• 宣布完约翰·f·肯尼迪(John F . Kennedy)死亡确实消息时,他流下眼泪尽管克朗凯特一直抵制不愿相信的诱惑直到代表官方说完这条新闻。

    He shed a tear when he announced that President John F. Kennedy, indeed, had died, though Cronkite resisted the temptation to speculate until the word was official.


  • 相信儿子沾染毒品

    He refused to believe (that) his son was involved in drugs.


  • 谁也相信明显事实

    Nobody wanted to believe the simple truth.


  • 相信婚姻已经结束

    She was unprepared to accept that her marriage was over.


  • 只是通过一些随手可得视角自己感知现实的存在,并意去相信那些必须以怀疑其他代价的“信仰”。

    I enable myself to perceive reality through both perspectives at once. And I do not “believe” in one at the cost of disbelieving the other.


  • 这会什么时候实现相信普遍接受治疗可能的。

    He will not say when that will happen, but he believes that universal treatment is possible.


  • 社会心理学家倾向相信人类天性如此,仅仅因为我们工作社会关系具体物品我们而言非常重要,我们失去它们

    Cultural psychologists tend to believe that humans are inherently jealous, simply because our jobs, relationships and material goods mean a lot to us, and we don't want to lose them.


  • 他们失去学习东西热情虽然他们承认一点,但他们行为相信他们已经承认自己到了顶峰”,而且对现在的生活工作满意

    They lose all the zeal to learn new things and although they won't admit this, their actions would make you believe they have thrown in the towel and are satisfied with a status quo life and career.


  • 通常一个很大的障碍因为用户相信任何安装机器上的内容 —尤其是知道的情况下安装的内容

    This is generally a huge entry barrier because users are hesitant to trust anything that wants to install itself on their machinesespecially when it is unexpected.


  • 曼城官方此次的收购多加评论大家都相信克利西的转会一定成功,在他们带回斯里的合同回去之前

    City officials are not willing to comment on the approach at this time, but it is believed Clichy's transfer will be wrapped up before they press home the Nasri deal.


  • 我却相信——七月里也会有凉爽清晨呀;干旱年头里树叶也会提前掉落呀;第一西芹便宣告了夏季的逝去。

    There may be cool mornings in July; in a year of drought the leaves may change before their time; it is only with the first celery that summer is over.


  • 真正奇怪的这些幼崽竟然相信这个胖胖的毛绒玩具是它们的妈妈,而且它分开

    What was really unusual was the cubs seemed to believe the stuffed animal was their mother and would not leave her side.


  • 一个已破碎的年轻女子相信父亲,认为给她帮助,可是她错了。

    As a young woman with a broken heart, she was reluctant to confide in him, thinking he could not help. She was wrong.


  • 尽管信任的人常常背叛,让十分快,两次他们非常卑鄙地背叛了我,我仍然相信因为怀疑是我的天性,我也不愿意这样。

    My trust has often been betrayed in petty ways, and once or twice gravely. I cannot stop trusting people, because suspicion is contrary to my nature.


  • 还是仅仅是因为相信人类他们那样从根本上这个事实呢?

    Or is it just because I don't want to confront the fact that people are the way they are, which is to say fundamentally self-interested?


  • 相信坐着产生这么危险的后果。

    I wouldn't want to think the sitting could be that dangerous.


  • 大部分相信爱因斯坦的理论错了

    Most are unwilling to believe Einstein was wrong.


  • 那些相信只有一种解决方式的人通常固执的,而且不愿意折中方案。

    Those who believe there is only one solution to custody and visitation issues are usually fairly stubborn and generally refuse to compromise.


  • 如果感觉到了她的不愿相信直觉要找这种女人

    If you sense reluctance, trust your instinct.Don't bite.


  • 无法好地完成工作.你将意去审视系统并且相信自己任何事情.一切来源于你自己达成的一个秘密协议 - 再检视我的行动.

    You'll then avoid looking at your system and not really trust anything you're doing because of the hidden agreements with yourself you've neglected to re-negotiate.


  • 男人会告诉他们感觉即使或者不愿相信

    Guys tell you how they feel even if you refuse to listen or believe them.


  • 男人会告诉他们感觉即使或者不愿相信

    Guys tell you how they feel even if you refuse to listen or believe them.


  • 在接受法新社的采访时,来自澳大利亚的48岁游客Hazel Lane说:“继续保持这项禁令是荒谬的。相信新加坡自己的环境形象遭到破坏”。

    "I'm sure Singaporeans wouldn't want to spoil their own environment and their own image, " she told AFP.


  • 现在借款公司想尽办法收回透支贷款,但是很多逾期者根本偿还因为他们相信只要长期撑下去,他们的债务就会一笔勾销

    Now, lenders are struggling to retrieve their advances but many defaulters are reluctant to pay because they believe their debts will be written off if they hold out long enough.


  • 生命太多东西容易的散去破碎所以学会习惯性的冷漠淡然,也许,更多的时候我们相信自己,不愿随便的托付,因为生活里,没有永远的唯一,所有的东西终究有一天都会离我们而去。

    There are many things in our lives that are easily gone or broken. Therefore, we will gradually learn to become apathetic and indifferent towards everything.


  • 生命太多东西容易的散去破碎所以学会习惯性的冷漠淡然,也许,更多的时候我们相信自己,不愿随便的托付,因为生活里,没有永远的唯一,所有的东西终究有一天都会离我们而去。

    There are many things in our lives that are easily gone or broken. Therefore, we will gradually learn to become apathetic and indifferent towards everything.


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