• 海梅一世大人格心理学小组两个跨文化项目补充了他们研究

    The Personality and Psychopathology Group at the UJI has complemented these studies with two transcultural projects.


  • 2003年,海梅研究者五百名中学生进行了纵向预期研究

    In 2003, researchers at the UJI launched a prospective longitudinal study with a sample of about 500 teenagers from the secondary school.


  • 埃米利亚诺·卡卢乔·卡洛斯指出即使是现在西班牙创造2000年起其他欧洲国家更多工作岗位

    Even now, Spain has created more jobs (net) since 2000 than any other big European country, points out Emiliano Carluccio of Carlos III University.


  • 但是如果方面都具有了,即基因同伴饮酒的影响,按照海梅一世大研究这个人的饮酒量就会呈指数式增长

    But if you join both, genetic and consumption by equals, the own consumption grows exponentially, according to the studies carried out at the UJI.


  • 从未忘记20纪30年代经济萧条时期所目睹艰辛

    He never forgot the hardships he witnessed during the Great Depression of the 1930s.


  • 亨利第一承认爱尔兰领主国王

    Henry II was the first king to be recognized as overlord of Ireland.


  • 更新野生动物重返可以促使美国一些种子颗粒植物重现,比如麦克鲁

    Like Pleistocene rewilding could spark the re-emergence of large seeded American plants, such as the maclura tree.


  • 开始20纪30年代萧条时期,用来雇佣失业艺术家

    It was started during the Depression in the 1930s to employ out-of-work artists.


  • 历史学家失业问题有所关注他们关注是20纪30年代萧条

    When historians have paid any attention at all to unemployment, they have focused on the Great Depression of the 1930's.


  • 始于1929年贯穿了整个20纪30年代的经济萧条让这些发展变得更加困难。

    These developments were made worse by the Great Depression, which began in 1929 and extended throughout the 1930s.


  • 17纪以来伦敦第三功能就是充当国内和国际证券交易所,负责股票股份银行业商业以及越来越多保险交易

    London's third great function, since the seventeenth century, has been that of national and international bourse: the exchange of stocks and shares, banking, commerce and, increasingly, insurance.


  • 14文艺复兴时期佛罗伦萨创造力爆发之后,现代见证已有认知背离

    Following the explosion of creativity in Florence during the 14th century known as the Renaissance, the modern world saw a departure from what it had once known.


  • 这些发展萧条恶化了,始于1929年,一直延续到20纪30年代。1929年,赫伯特·胡佛总统的领导联邦农业委员会成立了。

    These developments were made worse by the Great Depression, which began in 1929 and extended throughout the 1930s. In 1929, under President Herbert Hoover, the Federal Farm Board was organized.


  • 变化是,20纪80年代香槟生产销售达到创纪录水平繁荣时期销量一直下降

    The biggest change has been the decrease in sales since the great boom years in 1980s when champagne production and sales reached record levels.


  • 20纪初,营养不良儿童传染病成为了两阻碍。

    At the start of the 20th century, under-nutrition and childhood infections got in the way.


  • 在20纪80年代中期金属午餐可谓是后来塑料午餐盒开始风靡。

    The metal lunch box craze lasted until the mid-1980s,when plastic took over.


  • 卫组织确认了气候变化健康后果

    WHO has identified five major health consequences of climate change.


  • 回忆说郑小时候是个冲动球员,有时会不良行为出场

    He remembers him as a hotheaded kid who was sometimes taken out of a game for bad behavior.


  • 尽管尝试放弃的(韩国)国籍知名度还是跨越了边界

    Despite his attempt to renounce his citizenship, Jong's popularity extends to both sides of the border.


  • 20超级矛盾冲突划清界限不同,在我们斗争中,将会发生区域混乱敌军扩散的情况。

    And unlike the great power conflicts and clear lines of division that defined the 20th century, our effort will involve disorderly regions and diffuse enemies.


  • 维持欧亚权力平衡恰恰正是博弈始终的焦点所在。

    And keeping the powers of the Eurasian world island off balance is precisely what the Great Game has always been about.


  • 据了解,不孕不育或成为21第3严重疾病仅次于癌症心血管疾病

    Infertility and sterility is expected to be the 3rd most serious disease worldwide in the 21st century, after cancer and cardiovascular diseases.


  • 萧条作为20经济灾难已经深深植根于美国人心中

    The great Depression is seared into Americans' minds as the greatest economic catastrophe of the 20th century.


  • 你们部分人相比,优势就是了解19生活

    I have the advantage over most of you in knowing what it was like to live in the 19th century.


  • 南非开普敦灯光映照山脚全球投票结果结束后,桌山是入选又一新七自然奇观之一。

    The lights of South Africa's Cape Town illuminate the foot of Table Mountain, another of the world's seven natural wonders as chosen by voters round the world.


  • 只有名球员免遭调查,即日本出生的安英学他们比赛之后直接飞往了日本。

    Only two players avoided the inquisition - Japanese-born Jong Tae-se and an Yong-hak, who flew straight to Japan after the tournament.


  • 前锋主力球赛结束时跪下,他非常失望,犯下太多错误他因无法祖国完成界杯梦想向祖国谢罪,一向说话很多的不久从另一个出口溜出场外。

    Star forward Jong Tae se dropped to his knees as the game ended. He said he was upset they had made so many errors and apologized to his nation for failing to fulfill its World Cup hopes.


  • 波鸿队体育主管托马斯一名实力强劲的前锋表示俱乐部相信证明自己实力

    The club's sports director Thomas Ernst said Jong is "a very powerful striker" and the club is "sure that he will prove his capabilities with us".


  • 波鸿队体育主管托马斯一名实力强劲的前锋表示俱乐部相信证明自己实力

    The club's sports director Thomas Ernst said Jong is "a very powerful striker" and the club is "sure that he will prove his capabilities with us".


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