• 尽管要付出高昂个人代价,但不管是什么样的伪装愤世嫉俗确实可以我们看到真实世界

    Cynicism, in all its guises, really may make us see the world more realisticallythough at a high personal cost.


  • 先做吧,尽管做的很糟糕。选择话题主意不管一个,开始着手干

    Pick a topic or idea - it doesn't matter which one - and start doing something with it.


  • 尽管已经偏离记忆主题科学家们研究发现人们相信不管发生什么意料之外或是重要事情他们都能注意到

    While it veers off the topic of memory, in the study researchers also found that people tend to believe they will notice whenever something unexpected or important happens.


  • 不管这些考验是什么,如果没有它们,你的人生就会条不知通向何处笔直平坦大路尽管安全舒适平淡、乏味,豪无意义

    Without these small tests, whatever they may be, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight flat road to nowhere. It would be safe and comfortable, but dull and utterly pointless.


  • 尽管以上连接会员的连接,但是不管是否收到委托,我都会把它们推荐那些有所成就的人。

    The above links are affiliate links, but whether I get a commission or not, I highly recommend them to anyone who wants to do great work.


  • 毫无疑问,我们记住20世纪生活方式尽管丑陋之处不得其解,但是不管我们子孙后代对我们乌托邦的理想境界之遥远感到多么惊讶,他们的长相我们差不了多少。

    No doubt we will remember a 20th century way of life beyond comprehension for its ugliness. But however amazed our descendants may be at how far from Utopia we were, they will look just like us.


  • 其中最主要他们全球温室气体排放量2016年达到峰值尽管证据不足,这种年内掉头飙升的排放量“不管怎样都是有可能的”。

    Chief among these, they say, was that global emissions of greenhouse gases would peak in 2016, despite little evidence that such a U-turn in soaring emisions within seven years is "in any way viable".


  • 现代一样,古代运动员尽管他们发誓公平竞赛,但是为了取胜,他们会设法获取各种优势不管合法还是非法的。

    As in modern times, ancient athletes, even though they made pledges of fairness in competition, sought our every advantage, legal or illegal, in order to win.


  • 尽管第二比赛没有出现个非受迫性失误的纳达尔世界第一的头衔也有可能诺瓦克·德约科维奇夺去,不管周日他们最终的决赛会有什么结果

    Nadal, who will be overtaken by Novak Djokovic as the number one player in the world regardless of the outcome of their final on Sunday, did not make a single unforced error in that second set.


  • 尽管如此,还是有些公众容易地分辨出来,因为他们曾经相关的事情中频频曝光,事实上不管怎样,我都不会在我的自传中过多地涉及他们私生活

    Even though there are some people who have formed part of my public life, and who are likely easily recognizable, I won't involve them in this history that is not theirs.


  • 不管推动力量是什么,中小型企业必须实现电子商务维持竞争力尽管他们所面临技术挑战需求各不相同。

    Regardless of the driving force, small and medium businesses must become e-businesses to remain competitive in spite of a unique set of technical challenges and demands.


  • 他们发现尽管文化不同芭比娃娃——不管头发是什么颜色——都有着长久不衰的魅力。

    They learned that despite cultural divides, Barbie as babe — no matter her hair colorendures.


  • 但是尽管强大并且有决心的,可不管怎么样努力尝试,他终究不可能去实现(乐意在这里阅读整个故事)。

    But although he is strong and determined, no matter how hard he tries, he will never deliver it (you can read the full story here).


  • 尽管我们知道这些没有什么不对不管怎样,这份意式早餐只有卡布奇诺咖啡羊角面包。

    (Although there’s nothing wrong with having them for breakfast you know) Either way an Italian eats on the run with a ‘cappuccino e cornetto’ aka a cappuccino and croissant.


  • 尽管所有工作效率管理方法都会要求自制力,但是如果有一套方法不管的话,千万不要就此痛自己顿,因为只是不能变成一个积极高效率

    Though all productivity requires discipline, if a system just doesn't work for you, don't beat yourself up because you just "can't" become a motivated, productive person.


  • 尽管本文主要是关于安装Geronimo的,但不管讨论涉及哪种开源软件包概念通用

    Although this article is primarily concerned with installing Geronimo, the concepts are fairly universal no matter what open source software package is the subject.


  • 如果需要使用Ruby或者需要很多单元测试不管什么,尽管去做。

    If that means using Ruby, or having lots of unit tests: whatever's working for you: do that.


  • 而且,不管怎么说,尽管维技术可能苹果电视产品特色甚至可能是重要特性,但仅凭一点,苹果电视仍无法成为iPad一样能颠覆世界的产品。

    And in any case, while 3D might well be a feature of an Apple TV product -- maybe even a major one -- it wouldn't make the product a world-changer like the iPad.


  • 不管怎样,Google +终于有了一个API尽管只能读取展示用户创建的公开话题。

    Either way, Google + finally has an API, although it's read-only, and it only shows the Google + posts that a user has made public.


  • 不管怎样今天跑步途中我看到了生命迹象——条确有些的“河流”,尽管看上去这是一条毫无生气的河流。

    However, there were signs of life on the run today - one of the "rivers" actually had some water in it, though it looked fairly stagnant.


  • 尽管按照国际标准他们收入处于低水平,全国人民毫不犹豫地倾囊相助?不管还是帮助那些有需要的同胞

    Although their incomes are still low by international standards, people all over the country do not hesitate to donate whatever they can? Be it money or goods? To help their needy fellow citizens.


  • 不管发生什么事,尽管外部事件不断两个对手之间竞争将会一如既往地激烈,这点是再清楚不过了。

    Whatever happens, it's clear that despite outside events, the competition between these two rivals remains as fierce as ever.


  • 因此不管脑子到底有没有冷冻,只要忍得住,尽管吧!

    So whether your brain is frozen or not, if you can handle a little pain, slurp away.


  • 所有喜爱户外的一样我们充满热情地住在当季里,不管哪个季节尽管我们也喜欢预测个季节。

    Like all outdoor-minded people, we inhabit the current season, whichever it is, with passion, though we also take great pleasure in anticipating the next one as well.


  • 家具生产商认识到,尽管房子男人不管付钱,往里添家具却是女人

    Furniture manufacturers are learning that while it's men who buy the apartment, it's the women who furnish it, regardless of who pays.


  • 不管怎么说还是喜欢伦敦骑车尽管偶尔会遇到让不那么愉快出租车司机骑车人

    But I still love riding around London, whatever the occasional behaviour of drivers and, of course, some of my fellow cyclists.


  • 好的不管怎么样尽管发生了,冒泡排序增长率是多少呢?

    All right. Nonetheless, even with this change, what's the order growth for bubble sort?


  • 好的不管怎么样尽管发生了,冒泡排序增长率是多少呢?

    All right. Nonetheless, even with this change, what's the order growth for bubble sort?


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