• 想一想那些知道自己知道事情——那些人生某个阶段学会的东西可能在另外一些领域里非常有用

    Also think about what you don; t know that you know - the things that you; ve learned in one part of your life that could be very useful in other areas.


  • 房间悄悄地走来走去,知道自己什么,甚至不知道自己为什么那里。

    He prowled around the room, not sure what he was looking for or even why he was there.


  • 他们单独留在房间时,那些知道哪些笔会对自己产生电击学生那些知道将会发生什么的学生按动更多,也受到更多的电击

    When left alone in the room, the students who did not know which ones would shock them clicked more pens and incurred more shocks than the students who knew what would happen.


  • 分享最新谣言一个觉得自己很重要因为知道别人知道事情

    Sharing the latest rumor can make a person feel important because he or she knows something that others don't.


  • 三个朋友宣布破产,他们知道自己在哪里生活知道如何生活。

    Three friends had declared bankruptcy and weren't sure where or how they were going to live.


  • 即使他们知道公司在做什么,他们仍然知道他们给Facebook了多少钱,因为人们自己个人信息值多少钱没有确切概念。

    Even if they know what the company is up to, they still have no idea what they're paying for Facebook, because people don't really know what their personal data is worth.


  • 城里东游西荡几乎知道自己要去哪儿不知道周围发生什么事。

    He wandered here and there in the city, hardly noticing where he was going, or what was happening around him.


  • 可是知道自己名字,虽然我知道大家都名字。

    I did not know, yet knew that all had names.


  • 一定表现知道自己干什么就算其实知道

    Always act like you know what you're doing, even if you don't.


  • 知道自己多少知道吉乃特留一点儿

    He didn't know how much money he had. All he knew was that he had to keep something aside for Ginette.


  • 认为正是那些知道自己不知道死亡意味什么的人?

    I think that those with the idea of we all gonna to die but what of it?


  • 因为我们已经忘记了如何想象,我们也就知道什么可能的。因此,我们不知道自己需要什么。

    Because we have forgotten how to imagine, we no longer know what is possible, and therefore, we no longer know what we need.


  • 但是事实知道投们超级天使自己不知道

    But the truth is, no one knows yet, not even the VCs and super-angels themselves.


  • 他们知道什么,他们不知道自己在什么地方可是他们老人孩子忏悔者无罪者,都感到应当跪下

    They knew not what it was, they knew not where they were; but both of them, the man and the child, the penitent and the innocent, felt that they must kneel.


  • 我们必须自己知道什么知道什么采取坦率态度一个快速运转世界里知道常常知道同样重要

    We must be open about what we know and what we do no know - and in a fast moving world what you do not know is often as important as what you do know.


  • 事实却是大多数情况下一个客户知道他们需要帮助知道自己什么

    Fact is though many times a client will know they want your help but will not know exactly what they want.


  • 我们知道还有一些已知未知也就是说我们知道自己还有一些知道的事情

    We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know.


  • 知道自己现在在哪里不知道顾客现在在哪里。

    I hardly know where I am myself, much less where my customers are.


  • 可能知道如何实施,或是不知道自己其实已经在这么但是保证,你是这么做的。

    You may not realize how or that you do this, but I can guarantee that you do.


  • 尽管他们知道自己目的地在哪可是他们知道自己到底要去哪。

    They had never known the place but it seemed like they knew exactly where they were going.


  • 于是尽管实际上知道如何弹钢琴,也不知道如何读写乐谱,西科里拉还是自己了一钢琴并且立即开始弹奏脑子里听到一切

    So, despite not really knowing how to play the piano and not knowing how to read or write music, Cicoria got himself a piano and promptly began to play everything he heard in his head.


  • 表达自己知道的,学习知道的.

    You love to teach what you know, and learn what you don't.


  • ,说我们盘中餐,它们是怎么的,如何影响我们这个时候比较尴尬了:我们自己知道什么不知道

    Yet when it comes to what's on our plates, how it got there and how it affects us, we are in an unfortunate position; we don't know what we don't know.


  • 知道那些孩子完全知道自己同一中,以及谁在另一组中。

    Remember, the boys had no idea who was in their group 'with them' or who was in the other group.


  • 当时的没有什么理想因为知道,我是否有能力出书现实生活中,实现它们,不知道自己能做到。

    I had no aspirations, because I didn't know I was allowed to aspire to write books and songs, like, for real, you know?


  • 几年刚开始这个博客的时候,我根本知道自己写些什么知道我想要帮助其他人,让他们过更好人生

    When I started my personal blog a few years ago, I had no idea what I was going to write about, but I did know that I wanted to help people live better lives.


  • 获得了自己首份工作通过展示自己知道而非知道的东西来塑造个人职业生涯

    You get your first job, build your career by showcasing what you do know not what you don't.


  • ——译注斯必迪知道伤害知道服从人的命令知道保护自己,这是知道条定律优先。

    Speedy knows not to harm humans, to obey their commands, and to protect itself, just not which rules matter most.


  • ——译注斯必迪知道伤害知道服从人的命令知道保护自己,这是知道条定律优先。

    Speedy knows not to harm humans, to obey their commands, and to protect itself, just not which rules matter most.


- 来自原声例句

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