• 友情男女之间的爱情不能相提并论即使我们自己的选择不能划入同一范畴

    You cannot compare with friendship the passion men feel for women, even though it is born of our own choice, nor can you put them in the same category.


  • 因此除非high模式运行,否则UPDATESTATISTICS执行查询本身不能相提并论的

    Therefore, UPDATE STATISTICS cannot be compared to executing the query itself unless it is run in the high mode.


  • 巴格达次会议参会者喝着沙特原本伊拉克淡水储量不能相提并论的国家提供的瓶装谈论这场灾难

    At a conference in Baghdad - where participants drank bottled water from Saudi Arabia, a country with a fraction of Iraq's fresh water - officials spoke of disaster.


  • 许多认可动物愉悦说法,但是人们会有争议就是动物的简单体验和人类的体验的幸福充实感等主观状态不能相提并论的

    I think many people would acknowledge the existence of animal pleasure, but that's arguably a very simple experience compared to subjective states like happiness or fulfillment.


  • 在全球范围内可口可乐麦当劳这样的品牌可能广为人知家公司对20世纪美国影响都不能迪士尼相提并论

    Globally, brands like Coca-Cola and McDonald's may be more widely known, but neither concludes 20th-century America in quite the same way as Disney.


  • 萨拉热窝贝尔格莱德火车旅程巨大象征意义但是沿途风景并不能与最好的铁路旅游线路相提并论

    The train journey from Sarajevo to Belgrade may have huge symbolic significance but, scenically, it cannot rank among the all-time greats.


  • 两句都是means后的内容,后面一句似乎和mean没关系一样但是大型犯罪筹划方面,黑客头子并不能哥伦比亚毒枭相提并论——即使证券行业希望如此

    But in the grand scheme of criminal threats, hacker kingpins do not appear to be on a par with Colombian drug lordseven if the security industry would wish it otherwise.


  • 认为,它已经进化其他email软件甚至都不能相提并论的地步了:线性对话存档邮件标签而不是把邮件放在文件夹里;邮件过滤搜索工具;还有各种Gmail任务一样的小工具等等,我可以一直说下去。

    Threaded conversations, archiving and labeling instead of filing in folders, filters and search and widgets such as Gmail TasksI could go on all day.


  • 固定房产的确带来了地区的稳定(尽管德国的社会稳定性很强但是租房并不意味两者不能相提并论。)

    Home ownership may indeed instill neighborly stability (though Germany with its high levels of stability and renting suggests the two need not go together).


  • 发现以及其它相关发现都表明药物上瘾可能钝化大脑奖励系统上瘾者来说日常生活中的快乐根本不能毒品相提并论

    This finding and others like it suggest that drug addicts may have blunted reward systems in the brain, and that for them everyday pleasures don't come close to the powerful reward of drugs.


  • 这个惩罚不能他们引起危机相提并论但是减少危机受到报复重要

    The punishment may not seem commensurate to the crisis they caused; but reducing risk is more important than getting revenge.


  • 无论这歌听多少大堆爱情歌曲不能了不起相提并论

    No matter how many times you hear it, a list of love songs wouldn't be complete without this splendid song (and reminder).


  • 然而心情暂时情感都是不能幸福相提并论

    However, moods and temporary emotions are not the same as happiness.


  • 认为当前任何有关对管理海量存储器难题介绍不能与之相提并论

    I don't know of any comparable current introduction to the hard problems of managing mass storage.


  • 愈来愈多财富固然不能不能道德进步相提并论但是有趣的,则那些与后危机时代深省所相悖的观点

    Rising wealth is clearly not the same as moral progress, he says. But his most interesting ideas are those that run against the grain of post-crisis soul-searching.


  • 怀孕初期就开始了这时候宝宝激素水平母亲的激素水平还不能相提并论所以这之间并没有什么联系

    Morning sickness starts very early in pregnancy, often before the baby's hormone levels become significant in comparison with her mother's, so initially there shouldn't be a connection.


  • 那些都是不错成果,与和美国航空合作带来的声望不能相提并论

    Those are good wins, but nothing like the prestige and money in the American deal.


  • 十年我们曾有类似恐慌不能一次的相提并论

    We "ve had similar scares in the recent past, but none quite like this."


  • 沙特剩余生产能力已经不能以前相提并论了:其可以弥补利比亚产能损失,但利比亚和阿尔及利亚的损失之和就鞭长莫及了。

    But Saudi spare capacity is not what it was: enough to make up for the loss of Libya, but not the loss of Libya and Algeria combined.


  • 2008年问题规模不能相提并论那时呆账股本的数以倍计盈利则是全面崩盘

    That is a different scale of problem from 2008, when bad assets were multiples of many Banks' capital and earnings had collapsed.


  • 它们所包含的内容不能专业医嘱诊断治疗相提并论

    The materials herein are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.


  • 显然手机摄像头根本不能专业DSLR相提并论看到那些人们手机拍摄杰作时,或许惊讶不已。

    Obviously, a mobile phone's camera is no match for a professional level DSLR, but you might be surprised at the great pictures many people are taking with their cell phones.


  • 公司认同来函说法然而其他厂商的产品质量绝对不能公司的相提并论

    We accept what you say, but we are of the opinion that the quality of the other makes does not measure up to that of our products.


  • 不能戏剧相提并论

    You can't equate his poem with his plays.


  • 然而痛苦还是不能与6000多个家庭痛苦相提并论,因为这些家庭都一位至亲过去的10年里战死伊拉克阿富汗

    However, my distress cannot compare to the grief experienced by over 6,000 families who have had to bury a loved one killed in Iraq or Afghanistan over the last 10 years.


  • 福特先生表示洛杉矶纽约人们认为他们已经拥堵举步维艰的地步,他们在世界其它一些地方看到的情况和这里简直不能相提并论

    "People in Los Angeles and New York think they're in gridlock," Mr. Ford says. "It's nothing like what they have seen already in other parts of the world."


  • 但是马来西亚国家石油公司薪资不能竞争对手有竞争力的薪资相提并论因为坚持马来西亚薪级

    But Petronas cannot match the salaries dangled by rivals, since it sticks to Malaysian pay scales.


  • 但是马来西亚国家石油公司薪资不能竞争对手有竞争力的薪资相提并论因为坚持马来西亚薪级

    But Petronas cannot match the salaries dangled by rivals, since it sticks to Malaysian pay scales.


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