• 通过个人专业文化遭遇对于地区文化以及设计成果影响有了一些认识。

    Through my personal and professional cultural encounters, I gained insights of regional cultures and their influence on design outcome.


  • 明顺通过专业文化角度设计理念把握客户心理需求,设计出新奇个性主题餐厅

    Hong Hua Mingshun through professional cultural perspective and design concept, grasp the customer's psychological needs, design a new personality theme restaurant.


  • 因此占主导地位批判成为艺术史学家们所使用的方法一种专业学术方法,致力于艺术品所创作时代文化背景下发现艺术品的意义”。

    Consequently, the dominant critical approach becomes that of the art historian, a specialized academic approach devoted to "discovering the meaning" of art within the cultural context of its time.


  • 35岁,成为一个专业资讯科技人员12这个公司工作有5年了。因为告知什么,所以他喜欢现有集体文化

    Steve, 35, has been an IT professional for 12 years and at this company for five years: he likes the existing group culture because he is told what to do.


  • 几年沼泽湿地带着专业知识回到索马里兰,使命是开始挖掘文化底蕴

    Mire's professional journey brought her back to Somaliland a few years ago, where she embarked on a mission to unearth its cultural heritage.


  • 相比起竞争力专业程度来说,他们行为文化方面考虑的东西更多

    A. they have more to do with behavior and culture than they do with competence and expertise.


  • 有关如何最好提供统一视图决策通常根据组织中的工具可用性经验专业知识以及企业文化做出的。

    The decision on how best to provide this unified view are often set against the availability of tooling, experience, expertise and culture of the organization.


  • 公司需要雇佣一些掌握最新预测规划方法专业人员以及增进部门合作或许还要更改一些公司文化

    They also need to hire professionals trained in the latest methods of planning and forecasting. And to increase cooperation between departments, a change in corporate culture may be necessary.


  • 作为专业从事核技术国家日本建立核反应堆地震闻名于世。日本严谨商业文化也是土耳其不可多得文化财富

    Japan, as a country specialized in nuclear technology, is known to be building reactors resistant to earthquakes and the countrys disciplined business culture could be an asset to Turkey.


  • 同样在加州短缺不同语言能了解日益多样化的不同地区文化健康专业人士。

    California also faces shortages of health professionals who can speak the language and understand the cultures of the state's increasingly diverse population.


  • 其中一个普通民众”——文化产品消费者他们没有受到这个领域专业训练

    One of these are 'average members of the public' — consumers of cultural products who have no specialist training in the area.


  • 不仅影响心理学精神治疗专业实践同时他也改变了人们西方文化的领域里)观察自己思考他们生活的方法。

    Not only did he influence the professional practice of psychology and psychiatry, but he changed the way people (in Western cultures) view themselves and think about their lives.


  • 就读于北京理工大学自动化专业,21岁林佳吉表示自己愿意去留心一下文化上的东西,并非仅仅沉溺游戏本身。

    Rather than get addicted to the game, Lin Jiaji, a 21-year-old automation major at Beijing Institute of Technology, prefers to look to the cultural level.


  • 乔治·华盛顿大学人类学专业位积极进取本科生伊利莎白·尼斯迪克塞缪尔·绍尔近期学校一个项目中研究了“文化现象

    As two enterprising anthropology undergraduates at George Washington University, Elizabeth Nistico and Samuel Schall tackled the phenomenon of sugar daddy culture for a recent school project.


  • 另外一个原因专业投资银行员工个个薪酬丰厚、头脑固执他们难以屈就企业文化适应其它公司

    Another is that the pure investment Banks are packed with very highly paid, headstrong individuals who would be hard if not impossible to accommodate within any other company's culture.


  • 戏剧制作人一味地为了高票房去寻找名人而不顾他们天赋专业水准已经成为纽约文化生活一个事实

    It has become a fact of cultural life in New York that a theater producer in search of big box office will seek out a famous person, regardless of his or her talents or credentials.


  • 译文语言完美文化贴切美学共鸣方面,一些读者质疑这个年轻团队专业经验

    Some readers questioned the young team's expertise when it comes to pulling off a linguistically flawless, culturally apt and aesthetically evocative translated version.


  • 出国留学很多好处-可以文化交流经验所学专业新的认识,朋友

    There are many benefits to studying abroad - you will acquire cross-cultural experience, gain new perspectives on your chosen field of study, and make many new friends.


  • 受灾地区一般很危险根据工作人员专业知识语言能力对当地文化了解往往关键工作人员可以进入受灾地区。

    Disaster areas are generally dangerous and access is often limited to critical staff based on their expertise, language proficiency and cultural awareness.


  • 人们文化水平-无知变成了可以提出专业化的问题

    There has been a change in people's level of knowledge –from an uninformed level they are now very aware and ask many specific questions.


  • 一个旨在专业工艺战略工具至关重要文化力量提升行业整体设计水平的社团

    This is an association that is dedicated to advancing the overall design field as' a professional craft, strategic tool and vital cultural force 'in our society.


  • 由于专业英语很多外国老师所以他们身上学到本地文化

    As my major is English, I have many foreign teachers, so that I could have access to the local culture from them.


  • 20世纪90年代宝马成为努力奋斗年轻专业人士默认选择购买萨博成为一种古怪我行我素的代言——这完全通用企业文化相异。

    But whereas BMWs became the default choice of striving young professionals in the 1990s, buying a Saab was a statement of eccentric individualism-something utterly alien to GM's corporate culture.


  • 许多毕业生会选择英国海外继续求学攻读媒体传播文化相关专业的博士学位。

    Many of our students have also gone on to do PhDs in media, communications and culture in the UK and abroad.


  • 许多毕业生会选择英国海外继续求学攻读媒体传播文化相关专业的博士学位。

    Many of our students have also gone on to do PhDs in media, communications and culture in the UK and abroad.


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