• 但是当然特别喜欢责任待人友好乐于助人一起工作

    But of course, I especially enjoy working with people who are responsible, friendly and helpful.


  • 人们是个性子很好的但是当然,我特别喜欢责任待人友好乐于助人一起工作

    People say I~m a good-natured person. But, of course, I especially enjoy working with people who are responsible, friendly and helpful.


  • 但是过渡时期我们显然责任维持法律秩序

    But, in the interim, we obviously have a duty to maintain law and order.


  • 如果父母愿意重新协商,可以通过你的行为证明成熟度相匹配责任加快这个过程

    If your parents are reluctant to renegotiate, you can speed the process along by letting your behavior show that you have the responsibility that goes with maturity.


  • 研究表明由于缺乏睡眠额外的责任以及自己配偶关系改变五分之一的男人爸爸后变得抑郁

    One in five men become depressed after becoming fathers as they juggle lack of sleep, extra responsibilities and a changed relationship with their partners, new research shows.


  • 杂志:“目前仍可工作并且享受这些充满创意灵感之事,同时可以肩负好做母亲责任,对此我非常感激感激。 另外,一个布拉德这样愿意照顾孩子的伴侣真是件幸运的事,因为真不是件轻松的活儿。”

    I also love having a man like Brad who enjoys looking after the kids the way he does, because it’s a lot of work.


  • 因为要求我们每个人都他人福祉承担某种责任我们可能并不认识他们,我们可能他们不同信仰,我们他们的看法可能并非事事一致。

    For it asks each of us to take some measure of responsibility for the well-being of people we may not know or worship with or agree with on every issue.


  • 我崇敬着地球上一切美丽珍贵事物,感觉到自己责任全人类一 个健康富饶的家园尽心尽力

    Reverence for the beauty an preciousness of the earth, and a sense of responsibility to do what I can to make it a habitation of health and plenty for all men.


  • 儿童和青少年卫生发育司责任协调世卫组织委员会提供情况。

    CAH has the responsibility for coordinating WHO input to the work of the Committee.


  • 英国石油公司是这家联营企业龙头老大,又是出事平台租用方,所以这次漏油事件不可推卸的责任——理所当然义务承担“清油”一些第三损失赔偿费用。

    As BP led the consortium which owned the well and was leasing the rig, it is responsible for the spill-and therefore liable for the costs of cleaning up and some third-party damages.


  • 这不公平,因为有责任心的,明白为什么必须做出选择为何不能爱情工作兼得呢?

    This isn't fairI am committed – but I don't see why I have to choose: why can't I have love and interesting work?


  • 一些市场狂热拥护者认为一个价格产品责任公司成熟市场,唯一自下而上做法

    But some market enthusiasts assume that a full-blown market with prices and products and limited-liability companies is the only bottom-up approach.


  • 问题在于,随着惠普不愉快经历日日益清晰,取代俱乐部文化并非董事间像绅士友好地交换意见所谓的“责任”,常常是演变为冲突分歧

    The trouble is that, as the unhappiness at HP makes clear, the alternative to clubbishness is not some genteel exchange of views calledaccountability”, but often strife and division.


  • 在格兰特当政期间,美国发生了许多大事,很少直接卷入直接联系必须承担责任时,他才麻烦

    But he usually was not involved directly. He had problems only because he was linked indirectly to the men who were responsible.


  • 这个伟大繁荣土地我们很多东西心存感激,圣诞节提醒我们的责任他人分享这些祝福

    In this great and prosperous land, we have so much to be thankful for, and Christmas reminds us of our obligation to share these blessings with others.


  • MessageConverters责任完成JMS消息plainoldobjects之间转换,它本质上XML/对象映射器无异,支持JMS转换。

    MessageConverters are responsible for conversion between JMS messages and "plain old objects" and are identical in spirit to XML/Object mappers but with a JMS twist.


  • 俱乐部责任根据球员合同其支付薪水[8]。

    It is theresponsibility of the new club to pay the player’s salary in accordance withthe new contract with the player55.


  • 但是从未忘记自己出生国家——忘记自己有责任别人福同享

    But he never forgot the land of his birth - or the duty to share his blessings with others.


  • 但我们相信国会环境保护局有责任保护公众,在这种燃料安全性测试及其汽油动力发动机的兼容性测试没一五一十的完成之前,他们应该授权E15燃料的使用。

    They shouldn't authorise E15 unless full and complete scientific testing confirms it's safe and compatible with all gasoline-powered engines.


  • 人类责任照看其他王国但是迄今为止对待它们却是以鄙视缺乏关心的态度。

    Man was meant to look after the other Kingdoms, but hitherto has treated them with disdain and lack of caring.


  • 有责任PMI就违背道德规范相关信息收集进行合作

    Responsibility to cooperate with PMI concerning ethics violations and the collection of related information.


  • 陆慷中国知道自己有责任义务维护地区和平稳定

    China knows its responsibility and obligation to safeguard regional peace and stability, said Lu.


  • 车行区的作业使用必须得到部门批准承包商责任和义务与有关部门取得联系和协调。

    The work and use of driveway shall obtain approval from related departments, and the contractor shall be responsible for contacting related departments and coordinating with them.


  • 李先生更好人际能力并且更加亲近陈先生稍微显得更加能干并且责任

    Li is closer to you with better people skill, but Chen is slightly more capable and has more sense of responsibility.


  • 声称不可抗力举证责任证明不可抗力未履行本合同规定的该方义务直接关系

    A party claiming force majeure has the burden to prove the direct relationship between the force majeure and the non-performance of its obligations under this Agreement.


  • 鉴于我国目前立法司法现状赋予律师刑事责任豁免权一定必要性迫切性

    In view of the fact that our country present legislation and the judicial present situation, entrust with attorney the legal responsibility right of immunity to have certain necessity and the urgency.


  • 鉴于我国目前立法司法现状赋予律师刑事责任豁免权一定必要性迫切性

    In view of the fact that our country present legislation and the judicial present situation, entrust with attorney the legal responsibility right of immunity to have certain necessity and the urgency.


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