• 邓波儿比尔·罗宾逊合作了电影他们上校》中楼梯舞蹈至今仍然电影里的传奇时刻

    Temple teamed with Bill Robinson in four movies, and their dance on the stairs in The Little Colonel is still a legendary film moment.


  • 鲁宾愿意比尔·盖茨相比

    Rubin doesn't like being compared to Bill Gates.


  • 汤姆挑动鲍勃比尔架。

    Tom stirred up a fight between Bob and Bill.


  • 朋友他们十分乐意比尔交往

    My friends were telling me how much they enjoyed Bill's company.


  • 接下来把车乡下去比尔.福勒见面,博克斯利农场

    Next, I drove out into the country to see Bill Fowler, who had a farm in Boxley.


  • 比尔·克林顿共用演讲代言人能够使合约中得到想要优惠

    Sharing a lecture agent with Bill Clinton means he can be as preferential as he wants in his engagements. What I love the most is the unapologetic and balls-out title of his speech


  • 比尔盖茨(Bill Gates)家人在一起,总会有人提到“泼事件”。

    Spend time with the family of Bill Gates, and eventually someone will mention the water incident.


  • 同时试图比尔·克林顿以及他的继任者乔治·布什创建更为亲密的合作伙伴关系

    At the same time he managed to create a close working relationship with Bill Clinton and later with George Bush.


  • 安德鲁·卡耐基比尔·盖茨等慈善家对图书馆大力捐赠不仅美国而且世界图书馆事业产生了深远影响

    Charitable donations of Andrew Carnegie and Bill Gates had a profound impact not only to the United States but also for the librarianship in the world.


  • 巴马任命人选可能过渡期间支持率很高原因之一民调显示,他比乔治·布什比尔·克林顿时期的支持率高出许多。

    Mr Obama's picks may be one reason why the approval rating of his transition is high, according to polls, and well above that of George Bush or Bill Clinton at similar points.


  • 比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)一样(盖茨向IBM提供个人电脑所需性能),解决一个其他人未能解决问题,而这个问题并非其他人没有想到的。

    Like Bill Gates, who provided IBM with the capabilities required for a personal computer, he solved a problem others had failed to solve, not a problem others had failed to imagine.


  • 约翰·贝鲁西比尔·默里全国讽刺作品表演会上一起扮演小丑

    He clowned with John Belushi and Bill Murray in National Lampoon shows.


  • 给了比尔一个公司总裁董事长主管经理厮混机会

    This gave Bill an opportunity to hobnob with the company's president, board chairman, and leading executives.


  • 埃隆·马斯克、斯蒂芬·霍金比尔·盖茨史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克等相比,格尔教授人工智能未来有着更为乐观的看法

    Professor Goel has a much rosier outlook on the future of artificial intelligence than, say, Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates or Steve Wozniak.


  • 微软比尔·盖茨保罗·艾伦1975年4月4创立,这一家全球性技术公司

    Microsoft founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen on April 4, 1975 is a global technology operation.


  • 比尔·盖茨相似,但这个行业中的其它不同的是,戴尔真正喜欢谋生的工作。

    Like Bill Gates and unlike almost everyone else in the industry, Dell really likes what he does for a living.


  • 这位财富仅次于微软创始人比尔·盖茨的亿万富翁表示公路相比铁路兼具环境成本两个优势

    The billionaire, whose wealth ranks second only to Microsoft's founder Bill Gates, said he believed that rail offered both environmental and cost advantages over road.


  • 迄今为止,小组得到了国家卫生研究院比尔梅琳达.盖茨基金会资助

    To date, his group’s work has been funded by the National Institutes of Health and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.


  • 毫无疑问,公众眼中,马云已经史蒂夫·乔布斯比尔·盖茨一样,自己公司血肉相连

    Ma, to be sure, has become as publicly associated with his company as Steve Jobs or Bill Gates have with theirs.


  • 不过,本书字里行间充斥着艾伦比尔盖茨怨恨,而艾伦正是盖茨一道,创办了一家技术世界改头换面的公司。

    But its pages are also permeated by a bitterness towards Bill Gates, the man with whom he created a company that transformed the world of technology.


  • 比尔善于编程其中一个原因就是蕴含的运算性逻辑性

    One of the reasons Bill was so good at programming is because it is mathematical and logical.


  • 另外其它14比尔梅琳达基金会帮助下逐步改善其图书馆的网络连接质量

    Furthermore, 14 more states are going to work with the Bill &Melinda Gates Foundation to help libraries work to secure stimulus funding.


  • 而设于布鲁塞尔利益集团——交通环境组织的比尔海明斯去却指出,生物燃料能否如愿取代传统燃料尚未成定论。

    Bill Hemmings of Transport & Environment, a pressure group based in Brussels, points out that nobody has any idea whether biofuels can play the transformative role expected of them.


  • 去年九月晚,比尔·盖茨沃伦·巴菲特相约50中国富有商界大鳄共进了一顿奢华晚宴,但晚宴的主题却不在经商。

    In SEPTEMBER last year Bill Gates and Warren Buffett sat down with 50 of China's richest tycoons to a sumptuous dinner of nothing at all.


  • 巴菲特微软创始人比尔·盖茨大约70印度富有什么给予洽商举行闭门会谈

    Buffett, along with Microsoft founder Bill Gates, also held a closed-door meeting with about 70 of India's richest men for what was termed a "giving discussion."


  • 巴菲特微软创始人比尔·盖茨大约70印度富有什么给予洽商举行闭门会谈

    Buffett, along with Microsoft founder Bill Gates, also held a closed-door meeting with about 70 of India's richest men for what was termed a "giving discussion."


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