• 美国专利商标局认为这一方法过于抽象驳回申请

    The USPTO concluded that the process was too abstract and denied the application.


  • 巴马已经通过国会计划专利商标局通过收取费用加速审批进度。

    Mr Obama has endorsed congressional plans to let it charge more to speed things up.


  • 实用新型德国专利商标局颁布,自1987年1月1日起开始实施

    This Law was promulgated by German Patent and Trademark Office. And the data of implementation was January 1, 1987.


  • 积压了大量申请专利商标局需要长达4的时间才能审批一项专利申请。

    The backlogged patent and Trademark Office can take up to four years to approve a patent application.


  • 现在报道美国专利商标局拒绝了Google Nexus One商标申请

    Now it's being reported that the U.S. Patent and trademark Office has rejected its application for a trademark on the name Nexus One.


  • 过去12个月里美国专利商标局中国方面签订了关于加强知识产权合作备忘录

    In the past 12 months, the United States Patent and Trademark Office signed three Memorandums of Understanding with its Chinese counterparts to enhance cooperation on intellectual property issues.


  • 纸诉状上公堂之前,必须先在专利商标局所谓侵权人质询专利有效性

    One would let an alleged infringer of a patent challenge its validity at the patent and Trademark Office (PTO), rather than going to court.


  • 第一,被指控侵权者不必前往法庭,可到专利商标局(PTO)为合法性进行辩护。

    One would let an alleged infringer of a patent challenge its validity at the patent and Trademark Office (PTO),...


  • 如果大家商标问题兴趣,我会以后给大家介绍,也可以访问美国专利商标局网站获取更多信息

    If you are interested in trademark issues I may be talking more about them on this site going forward but definitely visit the United States Patent and trademark Office for more information.


  • 今年4月,美国专利商标局广州办事处中国国家知识产权局深圳联合开展关于专利申请执法项目

    And in April, PTO Guangzhou and the State Intellectual Property Office jointly organized a program on patent filing and enforcement in Shenzhen.


  • 企业使用美国专利商标局联机系统搜索所有联盟商标登记册记录,看看提议名称有没有使用

    Businesses should first use the USPTO's online system to search all state and federal trademark registers to see if their proposed name is being used.


  • 根据美国专利商标局网站信息显示,今年12月哈佛大学将拥有名为“哈佛衣服主要T-shirt商标

    Harvard obtained a trademark on the phrase “Harvard Yardfor clothing, mainly T-shirts, in December, according to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s Web site.


  • 植物新品种保护法丹麦专利商标局颁布,自1988年11日起开始实施最近一次修订法律的生效日期1996年1月1日。

    This Act is promulgated by Danish Patent and Trademark Office, and the date of entry into force is January 1, 1988. The date of entry into force of latest amendment is January 1, 1996.


  • 专利商标局认为“NexusOne这个名称俄勒冈州波特兰Integra电信公司旗下的Nexus固定宽带语音服务T1网络产品相近。

    The name "Nexus One" was ruled too close to Portland, Oregon based Integra Telecom's own registered trademark for its Nexus fixed bandwidth integrated voice and internet T1 product.


  • 通过美国专利商标局(USPTO)专利数据库检索过程的实例说明,介绍专利网络检索方法,供用户检索美国专利文献时参考使用

    The methods for USPTO patent database searching were introduced by examples, so as to be used to search patents in United States.


  • 专利商标局一直站在支持者们那边并且颁发了数千关于各种生物基因专利包括估计20%的人类基因。

    The patent and Trademark Office has sided with the proponents and has issued thousands of patents on genes of various organisms, including on an estimated 20 percent of human genes.


  • 不仅仅美国专利商标局(USPTO)缺乏严格审核程序而导致失败

    It is not simply a failure of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to scrutinise applications more rigorously.


  • 网站已经美国专利商标局要求出示一个使用说明”,解释如何使用这个词。

    The site has been asked to detail a "statement of use" by the US Patent and Trademark Office, explaining how it intends to use the word.


  • 美国专利商标局文件显示,富士通已正式将iPad商标转让苹果

    Fujitsu agreed to assign over all rights to the iPad name to Apple, according to US Patent and Trademark Office records.


  • 但是以来,美国专利商标局采取放任态度,已经软件专利泛滥,哪怕他们一无所用或者完全混乱

    But for years, the default of the United States Patentand Trademark Office has been to grant software patents even when they areimpossibly broad or utterly confusing.


  • 西班牙专利商标局已经马德里工业大学和雷伊胡安卡洛斯大学发明的这个设备授予标号为ES2 339 100B2的西班牙专利

    The Spanish Patent and Trademark Office has awarded the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Spanish patent ES 2 339 100 B2 for the device.


  • 20年间美国专利商标局分配给美国实体专利增长率平均为每年7%左右。

    The annual growth rate of USPTO patents assigned to U.S. entities during this period averaged around 7%.


  • 密尔沃基哨兵报的约翰.施密德,分析了美国专利商标局的数据后发现,截至2009年,120万项专利在排队等待批准,相比10年前是接近数量

    that as of 2009, there were more than 1.2 million patents awaiting approvalnearly triple the number a decade earlier.


  • 美国专利商标局(USPTO)获取并处理数据。USPTO虽然不是完美的发明指标但是可能是一个发明的公平代理人

    She drew her data from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) -not a perfect indicator of inventiveness, but probably a fair proxy for it.


  • 公司独家拥有注册商标已经国家商标局申请专利保护的食品类专有品牌品牌在武汉及全国均享有盛誉。

    The company registered exclusive trademark and has been applied for patent protection of proprietary food brand to the Chinese Trademark Office.


  • 苹果2009年向美国专利商标局申请这项专利

    Apple applied for patent at U. S. patent and Trademark Office in 2009.


  • 苹果2009年向美国专利商标局申请这项专利

    Apple applied for patent at U. S. patent and Trademark Office in 2009.


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