• 我们开始看太空堡垒卡拉狄加第二

    NO. We're gonna start season two of battlestar galactica.


  • 我们既往开启新的一页

    We're going to let bygones be bygones, and try and turn over a new leaf.


  • 所以他们都会试图说服这样一些,这些人认为:,我们现实

    So they and I would both talk to people who think: "No, we should be realistic."


  • 既然我们小偷为什么厨房里东西呢?那里没有有毒的食物。

    Look, if we're going to be thieves, why not steal the good stuff in the kitchen, where nothing is poisoned?


  • 再加上一句我们可以恩典确信疑,即使对我们生命中未来具体情况定时,仍能心怀感恩。

    I would add we can be certain of God's grace while being graciously uncertain of the future details of our lives.


  • 如果我们控制排放世界面临灾难,而珊瑚灭将会第一我们直接面临的灾难之一

    If we do not control the emission of carbon, this world is heading for a major catastrophe and this is one of the first to be staring us straight in the face.


  • 我们第二种防范方法,一定,以防丢掉工作

    The next post in our series will talk about the softer side of protecting mobile devices, which is really about saying no without losing your job.


  • 我们大多数人当中应该能回想起那个时候妈妈我们吼叫,威胁夺走我们看电视权利打扫我们房间的,如果我们房间里面50年代经典裸女海报。

    That takes most of us back to childhood when our Mother was yelling at us and threatening to take away TV privileges if we didn't clean up our room or it is a classic 1950′s pinup pose.


  • 因为我们金贵而且便宜房间就意味着我们将住酒店原始部分。 房间里是木地板,还可以俯瞰到被叫做维多利亚公园”的景色。

    As we are cheap, and went for the cheapest room, this meant we were in the original part of the hotel, in a room with hardwood floors and overlooking the formerly named "Victoria Park".


  • 那么我们面对如意的情境时,如何可以盲目地产生反应?

    So the question arises: how can we stop reacting blindly when confronted with things that we don't like?


  • 的创始人肯·苏利特说,“我们这样目的破坏这些地区经济,而是那些卖衣服其他工作途径的送去有用之物祝福。”

    The goal is not to hurt the economy in these areas but to be an asset and to be a blessing to these people that otherwise wouldn’t have jobs.


  • 位发言人:“我们知道女人们圣诞节很多活儿但是男人们应该自己帮忙害怕厨房而编造借口。”

    A spokesman said: 'We all know that women do a lot of work at Christmas, but men shouldn't make up excuses for not helping out or be afraid of the kitchen.


  • 我们目的,”他,“促进公众对人体接受度,它们是胖是瘦,还是裸。”

    The goal, Hightower said, was to promote acceptance of the human body no matter what shape or form it comes in.


  • 我们相信这些非常明显连续表明存在取样偏差也许归因于工具特性

    We believe these strong discontinuities indicate a sample bias, perhaps as a result of instrument characteristics.


  • 这种承诺并非我们之间完全屈从对方我们之间的关系一定永久

    This commitment does not entail surrendering our total selves to each other; nor does it imply that the relationship is necessarily permanent.


  • 我们知道锻炼自己好处,对此深信疑,但是意味着我们锻炼。

    We know that exercise is good for us. We are convinced of that, but that doesn't mean we are committed to exercise.


  • 如果讨论关于我们社会根基、那些迟早面对的问题,是会有任何收获的。

    NOTHING CAN be gained by not discussing issues which call into question the very roots of our society and which, sooner or later, must be faced.


  • 如果答案可能会”,那么说明我们得更好。如果答案是“愿意”,那么意味着我们重新考虑整个事情了。

    If the answer is "Definitely", we know we're doing well; if the answer is "Maybe", we know we can do better; and if the answer is "no", then it's often time to rethink the whole thing.


  • 我们JSON文档包含任何标记包含转换幻灯片图像URL元数据

    Your JSON document doesn't contain any markup, just the URLs and metadata for the images your JavaScript code turns into a slide show.


  • 我们一定严格遵守交通规则骑车闯红灯马路人行横道,主动避让机动车辆

    We must strictly comply with rules of the road, without people to ride, not red light running, horse way to go before crosswalks, it is necessary to take the initiative to avoid motor vehicles.


  • 地球确实我们想象坚强得多,但是如果我们采取行动,继续我们蓝色星球上改变那片蓝色的区域,我们就相当于是在一次后果挽回冒险

    Earth is often tougher than we think, but if we don't do something, we really do risk irrevocably altering the blue in our blue planet.


  • 我们在这里找到我们午餐,”吉姆说道

    "No, we must stay here and find our lunch basket," said Jim.


  • 海伦我们干嘛公寓呢!

    Helen: No, why should we take over your apartment?


  • 根据圣路易斯华盛顿大学生物力学专家Herman Pontzer的说法,我们之所以是因为这样的话就意识上以及生理上额外花些气力才能使得手臂保持静止

    We swing our arms simply because it would take extra mental and physical effort to keep them still, says Herman Pontzer, a biomechanics researcher at Washington University in st Louis.


  • 我们怎样才能弄到本书?

    Oh. No. Then how are we going to get it?


  • 所学校里我们学习一种基于依赖占有关系

    In school one learns the importance of relationship which is not based on attachment and possession.


  • 所学校里我们学习一种基于依赖占有关系

    In school one learns the importance of relationship which is not based on attachment and possession.


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