• 就意味着时间内,市场不能这些既成房屋止问题冲刷掉,以期获得秩序的恢复

    That means inevitable foreclosures won't get flushed out of the market, allowing it to recover, any time soon.


  • 这些威胁不能等闲视之。

    These threats are not to be taken lightly.


  • 除非这些条件得到满足,否则我们不能进行这项交易

    Until these conditions are met we cannot proceed with the sale.


  • 认为我们不能歇斯底里地四处高喊:“禁止养这些。给所有的狗戴上口套。”

    I don't think we can go around screaming hysterically: "Ban these dogs. Muzzle all dogs."


  • 这些数据特许保密信息不能公众知道。

    The data is privileged information, not to be shared with the general public.


  • 如果不能兑现这些改革承诺,他将使政府处于危险境地

    He puts his administration at risk if he doesn't come through on these promises for reform.


  • 这些编辑不能保证他们履行职责

    The editors can give no guarantee that they will fulfil their obligations.


  • 即使到现在我们不能确定这些激进分子不会找到某个新的借口在下一年冬天号召罢工

    Even now we could not be sure that the militants would not find some new excuse to call a strike the following winter.


  • 这些国家不能看成是一个单独实体

    These countries can no longer be viewed as a single entity.


  • 我直言这些数字根本不能支持观点

    With all due respect, the figures simply do not support you on this.


  • 这些没有处方不能出售。

    They are not available without a prescription.


  • 总统指责这些示威者不能代表人民

    The president denounced the demonstrators as unrepresentative of the people.


  • 不能5点钟这些复印好?

    Can you get these photocopied for me by 5 o'clock?


  • 这些官员发出了我们不能吉普车里出来严令。

    The officials had issued strict instructions that we were not to get out of the jeep.


  • 这些岛屿太小不能算是独立的国家

    These islands are too small to stand alone as independent states.


  • 这些措施不能解决问题?

    Do these measures go far enough?


  • 不能回答这些问题吗?

    You cannot answer these questions?


  • 船长,”斯密,“我们不能这些孩子母亲拐走我们的母亲呢?”

    "Captain," said Smee, "could we not kidnap these boys' mother and make her our mother?"


  • 这些学生不能正确地答这些问题

    These students weren't able to complete the problems correctly.


  • 虽然学校不能这些旅行获利,但安排这些旅行公司却可以。

    Though schools cannot profit from these trips, the companies that arrange them do.


  • 我们不能只是送到这些地区然后希望它们能得到解决

    We can't just get money to send to these areas and hope that will work them out.


  • 然而这些相关性不能证明因果关系。

    However, those correlations don't prove cause and effect.


  • 气温升高意味着一些村民种植桃子玉米这些从前不能种植的作物了。

    The warmer temperatures mean that some of them can now grow peaches and maize where previously they could not.


  • 我们淡水来源污染,我们不能使用这些

    When our sources of fresh water get polluted, we can no longer use this water.


  • 这些孩子不够大,不能工作

    These kids are not old enough for jobs.


  • 这些理由不能成为允许这种偏狭继续下去借口

    None of these reasons is an excuse for allowing the intolerance to continue.


  • 这些错误再也不能使梅里安女士工作作废。

    These errors no more invalidate Ms. Merian's work.


  • 我们一定不能忘记这些疾病影响低层十亿人”,他们是生活最难以到达的地方穷人中的最贫穷者。

    We must never forget: these diseases affect the "bottom billion", the poorest of the poor living in the hardest-to-reach places.


  • 然而这些成本不能立即付现

    That cost, however, is not in immediate cash.


  • 大学面临问题如果这些好处不能实现学生们就会注意到

    The problem for universities is that if those benefits fail to materialise, students notice.


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