• 幸福是从目标另一个目标不断渴望过程

    Happiness is a process of constant eagerness, from one aim to another.


  • 民用航空受到干扰不是因为长久以来速度浪漫主义魅力渴望而是因为迫切需要应对不断变化的气候

    Civilian aviation is being disrupted, not by the age-old desires for speed, romanticism and glamour, but by the pressing need to respond to a changing climate.


  • 赖斯大多数工程师不同之处在于不断渴望创新实验

    What sets Rice apart from most engineers is his constant desire to innovate and experiment.


  • 男性渴望展示自己的块腹肌V后背针对男性减肥药市场不断增长

    Men aspire to be able to show off their six packs or their V-shape backs and there's a growing market of slimming pills aimed at men too.


  • 但同时我们大量时间精力来研究如何能够更进一步这些人事调整反映了我们不断改进工作方式渴望

    But we have put a considerable amount of time and effort into thinking about what we need going forward and these changes reflect our desire to constantly improve the way we work.


  • 科学家们专家们同样渴望答案不断涌现有关主题书籍纪录片好地证明了这一点

    Nonscientists are as eager for the answers as the experts, if the constant outpouring of books and documentaries on the subject is any indication.


  • 我们的孩童时代起有着很深的渴望我们一直在适应环境不断的想出策略以便我们的需求能够得到满足。

    This is such a deep longing that right from our childhood, we are constantly adapting to our environment and building different strategies, so we can better fulfill this need.


  • 身上看到了充斥陀思妥耶夫斯基小说那些年轻人的影子。那些青年非正义有着不断高涨敏感,并且渴望改变世界

    She reminded him of the young men who people Dostoevsky's novels, youths with a heightened sense of injustice and a longing to change the world.


  • 这样说吧遵从这些步骤(不断突破自己极限提升渴望得到的那样东西相关的一切),就会最大可能顺风顺水地得到你渴望的东西。

    Let just say that by following those steps (pushing your limits, improving everything that relates to what you want), probabilities will most likely play in your favor.


  • 世界上——不断重复同一事情,却希望获得不同结果还有一种是那些知道如何达到他们渴望秘密的人。

    There are two types of people in the world... those who do the same thing over and over expecting different results, and those who know the secret to create their desires.


  • 在关于1995年波斯尼亚和谈回忆录开头引用了伊希梅尔自白,“结束战争”:“来说,遥远事物一种不断渴望,这一直使我备受折磨。”

    He cited Ishmael's confession near the beginning of his memoir of the 1995 Bosnian peace talks, "to End a War" : "as for me, I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote."


  • 仍然热爱训练,不断鞭策自己推动着每一个人渴望着辛勤耕耘后的收获。

    He still loves the work, craves the pain that comes with pushing himself -pushing everyone.


  • 周前渴望阻止不断上行的通胀压力银行官方现金利率提高到了令人生畏的8%,此后银行发动了本次袭击

    The bank struck after it had raised its official cash interest rate to a daunting 8% the week before, eager to halt rising inflationary pressures.


  • 渴望不断完善自己,学习东西并且继续做好我所熟悉那些以免被我忘记。

    I want to keep on growing, I want to learn the things I don't know and to keep working on the things I do know so that I don't forget them.


  • 知识不断渴望探求能够创造奇迹

    Constant desire and pursuit for knowledge can lead to wonders.


  • 1.4亿人民国家——是一个大消费市场,它有不断增加渴望提高生活水平中产阶级

    It is a country of 140m people - a huge consumer market, with a growing middle class aspiring to raise living standards.


  • “到目前为止联盟中的头号球员,”2006年,华盛顿(奇才队)后卫阿里纳斯,“他这样的球员,渴望不断接受挑战。”

    "He is the No. 1 player in the league, by far," Washington gaurd Gilbert Arenas said in 2006. "With a player like him, he just wants that challenge."


  • 关键行动起来,去这件事,就是行动起来马上去做。保持积极性动力渴望不断前进

    The key is to get up and do it, just get up and do it. Stay motivated and have that drive, that hunger to keep going.


  • 我们接受完整性人类本性一部分,当我们不断滚动前行能欣赏其价值时,我们就会获得其他人渴望完整人生

    When we accept that imperfection is part of human, and when we can continue rolling through life and appreciate it, we will have achieved a wholeness that others can only aspire to.


  • 我们接受“不完整性人生一部分时,当我们在人生之路上不断前进并且欣赏生命之美时,我们获得别人只能渴望的完整的人生。

    When we accept that imperfection is part of being human, and when we can continue rolling through life and appreciate it, we will have achieved a wholeness that others can only aspire to.


  • 我们你们一样渴望着这些事情的到来,虽然我们从未懈怠过而且永远在不断调整计划迎合地球最新情况

    We like you are keen to get going, although we are never idle and forever adjusting our plans to accommodate the latest situation on Earth.


  • 人们喜欢关注他人生活而且那些渴望电视应征者源源不断

    People enjoy watching other people's lives and there is no limit to the supply of candidates eager to get on TV.


  • 食物起来像图书馆里浆糊也许人类的本能使不断地吃下去,不知不觉希望最终能满足灰心失望的味蕾的渴望

    When food has the flavor of library paste, it may be the instinct of mankind to go on eating in the unconscious hope of finally satisfying the frustrated taste buds.


  • 其结果球迷的兴趣打球愿望以及观赏高尔夫比赛渴望正处于一个历史最高水平,不断增长的趋势。

    As a result, fan interest and the desire to play and watch golf is at an all-time high and increasing.


  • 求知渴望驱使不断学习

    His hunger for knowledge drove him to keep learning.


  • 求知渴望驱使不断学习

    His hunger for knowledge drove him to keep learning.


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