• Facebook公司表示该链接被重用之前数据可能会一直存在,通常时间之后”,很明显时间的长度可能不确定

    In the case of Facebook, the company says data may hang around until the URL in question is reused, which is usually "after a short period of time", though obviously that time can vary considerably.


  • 公司表示他们蜜瓜运往全美一半地区,补充说由于蜜瓜贩卖后还会经二次贩卖,所以他们也确定哪些蜜瓜的去向。

    The company has said they shipped the cantaloupe to around half of U. S. states, but added that they aren't sure where the cantaloupe went because it has been sold and resold.


  • 如果某人约会但是确定什么样场所适合会面,你需要表示出来

    If you are wanting to date and not sure what site is best to meet people, you need to show up too.


  • 一位里昂证券分析家、经纪人迈克尔•梅奥表示随着最大一项业务正在重组高层出现面孔公司的前景非常不确定。”

    With the lion’s share of the business being restructured, and new faces at the top, the outlook is unusually uncertain,” says Michael Mayo, an analyst at CLSA, a broker.


  • 表示决策者预计通胀有所缓和相信“通胀前景确定增加。”

    It said policymakers expect inflation to moderate, but believe "uncertainty about the inflation outlook has increased".


  • 一些商学院表示,由于毕业后的就业前景确定,因此目前稳定工作的申请者可能会放弃进入商学院的机会。

    Indeed, schools say not knowing what the job market will look like upon graduation could deter some prospective applicants who have stable jobs from applying.


  • 由于业务协议可能可执行确定表示一个流程,所以BPEL称之为抽象流程。

    Because a business protocol may be neither executable nor deterministic but still expressed as a process, BPEL refers to it as an abstract process.


  • 有人表示即便只是不确定可能也造成伤害因为国美的业务模式涉及供应商获得大量短期信贷

    However, even the uncertainty could be damaging, some said, because the company's business model involved taking on large amounts of short-term credit from suppliers.


  • 由于HTTP不确定有效负载的,确实缺少一个RPC消息表示参数机制

    Since HTTP is payload agnostic, it does lack a mechanism for representing parameter values in the RPC messages.


  • 另一人写道。邮件语气表示她们被迫做某种确定事情感觉使深感安。

    The tone of all three emails was of feeling forced into something they weren't sure about, and it made me feel acutely uncomfortable.


  • 尽管未来确定但现在能够确定的是,美国人对此表示出了一种欣慰感觉,他们相信正义的力量。

    While the future is uncertain, it's clear that for now, Americans are reacting with a sense of elation and relief that justice was served.


  • 公司表示英国夏季酒店预订率最近上涨了2%,但是旅游市场受到领空关闭天气情况紧急预算不确定因素的影响。

    U.K. summer bookings are up 2% to date but the market has been affected by the airspace closures, good weather and the uncertainty around the emergency budget, the firm said.


  • 很多州对此表示确定

    Many states are not so sure.


  • 英特尔公布收益表示情况非常不确定公司无法按惯例设定第一收益区间

    Indeed, Intel said at that time that conditions were so uncertain that the company was not able to set its customary revenue range for the period.


  • 表示经济前景充满不确定性,而且重新陷入经济停滞风险很大

    He says the economic outlook is uncertain and risks of falling back into stagnation are great.


  • 问及他们最近是否注意到雇员虚假交易现金失窃财政盗窃行为程度的上升,18%的人表示认同,41%表示确定剩下表示还未发现。

    When asked if they had noticed a recent rise in monetary theft among employees, such as fraudulent transactions or missing cash, 18% said yes, 41% were unsure and the rest said they hadn't.


  • 虽然一些人推崇詹姆斯·默多克,认为能力许多竞争对手更迅速地大举押注市场变革,但许多分析人士表示,这增加了不确定

    While some admire Mr Murdoch's ability to place vast bets on changes in his marketplace faster than many rivals, many analysts say these have also added to the uncertainty.


  • 张怡宁表示自己婚后暂时考虑退役,确定能否2012年伦敦奥运会

    Zhang Yining said she would continue playing after her marriage, but is not sure if she will play onto the London Olympics in 2012.


  • 劳伦斯·利弗莫尔国家实验室科学家表示海地霍乱菌株确切来源不确定

    Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Scientists are still unsure of the exact origin of Haiti's cholera strain.


  • 厚度不确定度,由这些竖条表示,而水平刻度,则对数刻度。

    These vertical bars indicate my uncertainty in measurements of thickness and the horizontal scale, which is a logarithmic scale...


  • 还是单身表示:“确定是否定居英国,我必须考虑家庭因素。”

    I don’t know whether I will settle down in the UK. I have to take family issues into consideration,” said Liu who is single.


  • 金融市场一样艺术品市场也憎恶不确定摩根博物馆对斯特拉达作品的原创者表示质疑

    Art markets, like financial ones, don't like uncertainty; the Morgan attribution called into question the Strada authorship.


  • 丰田份声明中表示由于市场不确定,现在很难说工厂何时投产

    'Due to the uncertainty of the market, it is impossible to say at this time when production will begin,' the company said in a statement.


  • 判决可能这些不确定推到更级的律师议事日程,拉德克利夫表示

    The ruling might push these uncertainties higher up lawyers' agendas, notes Radcliffe.


  • 面对这样不确定一些业内观察人士表示黄光裕可能将很快重新现身

    Amid such uncertainty, some industry watchers said Mr Huang could quickly re-appear.


  • 分析师上周三表示,由于人们全球石油需求估值范围不确定上升,可能会使欧佩克9月11日的会议上按兵动。

    World oil demand forecasts are falling into a widening range, adding to uncertainty that may steer OPEC towards doing nothing when it meets on September 11, analysts said on Wednesday.


  • 这些奇怪的联系超出量子不确定领域可能性Aerts表示

    The strange links go beyond probability, Aerts argues, to the realm of quantum uncertainty.


  • 这些奇怪的联系超出量子不确定领域可能性Aerts表示

    The strange links go beyond probability, Aerts argues, to the realm of quantum uncertainty.


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进来说说原因吧 确定