• 这个村庄不过个月

    She had been in the village for only on month.


  • 两个诊断出心脏病然后前医生如果我等不到一个健康的心脏心我会不过一个月的。

    I was diagnosed having heart attack two months ago and then a month ago the doctor said that I could not live more than a week if I don't have another healthy heart to change.


  • 公寓下周就到期了。不过还不用着急房东如果需要可以再多一个

    My apartment lease ends next week, but I have some wiggle room because my landlord said I can stay an extra month if I need to.


  • 不过并非人人适合而且担心经过一个尝试后,员工这种机器激情会慢慢消失殆尽,这一点都令人意外。

    However, it's not for everyone and I was concerned that, not surprisingly, use of the pedal machine decreased gradually over the one month trial period as enthusiasm waned.


  • 不过希腊以及欧元区其他成员国人民,也许开始相信历经不得安宁着实难过一个之后,事态日渐好转

    But then Greeks and other members of the euro zone are perhaps allowing themselves to believe that, after an awful, bickering month, things are looking up.


  • 免费帐号最多2G空间50G100G的空间有,不过它们一个费用分别是10美元20美元。

    The free account gives you up to two gigabytes of disk space; 50- and 100-gigabyte are also available, but they cost $10 or $20 a month.


  • 看起来在减速不过只是一个

    "That looks like a moderation, but it's only one month," he cautioned.


  • 不过生命中的一个罢了

    It's only one month out of your life.


  • AMD找到了专业,这位师傅对这支猴子进行了长达一个月的训练,不过视频的拍摄过程则花了时间。

    AMD and its pr company found a professional monkey trainer who trained Louie the monkey for over a month, but actual production shooting only took a single day.


  • 可以智能手机上网不过一个得付80美元,而且你还只能通过孔般大小屏幕浏览互联网

    You could get online using only a smartphone, but you’ll pay at least $80 a month and you’ll have to view the Internet through a shrunken keyhole of a screen.


  • 不过不是一周或者一个之内瘦了这么多的,相应地,医生预计今年春季后期才能恢复过来。

    But, just like I didn't lose this much weight and body mass in a week or a month, my doctors expect it will take until late this spring to regain it.


  • 每周运行的脚本,不过可以运行一次。

    I run mine once a week, although you could probably get by running it just once a month.


  • 这就是事实新车确实…只不过一周

    Truth is, it's pretty cool to have a new car... for about a week maybe a month.


  • 秋一年四季之中,大自然外貌最美不过一个就是八

    There is no month in the whole year, in which nature wears a more beautiful appearance than in the month of August!


  • 不过虽然上赛季初杀气腾腾(犹一个比赛中打出55分火山喷发之作),詹宁在整个赛季却趋于平淡。

    However, while Jennings started off the season with a bang (remember that 55-point outburst in his first month of play?), he sort of leveled off down the stretch.


  • 不过这座小山每天都会变矮,大概一个没有了。

    However, every day Bianai the hill, about a month there will be no.


  • 分析人士一直认为销售量可达300万台,不过微软一个左右打破了这个数。

    Analysts had been expecting sales of 3 million, a figure that Microsoft blew through in around a month.


  • 介绍自己时候坚定地我们握手,他已经个月时间没有一轮高尔夫球,最多不过早上做做俯卧撑然后剩下的时间制定5年计划

    He hasn't played a round of golf in months and stays fit by doing pushups in the morning and using the time to reflect on "the five-year plan.


  • 一个以来面试了很多公司,对任何中英文提出问题都能比较轻松应对不过这次我真是有些紧张了。

    For the nearly one month, I took a plenty of interviews and I coped with tons of questions no matter in English or Chinese easily.


  • 不过还有个两全其美方法我们先花一个的时间,看看是否很快制造出新奶粉。

    But there is a way to have the best of both alternatives. We take one month to do tests, and see if we can easily make the new powders.


  • 不过他们带你找到地方要向收取费用例如一个租金全年租金百分之几

    But they may charge a fixed sum of money, such as a month's rent or a percentage of the year's rent, to help you find a place.


  • 不过大约小时一个几天而已

    Sandy: Only about two hours, for a couple of days a month.


  • 是啊不过一个以后就要国家另一端居住了,所以我们计划到时候就分手

    Yeah, but she's moving across the country in a month, so we're planning on breaking up.


  • 不错每隔左右可能会碰到一个引导扇区病毒不过这些容易对付就算杀毒软件没有它查出来也不要紧。

    Okay, every month or so you might encounter a boot sector virusbut they were easy to deal with even if the anti-virus software didn't pick them up.


  • 至少一个不能电视不许朋友通电话不可以和朋友出去。这样的处罚是够厉害的。不过也许能得到教训,以后不再逃学。

    Ll: She'll forbid my sister from watching TV, talking on the phone, or going out with her friends for at least a month.


  • 明天不用加班,其实挺期待的,一个忙碌知道虽然工作现在挺顺利的,不过我知道有点累了不是心理,是身体的。

    I hope tomorrow is coming soon because I don't need go to work. A month's busy, I know maybe everything goes well, but I am tired, not in my heart, in my body.


  • 明天不用加班,其实挺期待的,一个忙碌知道虽然工作现在挺顺利的,不过我知道有点累了不是心理,是身体的。

    I hope tomorrow is coming soon because I don't need go to work. A month's busy, I know maybe everything goes well, but I am tired, not in my heart, in my body.


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