• 我们相信我们对别人来说有吸引力时候这个过程就会中断——就像格鲁求的玩笑:即使俱乐部我们成为他们我们不想属于那个俱乐部。

    The process gets thrown off if we can't believe that another persons finds us attractive - like the Groucho Marx joke where we don't want to belong to a club that would have us for a member.


  • 不过,两者还是有所不同麦格雷迪度过了在奥兰多糟糕赛季被交换出去,而弗朗西斯则为火箭队作出了重的贡献,他不想离开火箭队,所以当他交换出去的时候,他感到失望震惊。

    The departures were vastly different. McGrady had come off his team's worst season of his tenure and wanted to be dealt.


  • 有些时候这样,有些时候不想这样。

    Which is sometimes what you want, and sometimes not what you want.


  • 很多时候之所以讨厌工作是因为我一直试图在我并不想做事时强迫自己投入工作中。

    A lot of the time I resent working is because I'm trying to force myself to do something I don't feel like doing.


  • 一天结束时候如果新郎新娘不想这些东西它们就是你的了!

    At the end of the day, if the bride and groom don't want it back, it's yours.


  • 流行的观点相反一个大多数时候都不而且不想自定义元类工作

    Contrary to popular belief, this is a job where most of the time you do not need and you do not want a custom metaclass.


  • 上帝不想金钱的是你的心。他希望下决心什么时候给予以及如何给予。

    God doesn't want your money, he wants your heart. He wants you to decide when and how you'll give.


  • 生活中好些不想那样但是得接受的时候,但是当设立将来财政计划只有考虑真正什么,你才会成功

    There will be times when you need to suck it up and do things that that you don't want to, but when it comes to setting goals for your financial future, success starts with really wanting it.


  • 存钱东西,借钱,等你有钱时候可能根本不想要这些东西了。

    Save up for stuff instead of charging it; by the time you have the money, you may not even want it anymore!


  • 也就是脸上始终保持微笑市况不佳时候企业不想那些不停抱怨员工

    'a big part of this whole process is keeping that smile on your face,' she says. 'When times are tough, companies do not want complaining employees.


  • 还是小孩时候声称怀着临产医院路上一直都在着“我不想!”

    When I was younger, he claimed that for the entire ride to the hospital while my mother was in labor with me, she had shouted, "I don't want it!"


  • 每当丈夫集中精神聊天时候,我绝对不想直播的足球节目竞争,我会简单地问他这个问题

    Whenever I want my husband's full attention for a conversation and I don't want to compete with a football game on TV, I ask this simple question.


  • 我们已经过保本点,过去建立经营模式足够确保我们健康平稳的资金流动这个时候我不不想要某个投资者了。

    The business model I’ve built up in the past two years can provide us a healthy cash flow. I neither need nor want an investor at this time.


  • 甚至有些时候他们母亲很难接受自己孩子因为她们是被逼得,她们可能并不想要这个孩子。

    Sometimes, even the mother has difficulty of accepting the child as, you know, as a child that she wants and she loves.


  • 因此我们怎么一些实际上不想要,更别说时候花钱的?

    So. How do we end up spending money when we don't really want something, let alone need it?


  • 时候不想普通的两栖车。

    Sometimes you don't want an amphibious vehicle to look too much like a car.


  • 我们不想不同硬件运行七种不同的任务,我们只想工具能够在任何时候任何地方任何事情。

    We don't want seven pieces of hardware to perform seven different tasks; we want a single gadget capable of doing anything-anytime-anywhere.


  • count方法返回当前计数initialize 方法询问Back按钮支持有些时候也许不想 Back 按钮支持)并初始化数值

    The count method returns the current count, and the initialize method asks for Back button support (sometimes you might not want Back button support) and initializes the value of count.


  • 有人开玩笑这么说,不过也许真的有时会发现自己送出去礼物,在朋友之间大圈后又回到自己手上,你只能大笑一场,有时候这个礼物正是你先前不想的东西,而它却绕了一圈后又回到你手上。

    And you just have a good laugh. And sometimes, this gift is the very thing that you wanted to get rid of, and it came back to you full circle.


  • 不想时候

    Say yes, when you mean no.


  • 时候坚持不想事情之后,得到你最想的东西。

    Sometimes, after that you don't want to do most things, to get what you want.


  • 有些时候不想整个字符串:你只想该字符串值的位置

    Sometimes you don't want the entire string value; you only want a portion of that string value. For example, when working with Active Directory you often get back names that look like this.


  • 时候坚持不想事情之后,便得到最想的东西。

    Sometimes, stick to the last thing you want to do, then you can get what you want most.


  • 甚至岁时想起圣诞节时候收到个玩具卡车,她的一个姐妹收到了芭比娃娃,但她却完全不想玩具卡车。

    Even at age two she recalls getting a truck for Christmas while one of her sisters received a Barbie and wanting nothing to do with the truck.


  • 大部分父母年轻时候过错误,所以他们不想要孩子他们

    Most parents have made mistakes when they are young, so they don't want their kids go their ways.


  • 在附近走路时候,你将不想要携带一个整个个人计算机

    As you walk around you won't want to carry an entire PC.


  • 在附近走路时候,你将不想要携带一个整个个人计算机

    As you walk around you won't want to carry an entire PC.


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