• 男孩不舒服地椅子里动来动去

    The boy shifted uncomfortably in his chair.


  • 受伤士兵不舒服打转

    The wounded soldier writher uncomfortably in pain.


  • 舒服地,“你指一部分?”

    "Well," he said uncomfortably, "which part?"


  • 哈利舒服地感觉到斯克林杰

    Harry had the uncomfortable feeling that Scrimgeour was looking for him.


  • 电影院里很不舒服地呆了三个小时担心回家再见到丈夫

    She spent three wretched hours at the cinema dreading he moment when she must go home and face her husband again.


  • 自我反省的时候,可能发现某些自卑感使不舒服地接近病人甚至摧残他的医生权威

    He may, in his self-investigations, discover some inferiority which brings him uncomfortably close to his patients and may even blight his authority.


  • 虽然通胀率已经7月份的6.5%下降到了10月份5.5%,仍然政策制定者不舒服

    Inflation has fallen from 6.5% in the year to July to 5.5% in October. But 5.5% is still too high for policymakers' comfort.


  • 狡猾黑暗小人s应该会很不舒服蠕动因为他们谎言大厦将倒塌废墟他们的瘫腿附近堆满瓦砾。

    The crafty sons of darkness shall squirm in discomfort as their ritual of lies fall in shambles in a pile around their deadened feet.


  • 半室外咖啡厅下意识点了一杯老虎啤酒不舒服地坐在没有靠背,中间还有一个洞的凳子上。

    They sat in a semi-open-air coffee shop, where he self-consciously ordered a Tiger beer and she shifted uncomfortably on the backless plastic stool with a round hole in the center of its seat.


  • 靠垫枕在下,点水喝。拒绝喝水,靠垫上不舒服地翻来复去,好像块石头或是木头似的。

    She placed a cushion under his head, and offered him some water; he rejected the latter, and tossed uneasily on the former, as if it were a stone or a block of wood.


  • 过去年中一种舒服感觉,好像什么人或是什么东西,颇为熟练修补大脑重新绘制了我脑电图,还重了我的记忆程序。

    I can feel it, too. Over the past few years I've had an uncomfortable sense that someone, or something, has been tinkering with my brain, remapping the neural circuitry, reprogramming the memory.


  • 过瘾,”仍呼吸说,知道他一定很舒服

    "This is amazing," he chokes, but I know that he's in serious discomfort.


  • 美国朋友注意到她舒服,就热情向她推荐的冶疗方案:浴盆里长时间热水澡。

    An American acquaintance notices that she is uncomfortable and enthusiastically recommends his favorite remedy, long soaks in a tub of hot water.


  • 下面一个示例:如果站点寻找所需的信息时需要向下导航,是否感到非常不舒服

    Here's an example: Does it make you nuts to continually drill down to find what you need on a site?


  • 但是如果他们提问谈话的内容感到不舒服,你可以礼貌蛮横指出你认为这个问题自己资历并关联

    But if you feel uncomfortable with the question and the context in which it was asked, you can politely but assertively state that you don't believe the question is relevant to your qualifications.


  • 短期来看,追求效率令人感到不舒服,也是可持续,在盈利上升就业下降之间形成对立

    In the short term, the ruthless pursuit of efficiency translates into the uncomfortable-and unsustainable-dichotomy of rising profits and falling employment.


  • 交换支撑——这也是表示心里身体舒服一个动作

    Repeatedly Shifting Body Weight from Foot to Foot - This is another gesture that usually indicates mental and physical discomfort.


  • 如果对你所在处境感到不舒服那么应该从容离开,越

    If you are in a situation where you feel uncomfortable, then get out of it as gracefully as you can - sooner is better.


  • 突然椅子站住,俯下头,把手轻轻在我的肩上关切问道:“哪里舒服吗,泰戈尔?”

    All of a sudden he stopped behind my seat. Bending over me he gently laid his hand on my shoulder and tenderly inquired: "Are you not well, Tagore?"


  • 天早上开始发表长篇大论说明我如何不舒服时,斯科特毫无表情看着

    One morning, as I launched into yet another 23)tirade about how uncomfortable I was, Scott just looked at me blankly.


  • 解释清楚了,”爱丽丝非常礼貌回答,“因为我压根儿怎么开始的,天里改变好几次大小非常不舒服的。”

    'I'm afraid I can't put it more clearly, ' Alice replied very politely, 'for I can't understand it myself to begin with; and being so many different sizes in a day is very confusing.'


  • 下次编写scriptlet时,肯定会觉得有点不舒服”,因为通过编写自定义Taglib可以更轻松完成正确事情

    You should definitely feel a little bit dirty the next time you write a scriptlet, given how easy it is to do the right thing by writing a custom TagLib instead.


  • 我们感觉舒服的时候,每样东西都很完美运作很容易但是我们语言却常常掩饰了真实的情绪。

    When we are uncomfortable, it is easy for us to say that everything is working out fine, yet our body language often belies our true emotions.


  • 感到不舒服每当生日圣诞节已经所有那些因兴奋而无法睡眠的早晨5时候,你总是面对面喊醒我。

    And I do feel bad about all the 5 a. m. in-your-face wake-up calls on my birthdays, Christmas morning, and all those times I was too excited to sleep.


  • 而且这个同学,每次都会先便当里头发之后再若无其事的便当。这个令人浑身不舒服发现一直持续著。

    After picking hairs out from his meal, the student ate it with satisfaction, as if nothing unusual happened. Such a disgusting sight continued for the school years.


  • 面对发掘事会需要你持续投入更多精力,舒服

    While this isn't comfortable, the issues you face and delve into have been an increasing source of concern.


  • 例如如果感到不舒服,你可能没有心情外面只是简单去外面。

    If you feel sick, for example, you probably are in no mood to go outside and play in the snow, or simply to go outside.


  • 例如如果感到不舒服,你可能没有心情外面只是简单去外面。

    If you feel sick, for example, you probably are in no mood to go outside and play in the snow, or simply to go outside.


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