• 充分理解了,减少生活混乱的一种极端方式不是每个人都适用的。

    I fully understand that this is an extreme way to reduce clutter in your life, and it is certainly not for everyone.


  • 除非他们生活具有破坏性建议不是完全隔绝他们,而是腾出时间自己尝试

    My suggestion isn't to cut them off entirely (unless they are completely destructive to your life), but to free up time and start venturing out on your own.


  • 戴维斯需要具有真正研究水平不是一个梦想家去浪费资源地球生活满意

    Davies: You'll need people with real research skills, not a dreamer using up the resources. I'm very happy with my life here on Earth.


  • 最棒的生活中的成功(不是有钱)女性充满吸引力极大的提高自信

    What is best is that being successful in life (and I don't mean being rich) will make you doubly attractive to women, and that will raise your confidence even more.


  • 如果空闲的时候重新审视生活发现空巢对你而言很可能并不是件坏事

    If you're looking to reorient your life after a recent vacancy, the following steps will help you discover that the empty nest isn't a bad thing at all.


  • 知道将要发生事情来说不是件什么好事而且只会搅乱你的生活

    It's not good to know things ahead. It screws up your life.


  • 即使不是拼命改变生活因为自己满意,花些时间闻闻玫瑰生活甜蜜。

    Even if you're not hell-bent on changing your life because you're satisfied with yourself, life's a lot sweeter when you take the time to smell the roses.


  • 一代友以雄辩口才所宣称的“这是生活以及不是我的主人”的另一面阐释证明。

    This is the flip side of "It's my life,"and "you're not the boss of me,"and other eloquent proclamations of your generation,When you turn 18,it's on your dime.


  • 大多数人仅仅赶快结束麻烦或是暴风,然而上帝想让经历一切,困难你的生活带来改观,困难正是上帝我们的历练,困难会接近上帝,困难让更倾向依赖上帝,困难让学会更多并且帮助成长,这一切都不是自动发生的。

    However, God has a purpose in everything that He allows into your life. Troubles are meant to bring about change in your life.


  • 很不幸,在日常生活疼痛虽然令人不悦但却是必不可少。疼痛会警告人们那些可能会伤害自己的事物保护他们。 (根据原文的意思疼痛是生活必需品的而不是避免的,也就是说疼痛本来是人有很多好处的,你的翻译意思上有点不。)

    PAIN, unfortunately, is a horrible necessity of life. It protects people by alerting them to things that might injure them.


  • 生活不是发生发生的事情自己才是生活发生的事情

    Life is not something that happens to you, but you are something that happens to life.


  • 当然这样生活不是每个适合,因为件事都其利弊。解,可以过无债务负担生活但是不用信用卡旅游更难

    That's not the life for many people, of course, because as with anything, there are trade-offs. Sure, you can live without the burden of debt, but it's harder to travel without a credit card.


  • 第二个问题一个成功生活方式每个人来说不是相同-甚至对你来说以后生活方式相同了。

    A second problem is that a lifestyle of success isn't the same for everyone - and it won't even be the same for you five years from now.


  • 因为他们不怀好意而是因为他们并不明了整个情况:他们不知道梦想你的热情你的生活目标而言意味着什么

    It's not because they have evil intentions. It's because they don't understand the big picture - what your dreams, passions, and life goals mean to you.


  • 来说找到一个地方可以让个性的生活重新改造自己不是重要?那些应该渴望

    Is it important to you to find a place where you can be unique and reinvent yourself should you so desire?


  • 如果将时间花在担心别人以及生活看法,那你的生活不是生活难道认为应该“享受”生活吗?

    If you spend your time worrying what others think of you and your life, you aren't living a real life - and don't you think you deserve to?


  • 不管是否正在经历一些感到头痛的事情,比如离婚或者自己生活一些正面的元素,小小的改变你的生活都是帮助的,而且不是费力哦。

    Whether you’re going through something negative like a divorce, or just want to add more positivity to your life, little changes can have a big effect with very little effort.


  • 不是%生活真空环境里,所以行为其他人有着直接影响

    You don't live in a vacuum because of which your behavior has a direct impact on other people.


  • 不是类型因为必须接受进入生活之前对你通盘了解

    She is not a jealous type because she has to know you thoroughly before accepting you in her life.


  • 不是现在生活感到疲倦了呢?

    Are you getting tired of this life of yours?


  • 发问者先生不是个人应该白天整个生活运作知晓不是仅仅注意家庭生活事业生活或者生活其他任何一个单独方面

    Questioner: are you saying, Sir, that one should be aware during the day of the whole movement of life, not just one's family life, or business life, or any other individual aspect of life?


  • 一个人重要也许不是山盟海誓甜言蜜语生活中的一些琐事更能体现才是爱的密码

    One of the most important love may not pledge of eternal love and sweet, some of the trivial life, he to you with love, and that is the password of love embodied.


  • 创造一种生活生活方式的时候,自尊来自内心,而不是来自别人你的看法

    When you create a life vs. a lifestyle, your self-esteem comes from what's inside you, not what others think about you.


  • 不是金钱生活毫无助益。

    That doesn't mean money can't enhance your life.


  • 就是为何我们建议注意力放在大脑生活影响不是仅仅局限目前的科研事实

    That is why we suggest you to focus primarily on the brain's effect on your own life, rather than limiting yourself to facts provided by scientific research.


  • 以前不是这样的,一起生活真的没有一点兴趣了吗?

    You did not be such mien previously. Do you have no interesting with me in our life ?


  • 生活中的不是世界也保持着疏离观察比如烟、评价地等曝光时间过去

    Are you used to observing the world with distance in your life, like lighting a cigarette during the time of exposure without any personal comment.


  • 生活来说不是愉快希望能够回到过去,和见面、给一个结结实实的拥抱。

    Life is not very fun for you and I wish I could go back in time to meet you and give you a great big hug.


  • 个后人不是石碑上的铭文,而是人类生活的改变。

    What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.


  • 个后人不是石碑上的铭文,而是人类生活的改变。

    What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.


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