• 这种特定社会触摸彼此总是让犹豫

    In this society in particular, there is a hesitance to touch one another.


  • 但是限制互联网打破群体之间社会障碍潜力,如果这样【没有互联网的这个潜力】,也许相互交流。

    But this neuters the Internet's potential to break down social barriers between people or groups who might otherwise not connect with each other.


  • 一些结婚仅仅是因为未婚同居已经社会上被广为接受了。

    And some have simply decided not to marry as cohabitation becomes more socially acceptable.


  • 相反医生们倒是可以研究一下为什么有些喝酒,搞清楚为什么饮酒司空见惯的社会里,喝酒可能这些感到冷淡

    Rather, he says doctors might want to investigate why abstaining patients don't drink and explain that in societies where alcohol use is common, not drinking may lead them to feel left out.


  • 语言统一的社会中,取消征兵制度就意味着损失了那样利益同时也有别的代价德国慈善机构沉痛地表示,年轻躲避参军而参加社区服务

    In societies divided by language, ending conscription means losing such benefits. It can mean other costs too: German charities lament that young men no longer do community service to avoid the army.


  • 中国大学一贯坦率直言社会教授周孝正说中国白领阶层出现越来越多的“橡皮”,一点吃惊。

    If there is a growing group of "plasticine men" among China's white-collar class, it is hardly surprising, said outspoken sociology professor Zhou Xiaozheng of Renmin University in Beijing.


  • 如果生活这样些他们满口脏话,爱贬损,经常无故的怒气冲天、充满敌意,常常给予牢靠感,缺乏社会道德,那么现在时候他们从你的生活中消失了

    If there are people in your life who are abusive, demeaning, angry, hurtful, not supportive, unethical, or crazy, it is time to let them go.


  • 然而社会飞速发展今天几乎每个校门口出现这样一道让深思又其乐融融风景我们学校例外

    However, the rapid development of society today, almost every school gate have emerged of such a people to ponder, but enjoyable for the landscape, our school is no exception.


  • 一个固守陈规社会,没有严格的等级阶级这样一定通过成功提升自己的社会地位。

    There was the lack of a settled society with fixed ranks and classes, so that a man was certain to rise through achievement.


  • 对与个性最大考验在于一个是否能够适应断变化社会规范牺牲自己原则

    A crucial test of character is whether one is able to adapt to changing social conventions without sacrificing one's principles.


  • 多数希望可怜但是社会人钟爱

    Most people don't want to be pitied, but sociopaths adore it.


  • 列入全民健康覆盖体现了议程精神重在公平社会包容丢下任何一个

    The inclusion of universal health coverage expresses the very spirit of the new agenda, with its emphasis on equity and social inclusion that leaves no one behind.


  • 一帆风顺固然值得庆幸,时下社会中,有多少遭受生活磨难

    Smooth life is worth felicitating, but in nowadays society, how many people do not suffer the hardships of life?


  • 对于个性最大考验在于一个是否能够适应断变化社会规范牺牲自己原则

    A crucial test of character is whether one is able to adapt to changing social conventions without sacrificing one's principles.


  • 性格测试枢纽一点就是一个能否牺牲原则的基础上适应变化社会习俗

    A crucial test of character is whether one is able to adapt to changing social conventions without sacrificing ones principles.


  • 社会活动目的性的,德育例外。

    People's social activities always have purpose, and so has moral education.


  • 由于掌握优生优育知识,导致了一例例病残儿的出生,给家庭社会带来了沉重的负担。

    But due to inexperienced prospective parents, some babies were born with birth defects, which places a heavy burden on their families and on society as well.


  • 也正因此客观地取决于意识意志存在这些现象同社会相互关系,存在社会历史实践过程中。

    Therefore, it is objectively, don't depend on man's consciousness and will exist for these phenomena and social relations, social history in the practice process.


  • 经济学认为经济经济行动在于追求自己利益的最大化,经济行动是原子化行动涉及任何社会关系。

    According to economics, the purpose of the economic person's behavior is to pursue his biggest profits. It simply belongs to the individual action and has nothing with his social connections.


  • 中产阶级既没有顶端底部一个社会阶层

    The middle class in this article refers to people neither at the top nor at the bottom of a social hierarchy.


  • 多数20的年轻他们没有工作大学经常街上闲逛认为他们对社会存在威胁。

    They're mostly in their early 20s, without jobs and not at university. They often wander the streets and seen as a threat.


  • 一些担心配戴助听器影响自己外表形象,很少考虑必须的场合助听器带来社会影响。

    Some worry about the cosmetic effect of wearing a hearing aid but give little thought to the social effect of not wearing one when needed.


  • 定性研究主要目的在于探讨作为社会角色观点态度行为经验等,作为患者例外。

    The main objectives of qualitative research lies in exploring the opinion, attitude, behavior, and experience of a person as a social role, also a patient.


  • 基金会呼吁社会适时的协助,可以帮助这些孩子陷入自卑绝望而是维持 穷 志 穷的毅力,自助 助、走出平 穷泥淖。

    Taiwan Fund for Children and Families calls for the society to provide proper assistance to help these children not fall into depression and feel self-abased but keep stepping forward.


  • 基金会呼吁社会适时的协助,可以帮助这些孩子陷入自卑绝望而是维持 穷 志 穷的毅力,自助 助、走出平 穷泥淖。

    Taiwan Fund for Children and Families calls for the society to provide proper assistance to help these children not fall into depression and feel self-abased but keep stepping forward.


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