• 有些地方例如巴厘岛几内亚人们喜欢随时根据需要进入睡眠和醒来,白天时的打个盹儿晚上却经常的起来睡觉。

    In places like Bali and New Guinea, people tend to slip in and out of sleep as they need it, napping more during the day, and getting up more at night.


  • 如果我们询问孩子睡眠情况,努力改善孩子刻苦学习时的睡眠模式那么我们就没有尽好自己职责

    If we don't ask about sleep and try to improve sleep patterns in kids' struggling academically, then we aren't doing our job.


  • 如果我们询问孩子睡眠情况,努力改善孩子刻苦学习时的睡眠模式那么我们就没有做好自己工作。”F说道

    "If we don't ask about sleep and try to improve sleep patterns in kids' struggling academically, then we aren't doing our job," F said.


  • 然而他们认为那些睡眠时间超过8小时学生回忆知识学习课程完成高质量工作方面面临着最大困难

    Yet they rated the students who have received eight hours or less as having the most trouble recalling old material, learning new lessons, and completing high-quality work.


  • 如果睡觉睡觉进行比较,我们会发现睡觉表现更好,那么就必须承认睡眠记忆一些好处

    When sleep is compared with wakefulness, and performance is better after sleep, then some benefit of sleep for memory must be acknowledged.


  • 这些体长超过毫米虫子人类皮肤鳞屑并且产生过敏原睡眠容易被吸入

    The bugs, which are less than a millimetre long, feed on scales of human skin and produce allergens which are easily inhaled during sleep.


  • 年来,人们认为睡眠无关紧要,且睡眠状态中人的大脑是活跃的。

    For years, people thought that sleep was unimportant and inactive.


  • 每天晚上睡眠时间超过三个小时因为决心尽可能捕捉到更多神奇、壮观的场面。

    I had little more than three hours of sleep every night because I was just so determined to capture as much as I could.


  • 王旭峰饮食睡眠规律的后果便是人们普遍感到没有胃口

    After irregular eating and sleeping, it is common for people to lose their appetites too, Wang said.


  • 已经彻底根除了那种夜间睡眠观念,一阵子忘记过去,如果采取一些额外措施

    You've eradicated "sleeping at night" completely. After a while you'll lose track of the days completely if you don't take additional measures.


  • 最新研究表明规律睡眠增加可以促进生长

    A new study suggests that erratic bursts of sleep may correspond to growth spurts.


  • Sam从来睡觉决定最好深入讨论睡眠需要生理机制,管他有没有灵魂跟着就是了)。

    Sam doesn’t sleep ever (I’ve decided it’s best not to get into the physiology of sleep requirements, soul or not, and just go with it).


  • 我们具有习惯生物我们睡眠例外

    We are creatures of habit, and our sleep is no exception.


  • 睡眠问题通常被建议每天同一时间上床睡觉并且按时起床周末的时候也例外。

    People who have problem sleepiness are often advised to go to bed and get up at the same time every day, including on weekends.


  • 或者,把这天当作一周循规蹈矩一天仅仅意味着需要更多睡眠——由于身体需要——而顾还很兴奋精神心灵以及二者多么清醒渴望

    Or, perhaps, thinking it was the wrong day of the week just meant I needed to sleep more-according to my body-regardless of how excited my mind and spirit are, and how the two always want to be awake.


  • 这种情况下,上呼吸道可能会因为缺少肌肉张力在人们睡眠规律塌陷,造成打鼾

    Here, the upper airway collapses at irregular intervals during sleep, possibly due to a lack of muscle tone in the throat lining, which triggers snoring.


  • 如果充足睡眠原因事情控制之内——比如规律睡觉孩子或者是一个医疗过程——那么集中注意力你可以控制事情上。

    If you aren't getting enough sleep because of things outside of your control - such as a child who is not sleeping regularly or a medical condition - focus on the things that are within your control.


  • 然而这个可能他的睡眠法术后觉得恢复了他们研究暗示下一次他们试图睡觉就做事,但是他们表现可能开始变坏

    While that individual might feel recovered after their sleeping spell, the study suggests the next time they try to go without shut-eye, their performance may start to deteriorate.


  • 如果处于活跃状态,身体温度导致睡眠就会妨碍你进入深层睡眠

    If you stay inactive, this body temperature pattern will lead to poor sleep, which will prevent you from sleeping deeply.


  • 很多都被失眠症困扰着,失眠一种睡眠紊乱状态,可多种原因引起其中包括压力睡眠周期的规律

    Many people suffer from a sleep disorder known as insomnia. Insomnia is caused by many different factors including stress and an irregular sleep cycle.


  • 规律睡眠会增加肾上腺素的分泌,导致血压升高——心脏病的一诱因

    Irregular sleep patterns boost adrenaline levels, causing blood pressure to rise - which is a big risk factor for heart attacks.


  • 使用亨宾树树皮引起轻微副作用包括:胃部适、呕吐睡眠规律高血压头痛亢奋皮疹以及心跳加快。

    Minor side effects of taking yohimbe bark include upset stomach, vomiting, irregular sleep patterns, elevated blood pressure, headaches, irritability, skin rashes, and rapid heartbeat.


  • 为什么会缺乏睡眠可能是因为尼古丁的残留物在夜间使辗转反侧。的是,睡眠会使你漂亮

    Why the lack of shut-eye? It's possible that nightly nicotine withdrawal could be causing you to toss and turn. And unfortunately, poor sleep doesn't equal pretty.


  • 尼克斯说:“青少年珍惜睡眠时间是因为太多事情他们分心。”

    "Teens don't value sleep because there's too many things going on to distract them," Nikides said.


  • 如果挑选合适食物帮助实现最好睡眠,为什么试试呢?

    If you could pick the right foods to help you get the best sleep possible, wouldn't you?


  • 拥有一个良好睡眠环境去除一切可能影响睡觉的因素卧室噪音灯光舒适的电视电脑

    Have a good sleeping environment. Get rid of anything that might distract you from sleep, such as noises, bright lights, an uncomfortable bed, or a TV or computer in the bedroom.


  • 没有关于人类被迫保持时间死亡记录但是有一种叫做致命性家族失眠症的遗传病似乎表明人类睡眠时间极限的。

    There are no records of a human having been intentionally kept awake long enough to kill them, but a hereditary disease called fatal familial insomnia suggests there is an ultimate limit.


  • 研究界定睡眠问题包括睡眠时间烦躁频繁醒来以及睡眠时间规律

    Sleep problems were defined in the study as short sleep times, restlessness, frequent awakenings, or irregular sleep schedules.


  • 研究发现时间睡觉能够导致睡眠负债”,这个问题简单额外的小睡所解决

    A new study finds that going long periods without sleep can lead to a sort of "sleep debt" that cannot simply be undone with a little extra snoozing from time to time.


  • 研究发现时间睡觉能够导致睡眠负债”,这个问题简单额外的小睡所解决

    A new study finds that going long periods without sleep can lead to a sort of "sleep debt" that cannot simply be undone with a little extra snoozing from time to time.


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