• 第二部分论述规范法律规范规则与法律规则区别

    The second part, discusses the differences and similarities between norms, legal norms, rules and legal rules.


  • 现实社会中,有些行为现象法律规范符合一定道德规范相冲突,或者是相反。

    In social practices, some behaviors and phenomena conform to the law stipulation, but don't conform to the ethical norms.


  • 裁判规范法律规范审判规范裁判标准案例指导原则、裁判摘要、裁判要旨等相关概念存在根本区别

    The norms of decision is different from the legal norms, the trial norms, the judicial criteria, the directing principles of case, judicial abstract, judicial gist.


  • 新生儿儿童卫生领域,儿童和青少年卫生发育把《儿童权利公约》作为满足婴幼儿喂养以及儿童生存规范法律框架

    In the area of newborn and child health, CAH increasingly USES the CRC as a normative and legal framework for addressing infant and young child feeding, and child survival.


  • 道德规范行为相关演练程序不仅件危险事情而且是一件法律相关的事情,就是为什么大多数道德行为执行官都是律师

    Exercising procedures related to ethics and conduct is not only a risky business; it is also a legal matter, which is why most ethics officers are lawyers.


  • 中国法律近代化转型时期国家制定成文法民间社会存在的习惯法并存,共同稳定规范着社会秩序

    In the modernization period of China 'laws, the statute law and the common law coexisted, and made joint efforts to stabilize and regulate the social order.


  • 对于营运需求法律义务规范任何更广泛社群责任透过系统化分析将能识别档案的此等需求

    These requirements for records are identified through a systematic analysis of business needs, legal and regulatory obligations and any broader responsibilities to the community.


  • 法律道德有层次性要求所有人都有作证的义务高层次的道德要求,法律只应规范低层次的道德内容。

    Both Law and moral are layered, the claim that demands every one to bear witness is the high level of moral. Law is the base line of moral.


  • 规范任何相关法律法规相冲突必须首先遵从法律法规。

    If a law conflicts with a policy in this Code, the employees must comply with the law.


  • 贵方同意遵守所有该等适用法规以及任何其它贵方贵方使用电子方式进行交易活动相关法律规范要求

    You agree to comply with all such Applicable Regulations and any other legal or regulatory requirements pertinent to you and your trading activity using Electronic Means.


  • 评审形式很多因素有关比如开发过程成熟度任何法律或者规范要求,或者审计需求。

    The formality of a review process is related to factors such as the maturity of the development process, any legal or regulatory requirements or the need for an audit trail.


  • 法律公平实质正义出发,增加合同条款效力界限规范

    Therefore the regulations about the limits of validity of contract clauses should be added according to legal fairness and substantial justice.


  • 法律规范层面民事强制执行程序存在着平衡生存权债权关系三层结构

    In the level of legal norms, civil enforcement procedures exist the three-tier structure for a balance between survival and claims.


  • 权力权利需要法律规范授予

    Power and right need to be granted by the law norm.


  • 社会规范就是道德自律法律强制维持社会秩序稳定重要工具

    The ritual and the punishment are society's standards, is also the moral autonomy and the legal compulsion, is the maintenance of social order and the stable important tool.


  • 法律道德社会调整体系紧密联系社会规范又是治理国家规范行为不同方法

    Law and morals are two kinds of social standard linked closely among the social adjustable system, and also are two different ways of governing the country and standardizing behavior.


  • 第三从事这项业务律师客户提供规范保理有关法律文件

    The third, the lawyer engaged in this business should offer the legal file related to it of the standard to the customer.


  • 事实上美国食品药品管理局没有决定根据法律应该如何以及是否规范雪茄

    Actually, the Food and Drug Administration hasn't yet decided how or even if they will regulate cigars under the law.


  • 法律形式主义容易导致孤立机械地理解法律漠视条文背后规范价值意义

    Legal formalism is apt to actuate an insular and inflexible understanding of law, disregarding the regularized value and meaning hidden under items and words.


  • 本文权限控制程序控制立法技术控制等方面,建立完善法律规范冲突的事前预防机制进行探讨

    This article, only from the angle of the right control, procedure control and legislation technical control, takes a probe into establishing and preventing the mechanism.


  • 为什么法律可以授予权利授权性规范语境入手,我们可以找到四种授权相关主体立法者、权利主体社会公众、法学家

    Why can the law invest right? From the context of the norm of invest right, four subjects could be found which are legislator, the right subject, the public, the jurist.


  • 所谓经济基础决定上层建筑,客观存在社会现象导致纠纷存在的必定可能,需要法律规范予以规制、调解

    The economic basis determines superstructure, and the objective social phenomenon caused inevitable existence of disputes, which need to be regulated and resolved by law.


  • 有关制度可以看出,法律规范法律规范界限是否规定公民权利义务,是否具有外部规范

    In Germany, Japan and the United States, the distinction between legal norms and non-legal norms is whether they have outer normative effect and whether they prescribe civil rights and obligations.


  • 大致具有法律逻辑上的错综复杂法律功能上的优势互补法律规范的相互转化种基本关系

    In general, soft law and hard law have three types of relationships: complexity in legal logics, complementary in legal functions, and convertible in norms.


  • 设计我国征信法律规范注意在同时强化信息分享隐私权保护的进程中,实现动态平衡明确权利,界定范围。

    The law should enhance both information sharing and privacy protection, while at the same time strike a dynamic balance, through clearly setting up the sc.


  • 设计我国征信法律规范注意在同时强化信息分享隐私权保护的进程中,实现动态平衡明确权利,界定范围。

    The law should enhance both information sharing and privacy protection, while at the same time strike a dynamic balance, through clearly setting up the sc.


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