与20纪90年代使用关系数据理由相同

    Well, possibly for the same reasons you might have considered using relational databases in the early 1980s.


  • 19后期上海出现最具上海特色居民住宅

    Shikumen (literally"stone gate") is an architectural style that first appeared in late nineteenth century. Shikumen-style buildings are characteristic residential buildings of Shanghai.


  • 之后就在四月那天康士坦丁一罗马帝王王位转交的一位弄臣

    So, on April first, Constantine handed over the reins of the Roman Empire for one day to King Kugel, his jester.


  • 因此四月当天,君士坦丁一罗马帝国的统治权交给了的一个小丑--吉尔国王

    Thus, in April the same day , Constantine I the right to rule the Roman Empire to him a clown - Kuji Er king.


  • 土尔芬兰西南城市波罗位于赫尔辛基以西。建立13早期,在1812年以前一直芬兰的首都。人口162,282。

    A city of southwest Finland on the Baltic Sea west of Helsinki. Settled in the early13th century, it was the capital of Finland until1812. Population, 162, 282.


  • 21知识经济时代面对数据爆炸知识贫乏现实,人们提出数据挖掘思想将其广泛应用数据管理各个领域。

    In the 21st century of the knowledge and economic time and facing with the fact of bursting data but poor knowledge, data mining has been put forward and applied in many fields of database management.


  • 《经济学人》发布了2016年生活成本报告根据各种产品服务成本对各国进行了排名

    The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) produced its Worldwide cost of Living 2016 report, ranking countries based on the cost of various products and services.


  • 以往年里卫组织城镇空气污染监督数据扩大了将近目前已覆盖103个国家的3000个城镇。

    In the past two years, the WHO's database of cities monitoring air pollution has nearly doubled - now covering 3000 cities in 103 countries.


  • 以往年里卫组织城镇空气污染监督数据扩大了将近目前已覆盖103个国家的3000个城镇。

    In the past two years, the WHO's database of cities monitoring air pollution has nearly doubled - now covering 3000 cities in 103 countries.


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