• 加州何塞路德赎其他支教徒会众(包括韩国和越南浸礼会教徒)共用一个

    The Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church in San Jose, California, shares its building with four other congregations, including Korean and Vietnamese Baptists.


  • 组织将召开一次有关住房健康气候变化问题的研讨会这使国家和国际层面的卫生、建筑和住房方面的专家参与者会聚

    WHO is convening a workshop on housing, health and climate change, bringing together experts and actors in health, building and housing at national and international levels.


  • 山坡屋里悄悄掀起窗帘,窥见园中大千繁华,自己的哥姐,表弟兄,也穿插其间,个个喜气洋洋。

    In the small house on the slope, I quietly lifted the curtain, only to be met by a great and prosperous world with my elder brothers and sisters and my Cousins among the guests, all in jubilation.


  • 默顿先生描述过大阪岛米市(Dojimaricemarket)如何17提供远期合约于18组织期货交易

    Mr Merton has described how Osaka's Dojima rice market offered forward contracts in the 17th century and organised futures trading by the 18th century.


  • 35里,二氧化碳骑士第三主持(我们尊敬先知约翰·廷托尔john Tyndall)得以展示大师手迹

    Within 35 years the 3rd Warden of the Grand Temple of the Knights Carbonic (our revered prophet John Tyndall) was able to "demonstrate" the Master's thesis.


  • ,一草一

    A flower a paradise, a world.


  • 顶尖英语演讲者齐聚上海参加今年21联想”,过去现在冠军上了一语言

    The top English speakers gathered in Shanghai for this year's "21st Century Lenovo Cup". Take a language lesson from champions past and present.


  • 知名的专业展会中,届时各地的业内人士共聚,进行观摩交流采购订货

    In this world-renowned professional exhibition, will be with the industry around the world gathered together to watch the exchange and procurement orders.


  • 导师关爱每一慈爱瞬那,是我们一生经验永生理念界的不灭时光。

    Tutor's care is the glim of her eyes, and the untamed light of all our life in the experience world and a eternal ideal world.


  • 《岁寒诗话浪诗话》是宋代蔚为大观诗话中的杰出代表著作以其卓越理论价值著称

    As the outstanding writings of Song Dynasty, "Sui Han Tang Shi Hua" and "Cang Lang Shi Hua" have excellence and famous theory value.


  • ,一,一叶菩提,一如来,一净土,一尘缘,一清净莲花

    A flowered world, a grass heaven, a bodhi, an earth Tathagata, a side pure land, as soon as smiles a fatality of this world, as soon as reads one pure, the heart resembles the lotus flower to start.


  • 一时期著名建筑1506年4址上重建,1626年竣工罗马圣彼得

    This time most famous church construction was in 1506 reconstructs in 4 centuries old halls site, in 1626 was completed Roman saint Peter great hall.


  • 1995年冠军苏格兰传奇车手科林·麦克雷凭借网络投票成功入选雅典卫城拉力赛名人

    The 1995 world champion Colin McRae will be inducted into the Acropolis Rally's Hall of Fame after the legendary Scot topped an online poll.


  • 山坡小屋里悄悄掀起窗帘窥见园中大千界,一片繁华自己的哥表兄弟穿插其间,个个喜气洋洋

    I quietly lifted the curtain of the chamber and caught a glimpse of the wonderful and bustling scene in the garden. I saw my brothers, sisters and Cousins were all there; radiant with joy.


  • ,一把握心里就是无限。永恒就消融一个时辰

    To see a world in a grain of a sand. And a heaven in a wild flower. Hold infinity in the palm of your hand. And eternity in an hour.


  • 威廉·布莱克,一无限握手掌永恒在刹那间收藏。

    William Blake: To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.


  • 2 0纪末,《·吉诃德》翻译研究取得了新的成果,“·吉诃德”次引人注目地成了学术界研究人类精神现象的一个重要理论范畴

    By the end of the 20th century, translations and studies of Don Quixote have been advanced further and Don Quixote has become an important theoretical category.


  • 2 0纪末,《·吉诃德》翻译研究取得了新的成果,“·吉诃德”次引人注目地成了学术界研究人类精神现象的一个重要理论范畴

    By the end of the 20th century, translations and studies of Don Quixote have been advanced further and Don Quixote has become an important theoretical category.


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