• 20初,威妮弗雷丈夫来到

    In the early 1900's, Winifred arrived in Silver City with her husband.


  • 但是13阿兹特克文明基本上今天墨西哥所在

    But the Aztec civilization back in the thirteenth century is basically where Mexico city is today.


  • 这个村子附近他们发掘一座基辅遗迹这座认为建于公元1

    Near the village they excavated remains of an ancient city which was larger than Kiev.The city is considered to be founded in the 1st century!


  • 这个村子附近他们发掘一座基辅遗迹,这座认为建于公元1

    Near the village they excavated remains of an ancient city which was larger than Kiev. The city is considered to be founded in the 1st century!


  • 耗资巨大的17二条证明日本不是一样东西都与武力限制有关

    The lavish 17th-century castle Nijo-jo is proof that not everything in Japan is about restraint.


  • 希腊女神雅典娜庙宇特农神庙建于公元前5雅典

    Greek goddess Athena's temple, the Parthenon was built in the 5th century BC on the Athenian Acropolis.


  • 这里收集令人吃惊纽约追溯到20页的历史照片

    This collection contains amazing historic photos of NYC that date back to the first half of the 20th century.


  • 相信,2010年,上海能够,再下一,为奉献一个精彩的博盛会。

    I believe Shanghai will carry the success to a higher level in 2010 by presenting the world with a wonderful world Expo.


  • 足球原名国家第一银行体育场为了举办2010年界杯,整个体育场都进行了升级

    Previously named the FNB Stadium, the facility underwent an upgrade for the 2010 World Cup games.


  • 21早期更是有过之而无不及。 人们亚特兰蒂斯热情简直接近疯狂。

    Not to be outdone, the early 21st century has seen a flurry of Atlantisitis.


  • 二十五年过去了,现在金融规模大多了:20纪90年代早期宽大门西面英里金丝雀码头CanaryWharf构建了第二个建筑群;

    A quarter of a century on, the City is far bigger: it established a second cluster in the early 1990s at Canary Wharf, a few miles east of Broadgate.


  • 网3月16日消息:“2010中国博旅游年全球博旅游推广月”活动15日意大利首都罗马举行启动仪式

    The official promotion campaign of the 2010 World Expo was launched in Rome yesterday by Italian and Chinese officials in an opening ceremony featuring traditional dragon dances.


  • 2000年发布龙与地下的第三,第四版计划今年6月发布。

    The company released Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition in 2000, and Dungeons & Dragons 4.0 is scheduled to ship in June.


  • 教学一直是巴尔加斯。略萨先生生命一部分时断时续地20纪60年代起英国的多所大学担任教职,后来哈佛大学哥伦比亚大学乔治大学教过书。

    Teaching has been a part of Mr. Vargas Llosa's life, on and off, since the 1960s, when he had posts at universities in Britain, and later at Harvard, Columbia and Georgetown.


  • 大卫·席尔瓦2010年界杯冠军获得者,同时也被曼球迷评为10月份11月份最佳球员

    World Cup winner Silva, voted City's player of the month for both October and November, has started every game of late whereas Mancini has shuffled the rest of his pack.


  • 穿而过河流这它自己的悉尼海港大桥以及一个盲目复制横穿法国巴黎亚历山大大桥。

    The river through the city also has its own Sydney Harbour Bridge, as well as a copy-cat Alexandre III Bridge straight out of the French capital, Paris.


  • 希腊女神雅典娜庙宇特农神庙建于公元前5雅典

    Greek goddess Athena 's temple, the Parthenon was built in the 5th century BC on the Athenian Acropolis.


  • 玻利维亚第一个首都苏克雷16上半叶西班牙人建立

    Sucre, the first capital of Bolivia, was founded by the Spanish in the first half of the 16th century.


  • 文章告诉人们,拉斯·韦加斯不仅赌场闻名于而且也是一座非常美丽市。

    It tells that Lasvegas not only is world famous for its casino, but also is a very nice city.


  • 位于幽暗入口处国王泰纳留斯·米奈希尔坟墓可能仅仅一座供公众凭吊的衣冠冢

    The tomb of King Terenas Menethil the Third at the entrance to the Undercity is proberley empty and meant for public show only.


  • 因此查理廓也遭受菲利浦——奥斯都的命运

    So Charles V. 's wall suffered the fate of that of Philip Augustus.


  • 1995年冠军苏格兰传奇车手科林·麦克雷凭借网络投票成功入选雅典拉力赛名人堂。

    The 1995 world champion Colin McRae will be inducted into the Acropolis Rally's Hall of Fame after the legendary Scot topped an online poll.


  • 虽然贝尔纳多不是瑞典宫廷的首选,但唯一一个亨利(俩都出生于波)一样,愿意为了王座转变信仰的。

    Though Bernadotte was not the Swedish emissaries' first choice at the imperial court, he was the only one who, like his fellow townsman Henry IV, was prepared to change his religion for a throne.


  • 第八末叶,罗马教徒出来主张说,在早期教会中,罗马主教本来就有他们现在所有属灵权力

    About the close of the eighth century, papists put forth the claim that in the first ages of the church the bishops of Rome had possessed the same spiritual power which they now assumed.


  • 17晚期到18早期西方最早义务教育发源于德国哥达县、Calemberg尤其是普鲁士

    The earliest compulsory education in the West began in the late 17th century and early 18th century in the German states of Gotha, Calemberg and, particularly, Prussia.


  • 17晚期到18早期西方最早义务教育发源于德国哥达县、Calemberg尤其是普鲁士

    The earliest compulsory education in the West began in the late 17th century and early 18th century in the German states of Gotha, Calemberg and, particularly, Prussia.


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