• 许多喜欢一生中工作他们认为经常工作的软弱无能,他们相信成功唯一途径就是坚持一项工作因为一个专业领域里不断实践有助于专家的形成。

    They think people who change their jobs frequently are feckless. They believe that the only way to success is to stick to one job, for constant practice in a professional field helps make an expert.


  • 认为自己一无是处想法过很多次,坚持写作出书不断的提升自己因为是我的,同时也是我愿意做的。

    I go through bouts of feeling like I have nothing to contribute to the world, but I keep writing, producing, and improving what I do, because that’s all I can do. It’s all I want to do.


  • 不断停下来喝水乘凉所有可以坚持下来的事。

    I stopped constantly, drinking water, resting in shade, doing whatever I could to press on.


  • 人生成功过程连续不断努力过程,是一个不断坚持不断超越的过程。

    The procedure of one’s succeeding is a continuous process of hard, is a process of constant insist, continuously surpass.


  • 通过不断失败真正的男人会学会如何坚持追求真正有价值东西,放弃没有价值的追求。

    Through repeated failures a man learns to persist in the pursuit of worthy goals and to abandon goals that are unworthy of him.


  • 信仰坚定目标坚持不懈不断提高,又有语法规则武装已经做好了表露自己准备了。

    Full of belief, sustained and elevated by the power of purpose, armed with the rules of grammar, you are ready for exposure.


  • 做记录是通过不断提醒坚持来帮助获得成功你始终能够觉察自到自己实际事情

    A log helps you succeed because it reminds you to be consistent. It keeps you aware of what you're actually doing.


  • 相反反抗组织坚持最高原则,不断撤退东北部一个残存据点,而那里容易遭受卡扎菲上校蚕食

    By contrast, the rebels insist on maximalist aims while consistently retreating to a north-eastern rump where they are vulnerable to the colonel's predations.


  • 慢慢重新发现自己过程中,坚持生活没有故事情节的态度,不断奋斗

    And as he slowly rediscovers himself, he struggles with thenotion of life without a storyline.


  • 他们主体婚礼蛋糕个有着几十手工糖果花朵多层水果蛋糕,引来接连不断的喝彩。威廉王子坚持再要一个巧克力饼干制成的蛋糕。

    Their main wedding cake was a show-stopping multitiered fruit cake with dozens of handcrafted sugar flowers, but Prince William also insisted on another cake made of chocolate biscuits.


  • 2英里都快要挂了。我不断停下来喝水乘凉所有可以坚持下来的事。

    After 2 miles I thought I was going to pass out. I stopped constantly, drinking water, resting in shade, doing whatever I could to press on.


  • 做记录通过不断提醒坚持来帮助获得成功的,你始终能够觉察自到自己实际事情

    A log helps you succeed because it reminds you to be consistent.It keeps you aware of what you're actually doing.


  • 资金不足加剧、资本金成本不断上升威胁英国企业财务主管协会领导人成员提出的建议是“保持冷静坚持到底”。

    The head of Britain's Association of Corporate Treasurers advises his members to "keep calm and carry on" under the threat of scarcer and more costly finance.


  • 坚持认为真正威胁这些谈判单边行为以色列连续不断约旦河西岸建立定居点,约旦河西岸被巴勒斯坦人视为未来国土中的一部分

    The real unilateral impediment to such talks, Mr Abbas insisted, was Israel’s continuing settlement-building on the West Bank, which Palestinians view as the main part of their future state.


  • 不断的冒险尝试新的东西坚持学习这些总是要犯很多错误

    Taking risks, trying new things, learning - these things always involve making mistakes.


  • 成功关键之一就是失败不断的坚持下去

    One of the keys to that success is consistently going after it again after failing.


  • 需要保持你的注意力坚持不懈,只有这样才可以不断取得进步(才能不断这样做的过程中拥有乐趣)。

    You need to maintain that focus consistently, so that they are constantly working on improving it (and having fun while doing so!).


  • 我们只要坚持Yes”,抵制说“No文化接受失败的可能性,同时不断地重复重复直到达到我们认为正确程度为止。

    We just need to continue to say 'yes' and resist a culture of' no ', accept the inevitability of failures, and continue iterating until we get things right.


  • PicLyf成功重要一点创立者乐观坚持,把这些不断出现的困难视成机遇

    One thing that is vital in PicLyf’s success is the optimism and persistence of its founders to transcend the given constraints and see them as opportunities.


  • 改变消极态度这些年来通过不断坚持自我评价的方式,我在想方设法让自己变得更好

    I have struggled with reforming my negative attitude as well, but over the years, through persistence and self evaluation, I have managed to change for the better.


  • 青春奔跑在于瞬间爆发在与不断坚持

    Youth run is not the outbreak of the moment, but with constant insist.


  • 一步一步的出来的,需要一步登天,需要不断的坚持

    Road, step by step to walk out, you don't need to, only need to adhere to.


  • 我们深知,我们不断坚持正确事情,我们允许诚信上的妥协,不论商业或是生活

    We believe that we should always do the right thing, and that we should never compromise our integrity in business or in life.


  • 公司秉承一贯坚持专业严谨守时工作准则不断提高服务质量扩大服务范围来满足需求

    The company will take the work rule "professional, precise and punctual" persisted in consistently and meet your requirements by continuously improving service quality and extending service range.


  • 我们同样期待反馈,并坚持不断改善我们软件希望减肥私人助理能够成为市场最有用的减肥软件!

    At the same time, we will look forward to your reply, refitting our software constantly, hoping that it would be the most useful slimming software.


  • 改变源于行动,行动不断重复不断的坚持

    Change is the result of action, action is repeated, constantly adhere to.


  • 只要坚持下去一定有所提升,玩家们不断练习就会体验游戏能力增长

    As long as you stick to it will be improved, the players in your practice in the growth of the ability to experience the game.


  • 但是简单工具强大的效果,不论使用何种工具方法连续不断坚持的用一种工具和方法时,一定会走向成功的。

    Nevertheless the simple tools power use, one methodology to another when apply and practiced consistency will lead to business success no matter what tools or methodologies that you are applying.


  • 但是简单工具强大的效果,不论使用何种工具方法连续不断坚持的用一种工具和方法时,一定会走向成功的。

    Nevertheless the simple tools power use, one methodology to another when apply and practiced consistency will lead to business success no matter what tools or methodologies that you are applying.


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