• 桑德伯格每周扎克伯格开两次会议,一次星期一早晨,一次在星期五下午

    Sandberg set up twice-a-week meetings with Zuckerberg, on Monday mornings and Friday afternoons.


  • 与扎克伯格一样是个超级极客,只不过另一种类型的:他吹毛求疵,有时甚至令人讨厌

    He's as big a geek as Zuckerberg, but of a different type: the hypercritical, even sometimes nasty type.


  • Spotify首席执行官丹尼尔·埃登台亮相,与扎克伯格一道大家展示Spotify全新音乐服务超级应用

    Daniel Ek, CEO of Spotify, took the stage alongside Zuckerberg to show off the music service's new super ap.


  • 安德烈亚扎克地下室米哈尔妻子两个孩子共用洗衣房单人浴室

    Andrea, Rick and Zack stayed in the basement department, sharing laundry and single bathroom with Michal, his wife and their two children.


  • 想起了扎克·拉宾名言:“朋友需要讲和的。”

    I remembered Yitzhak Rabin's adage: you do not make peace with your friends.


  • 但是,凯茨玛德扎克同事,马·汉密尔顿博士怀疑脂蛋白脂肪酶(LPL)的有关,分解血管内脂肪转化为能量

    But Marc Hamilton, Ph.D., one of Katzmarkzyk's colleagues, suspects it has to do with an enzyme called lipoprotein lipase (LPL), which breaks down fat in the bloodstream and turns it into energy.


  • 没有国际象棋上巴比·更强同样,即便编程语言技巧为众人所只有伯格能够这些语言和技巧一个社交网站联系起来。

    Nobody was ever better at chess than Bobby Fischer. Likewise, programming languages and techniques are widely known, but it was Zuckerberg who intuited how he could link them with a networking site.


  • 不过就算该书说脸书创立真实原因事实接近那也顶多只让两个创始人难堪因为中说扎克伯格萨维林创建那个网站,只是为了女朋友

    But even if it gets close to the truth of Facebook's origins, it will be embarrassing, since it claims that Zuckerberg and Saverin set up the website to meet girls.


  • 影片犯罪毒品相关剧情交错而成扎克在其中扮演主角一心求得飞黄腾达,不惜成为毒枭身边跑腿之人。

    The movie follows a series of interconnected storylines about crime and drugs, where Zac will play a young man hoping to get rich quick by taking the job as a runner for a cocaine dealer.


  • 据称扎克伯格Winklevosses订立口头协议,并承诺帮助建立网站作为回报,他将获得一部分权益

    Zuckerberg allegedly entered into a verbal contract with the Winklevosses, promising to help build the site in return for equity.


  • ·扎克伯格青少年交谈推出这项变革的灵感,B2B销售这项变革得到启示

    And while Mark Zuckerberg said he got the idea from talking to teenagers, the shift has implications for business-to-business sales too.


  • 莱德曼之类(Clayderman-esque)音乐印度中国豪华酒店无处不在,康莱德酒店,通过灌木丛中的扬声器,四处都在播莫扎克音乐(muzak)。

    Clayderman-esque anthems are ubiquitous in the luxury hotels of India and China, but at the Conrad the muzak follows you everywhere from speakers hidden in the shrubbery.


  • 曾经最好朋友·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)哈佛大学创立了脸谱公司拥有公司的30%股份

    Together with former best bud Mark Zuckerberg, started Facebook at Harvard and received a 30% stake in the company.


  • 扎克伯格哈佛同窗于2004年创办这个网站至今5亿现时用户

    Zuckerberg created the site with his Harvard room-mates in 2004 and it now has 500 million active users.


  • 偶尔看到份2003年·扎克伯格签署一份文件,马·扎克伯格当时哈佛大学一年级学生,现在Facebook首席执行官

    He says he came across a document signed in 2003 by Mark Zuckerberg, then a freshman at Harvard and now chief executive of Facebook.


  • 伯格先生绝不第一承诺数亿美元慈善的科技巨人但是微软创始人——比尔·盖茨做慈善的方式有着些许不同

    Mr Zuckerberg is far from the first tech Titan to pledge billions to philanthropic activities, but he is following a slightly different path to bill Gates, Microsoft's founder.


  • 周二旁观者再次提醒32岁的伯格不仅仅一个喜欢跑步朋友安静地聚餐的普通人。

    On Tuesday, observers were reminded that Mr. Zuckerberg, 32, is not just a normal guy who enjoys running and quiet dinners with friends.


  • 尤文后卫弗雷德里·巴尔雷蒂已经否认星期二里米尼比赛侮辱了裁判毛里齐奥·钱皮

    Juve defender Federico Balzaretti has denied that he insulted referee Maurizio Ciampi during the match with Rimini on Tuesday.


  • 揶揄着安德鲁”博斯沃思工程主管项目。博兹扎克伯格的课程老师关于人工智能他们哈佛的。

    He bantered with Andrew "Boz" Bosworth, a director of engineering who ran the project. Boz was Zuckerberg's instructor in a course on artificial intelligence when they were at Harvard.


  • 扎克伯格想象产品要变成现实,需要模压电池芯片设计技术取得重大突破行。

    There needs to be many breakthroughs in moldable batteries and chip design before we see a product like Zuckerberg envisions.


  • 我们聚焦公司10年路线图上世界上所有人都能做到任何人分享任何东西,”伯格声明中表示

    "We're focused on our 10-year road map to give everyone in the world the power to share anything they want with anyone," Mr. Zuckerberg said in a statement.


  • 但是,凯茨玛德扎克同事,马·汉密尔顿博士怀疑脂蛋白脂肪酶(LPL)的有关,分解血管内脂肪转化为能量

    But Marc Hamilton, Ph. D., one of Katzmarkzyk's colleagues, suspects it has to do with an enzyme called lipoprotein lipase (LPL), which breaks down fat in the bloodstream and turns it into energy.


  • 互联网连接整个世界相比,社交网站“脸谱首席执行官·扎克伯格更为雄心勃勃的目标妻子在本世纪帮助治愈人类所有疾病

    Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has a goal that's even more ambitious than connecting the entire world to the Internet: he and his wife want to help eradicate1 all disease by the end of this century.


  • 互联网连接整个世界相比,社交网站“脸谱首席执行官·扎克伯格更为雄心勃勃的目标妻子在本世纪帮助治愈人类所有疾病

    Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has a goal that's even more ambitious than connecting the entire world to the Internet: he and his wife want to help eradicate1 all disease by the end of this century.


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