• 其中国家土地面积不足平方英里

    One of these countries contains less than a square mile of land.


  • 《2005年全球森林资源评估》发现新的森林树木种植速度加快,但是《评估》指出人工林不足森林面积5%。

    FRA 2005 also found that new forests and trees are being planted at increasing rates, but plantations still account for less than 5 percent of forest area, it notes.


  • 全球几乎三分之一妇女无家可归或是居住面积不足

    Almost a third of the world's women are homeless or live in inadequate housing.


  • 加拿大地广人稀,国土面积中国人口不足3000万。

    Canada is a large country with a small population. Although its territory is bigger than that of China, it only has a population of less than 30 million people.


  • 虽然森林以及湖泊面积有所增长但是与那些建起来的,工业人造栖地扩张比起来,不足称道。

    Woodland, forests and lakes had grown, but these increases were dwarfed by the biggest habitat expansion, which was "constructed, industrial, artificial habitats".


  • 沃尔玛表示,他们大部分生鲜食品将从本地购入。南非拥有面积广阔的高效农场其他神之地有着很大的不同,所以他们做出这样的决定便不足为奇。

    It says it will buy most of its fresh food locally, which is hardly surprising given that South Africa has big, efficient farms and is far from anywhere similarly blessed.


  • 传统种植业破坏环境2050年,全世界人口达95亿,届时可耕地面积不足供养这么多人口。

    Farming is ruining the environment, and not enough arable land remains to feed a projected 9.5 billion people by 2050.


  • 面积不足1平方公里寿山一段8公里溪流溪旁水田底下

    Area less than 1 square kilometers of Shoushan river about 8 km section of streams and streams under the paddy field.


  • 中国很多不完善机场空管面积广阔而能力有限飞行员长期不足

    China has many undeveloped airports, limited air-traffic control capabilities over vast territory and chronic pilot shortages.


  • 这个房子建筑面积不足70平米

    The floor area of this house is less than 70 square meters.


  • 武陵源区协合乡黄家坪10个村民小组,224户,724人,耕地面积672人均耕地不足1

    Wulingyuan District Rural synergy Wong Ka village, 10 village group, 224, 724, 672 mu of arable land per capita farmland is less than 1 acre.


  • 再次什么沙坑面积不足他们弥补叮咬可以轻松地帮助评分棘轮

    Once again, what the bunkers lack in size, they make up for in bite and can easily help ratchet up the score.


  • 我国一个人口众多耕地面积不足人均粮食产量较低的国家。

    Our country is characterized by large population, insufficient cultivated area, lower per capita grain yield.


  • 尽管面积然而由于美丽风景,人文历史独具的特色从而弥补了它的不足之处。

    What is lacks in size, however, it makes up for in beauty, history and character.


  • 面积过小邮费不足的回信封将导致订票受阻延

    Inappropriate envelope size or insufficient mailing fee may lead to delay in processing the order.


  • 高校扩招图书馆面临着文献资源、馆舍面积计算机设备不足以及工作人员工作压力加大等问题

    After expanded enrollment, libraries in universities face such problems as lack of literature resources, shortage of space and computers and great pressure for the staff members etc.


  • 结果表明一级旋风分离器爆裂由于其下封头受到损伤,壁面积导致材料强度不足所致

    The results showed that the burst failure of the primary cyclone separator was caused by inadequate material strength resulted from flushing damage and reduced in thickness in large area.


  • 最后,给出了基于面积匹配约束的受力址三维算法,主要用于解决一些扁平状软组织受力时的受力点处理不足

    Finally, an area matching based force point searching method is applied to solve the force point location problems caused by flat-form model.


  • 中正弯矩箱内上部浇筑混凝土解决钢箱梁顶部混凝土受压面积不足问题

    Concrete is poured on the upper part inside the steel box in the span-center bending moment area to solve the problem of the insufficient pressing area of concrete on the top of the steel box girder;


  • 面积不足50平方米咖啡馆饭店业主有权自行决定,自己经营吸烟场所还是完全吸烟场所

    Owners of coffee shops and restaurants with less than 50 square meters have the right to decide themselves if the establishment will be a smoking or entirely non-smoking space.


  • 目的面积深度烧伤创面修复寻找理想真皮替代物,解决自体中厚皮源不足难题

    Objective: to seek ideal dermis substituted material for the deep burn wounds, which would resolve the problem of autologous skin deficiency in the patients with large area burns.


  • 学校原有图书室位于教学楼旁建的一组平房内,面积狭小,光线不足

    The currentreading room of the school sits in the added single-story brick structure besidesthe teaching building and lacks space and light.


  • 方案可以弥补图像传感器成像面积不足

    Such a scheme can cover theshortage of the image sensor' photo-sensitive portion.


  • 加拿大地广人稀国土面积中国还大,人口却不足3000 万。

    Though Canada covers a vast territory, much larger than that of China, it is thinly populated, less than 30 million.


  • 大多数观点认为最终种植面积可能不足满足需求这会支撑期价夏季上涨。

    Most in that market feel final acres may not be enough to satisfy demand and this could support higher price action into the summer.


  • 县级土地利用规划中,常涉及投影地图拼接问题,一般使用转换法实现跨带区域的地图显示方法在实际应用中存在面积和角度变形相对较大的不足

    In the compilation of land use planning map at county level, it is used to transform one region to the adjacent one to display the more projection zones.


  • 特别是对于短期变化(防洪区)较大面积较大复杂研究来说,这一方法的应用弥补了单一分类方法的不足

    Especially, accuracy of modified classification is largely improved for those regions of short term "s change, such as flood control district, and for much bigger and complicate study area."


  • 规划尽可能形成面积景观空间改善期规划的不足

    We'd like to offer more landscape space in scaia at the second round as possible to improve the lack in the first phase.


  • 规划尽可能形成面积景观空间改善期规划的不足

    We'd like to offer more landscape space in scaia at the second round as possible to improve the lack in the first phase.


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