• 相遇一书中,人际传播“我你”相遇相知相交过程

    In the book of interpersonal Encounters, interpersonal communication is the process in which people encounter, become acquainted and make friends with each other.


  • 如果地下水位地表相交,地下水在泉水处流出地表,聚集于或是随后沿着排水系统进一步流动

    If the water table intersect the land surface, groundwater will flow out onto the surface at springs, whether to be collected there or to subsequently flow farther along a drainage.


  • 小路繁忙大路相交

    The path intersected with a busy road.


  • 那条线相交两点

    The line cuts the circle at two points.


  • 克斯变得愈加绝望场景诱骗家人一起的场景相交切。

    He intercuts scenes of Rex getting more and more desperate with scenes of the abductor with his family.


  • 同时技艺纯熟工匠师傅们并不按照时间稳步地安排工作,他们喜欢享受更多闲暇时间集中赶工的生产方式。

    Also, skilled artisans did not work by the clock, at a steady pace, but rather in bursts of intense labor alternating with more leisurely time.


  • 希西家曾经享受亲密相交的喜乐,生命中的重要时刻,神却叫孤立无助,以此考验他的品格显露他的弱点,为的是预备他能担当更多的责任

    Hezekiah had enjoyed a close fellowship with God, but at a crucial point in his life God left him alone to test his character, to reveal a weakness, and to prepare him for more responsibility.


  • BPMMDM战略如何筒仓相交的?

    How does your BPM or MDM strategy intersect with Silos?


  • 我们说是相交却仍黑暗里行,就是说谎话,不行真理

    If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth.


  • 给定空间椭圆曲线,一个参数曲线有趣示例是,表示圆柱体斜面相交部分。

    Say that I give you an ellipse in space as maybe the more, well, one exciting way to parameterize an ellipse in space is maybe the intersection of a cylinder with a slanted plane.


  • 乃是外邦人所,是祭不是。我愿意你们相交

    But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils.


  • 对于一条给定线段相交水平线使用X<=Xi

    For a given horizontal line that intersects the segment, use X<=Xi, or


  • 我们说是相交,却仍黑暗里就是说谎话,不行真理

    If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth.


  • chopbox锚只查找线节点图形的边框相交

    A chopbox anchor just finds the point at which a line intersects the bounding box of the node's figure.


  • 一个字母来标记中的.如果提供图,你需要文字描述已命名点(如说明AEBD相交Z).

    Name each point you use with a letter. If you don't provide a diagram, you will need to describe the named points with words (ex., say "the intersection of AE and DB is G ").


  • 垂直线水平线在此相交

    The vertical line meets the horizontal one here.


  • 其实非常愚蠢因为每个人都知道宠物背后这事,”她,“实际上宠物主人宠物主人在朋友,并不会带来任何伤害。”

    "It's really silly because we all know it's really not the pets that are doing it," she said. "it's the people behind them that are making friends with other people."


  • 可以测试系统相交

    You can interact with the system under test.


  • 对方互相交信息但是到处音乐声喧闹声玻璃杯碰撞声,你必须大喊大叫才能让对方听清

    You want to hear their news and have a proper chat but you have to shout over the din of music, chatter and clinking glasses.


  • 这些培训消息比较大,而且有一部分是测试相交的。

    The training sets are both larger and partially disjoint from the testing collections.


  • 实际上因为一个特定的,用于某个领域剖析器协调工作API只有规则直接该类

    In fact, because this is a specific API used to work with the domain-specific parser, only rules will ever communicate directly with this class.


  • 开发一个用户界面流程模型显示典型会话期间来自业务流程给定如何系统相交

    Develop a model of the user interface flow, showing how a given actor from the business process will interact with the system during a typical "session".


  • 既然团队角色已经得到了定义需要展示怎样系统相交

    Now that the teams and roles are defined, you need to represent how they will interact with the system.


  • 中国酒吧喜欢摆很多桌子顾客一般都朋友家人然后只是

    Bars in China tend to have many tables. Customers generally come with friends or family and sit at a table and just talk with each other.


  • 由于说谎者不得不编造一个事实片段相交叉的故事他们难以判断要编造故事究竟有多长,以至于增加很多不必要的细节在里面。

    Since they have to create an alternate reality apart from the truth, liars have difficulty knowing how much of the new story to tell and will often include unnecessary details.


  • 另外提供了一个灵活语言框架公共语言运行库(CLR)相交互以便于编写高性能程序

    In addition, a flexible language framework is provided for interacting with the common language runtime (CLR) to write high-performance programs.


  • 消费者预期提供能够使用或者服务相交任意功能

    Any capabilities that consumers are expected to provide to be able to use or interact with the service.


  • 消费者预期提供能够使用或者服务相交任意功能

    Any capabilities that consumers are expected to provide to be able to use or interact with the service.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定