• 无论哪里,不管多少两个相爱的人都会过得舒舒服服

    Two people in love are at home wherever they are, no matter how often they move.


  • 无论什么天气,无家可归的人都睡在街上”这句话告诉我们,不管天气是冷还是热,无家可归的人都只能睡在街上。

    "There are homeless people sleeping on the streets in all weathers" tells us that homeless people sleep on the streets no matter whether it is cold or hot.


  • 不管用何种办法找到这种残留代码或者无论任何理由原来放在这里都将去掉

    However you find such vestigial code, or whyever it was put there in the first place, take it out.


  • 无论个人财务状况如何,也不管富有还是贫穷或是处于两者之间,你都需要花时间确定目标

    No matter the state of your personal finances, whether you’re wealthy or poor or somewhere in between, take time to set goals.


  • 有时候可能希望打破这些结构仅仅撷取某种元素不管位置(或者无论给定起始上下文的位置)。

    But at times you might want to break out of the structure a bit and just grab certain elements, regardless of position (or regardless of position given a starting context).


  • 无论如何男人终归男人,不管怎么样不会表现得像个女人

    Men will be men, no matter what! Neither do they think nor behave like women.


  • 美国生活——无论多少个人—必须放在价值方面同样地位不管他的肤色种族国籍信仰

    American lives - regardless of Numbers - must be placed in terms of value and worth on equal footing with those of all humans regardless of colour, ethnicity, nationality, or creed.


  • 不管表示表扬还是鞭笞宣称这些研究无论从哪方面震撼人心完全是无稽之谈。

    To claim that the new study is in any way shocking, be that to praise it or to bury it, is simply ridiculous.


  • 无论看上哪块石头不管这石头耳环胸针还是项链上马丁都会判断一下它能否改装戒指

    If any stones appeal - be they from earrings, brooches or necklaces - Martin will be able to judge whether or not they can be transformed into rings.


  • 美国生活——无论多少个人必须放在价值方面同样地位不管他的肤色种族国籍信仰

    American lives -regardless of Numbers -must be placed in terms of value and worth on equal footing with those of all humans regardless of colour, ethnicity, nationality, or creed.


  • 无论正确错误的,好的的,不管喜欢与否怎样父亲决定孩子认识

    For right or wrong, for good or bad, whether you like it or not, your children's idea of God is going to be largely determined by the kind of father you are.


  • 无论现在做什么,你的视野要这份工作放得开些,不管市场机会还是更大的领域范围更远些。

    Think bigger than you currently do, then think even bigger, whether it's a bigger market opportunity or bigger scope.


  • 不管怎么,无论他们是否喜欢,他们都应该一个好的印象

    Anyway, whether they like it or not, they do give people a very good impression.


  • 无论目的什么,不管是否知道记住从众心理影响了每一个

    Whatever your goals are, remember that conformity affects everyone, whether we know it or not.


  • 无论身体健康还是欠佳滑雪去,这个提示(不管个人时间什么怀疑的)——你活着,而且活着是极其有趣的。

    TO SKI, however well or poorly, is a reminder-whatever one may for a long time have suspected-that one is alive, and that living is tremendous fun.


  • 不管什么样的无论过去行为怎样,除非等到事实证明那个人确实坏,怎么会相信人家会存这种心肠

    And who is there, whatever might be their former conduct, that she would believe capable of such an attempt, till it were proved against them?


  • 不管拥有什么样业务理解客户以及他们如何您的软件交互重要性无论如何强调都不过分

    No matter what kind of business you have, the importance of understanding your customers and how they interact with your software cannot be overstated.


  • 不管贫穷富有与否无论过去现在将来身体健康将是人生重要问题。

    No matter how rich or poor you are, your health has been, is and will always be the most important part of your life.


  • 无论生活哪个方面不管财务饮食工作其它方面如果提前决定可能减少有害结果

    Whatever area of life, whether it's financial, dietary, work or anyother, if you make the decision in advance, you're likely to cut down ondetrimental outcomes.


  • 无论生活哪个方面不管财务饮食工作其它方面,如果提前决定可能减少有害结果

    Whatever area of life, whether it's financial, dietary, work or any other, if you make the decision in advance, you're likely to cut down on detrimental outcomes.


  • 显然无论表现态度问题有多恶劣不管进行多少次此警告到了宣布这个消息时刻大家还是会感到吃惊的。

    Obviously, no matter how egregious the performance or attitude problems and no matter how many warnings have been provided, at that moment when you break the news, there will be surprise.


  • 无论如何,人们都会最大努力避免被排斥不管通过朋友情人还是应聘者

    In any case, people will do almost anything to avoid rejection, whether by a friend, a lover, or an employer.


  • 无论死去多年的祖先或是上帝不管什么超自然的代表,如果相信他们俯视着你,行为就要受到影响,”

    "Whether it's a dead ancestor or God, whatever supernatural agent it is, if you think they're watching you, your behavior is going to be affected," he says.


  • 不管我们赚多少钱无论我们银行存有多少钱,无论我们衣着轿车玩具多么漂亮不会使我们更幸福

    No matter how much we earn, no matter how much we have in the bank, no matter how nice our clothing or cars or toys, none of it will make us happier.


  • 但是无论是怎么的都不管用。

    However, it doesn't matter what I think.


  • 无论如何希腊政客们觉得只要他们假装修复自己国家欧盟就会不管这个计划能不能成功

    Anyway, Greece's politicians reckon that so long as they pretend to fix their country, the EU will hand over the money whether the plan succeeds or not.


  • 这家人之间关系非常密切不管任何人发生什么事,无论生病也好,缺花也好,或发生其它任何问题每个都会帮忙不管家里谁有了困难,大家都会汤滔火。

    That's a very close familywhatever happens to one of them, sickness, money trouble, anything, the rest of them come to help. They'd go through hell and high water for each other.


  • 不要紧不管是否就业无论孩子是否家里和你生活,甚至不管你是否结婚

    It doesn't matter whether you're employed, whether your children still live at home, or even whether you're married.


  • 不要紧不管是否就业无论孩子是否家里和你生活,甚至不管你是否结婚

    It doesn't matter whether you're employed, whether your children still live at home, or even whether you're married.


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