• 因为它们手工制作的,一件略有不同

    Because they're handmade, each one varies slightly.


  • 由于它们手工制作的,件都会略有不同

    As they're handmade, each one varies slightly.


  • 冥想不同的是,手工活动产生有形的、往往有用的产品这些产品可以增强自尊

    Unlike meditation, craft activities result in tangible and often useful products that can enhance self-esteem.


  • 冥想不同的是,手工活动产生有形的往往有用的产品可以增强自尊心

    But unlike meditation, craft activities result in tangible and often useful products that can enhance self-esteem.


  • 模式:不同用户身份手工登录访问台计算机然后执行复制文件配置操作。

    Antipattern: People manually access machines by logging into each of the machines as different users; then they copy files, configure values, and so on.


  • 业务流程建模期间,会将人工任务标识手工任务,每个人工任务分配不同角色

    During business process modeling, a task is identified as manual, and different roles are assigned to each of these human tasks.


  • 这个环境中可以通过企业伙伴所用来自不同供应商业务应用程序集成在一起使手工任务自动化

    In this environment, manual tasks can be automated by integrating business applications from different vendors used by the enterprise's partners.


  • 这种翻译服务通过收集和分析手工翻译文件(翻译11不同语言欧盟议会记录等)来“学习”如何翻译。

    Such services "learn" by analysing collections of documents that have been translated by humans, such as the records of the European Parliament, which are translated into 11 different languages.


  • 来说,问题许多组织例子,有许多不同文化,可以期待建立手工品上的。

    The problem to me is I have lots of examples of large organizations which have a quite different culture from the one you expect based on the artifact alone.


  • 希望本文能为提供一些关于如何不同构建之间度量应用程序中堆使用想法还有几个手工技术用于发现处理不可避免的泄漏

    I hope this article has given you some ideas on how to measure your application's heap usage from build to build, plus a few handy techniques for finding and fixing leaks when they inevitably occur.


  • 这些藤条板子山东手工者编织的,每块板的设计不同

    The panels were handmade by craftsmen in Shandong Province, each one unique in design.


  • 本文显示一些不同手工eJB编程方法以前可能就是这么

    This article will show you a few different ways to program with EJBs by hand, as you've had to do it in the past.


  • 尽管对于很多手工者,艺术企业概念不同的。

    For many crafters, the idea of being artistic and entrepreneurial is a foreign concept.


  • 意味着必须手工创建许多用户订阅然后作为不同的用户登录检查每个用户订阅主题

    This would mean you have to manually create a number of user subscriptions, then log in as each user, and check off the subjects to which each user wants to subscribe.


  • 需要使用转换不同版本时,Microsoft 版本,必须手工替换默认的转换(.cnv)文件文件驻留 UNIX 和 Linux 平台的 ...

    When you want to use a different version of the conversion tables, such as the Microsoft version, you must manually replace the default conversion table (.cnv) files, which reside in the ...


  • 出于说明目的我们不在运行ConfigurationAdvisor而是手工调优不同参数

    For illustration purposes, we do not run the configuration Advisor in our examples, but we manually tune different parameters. The configuration parameters described here include.


  • 两种不同发现图标(如图9所示):带有绿灯光的图说明QuickFix可用的,另一没有绿灯泡的图标则需要手工处理

    There are two different finding ICONS (illustrated in Figure 9) : the one with the light bulb indicates that a Quick fix is available, while the one without a light bulb requires a manual fix.


  • Exeros技术可以自动地发现数据库之间隐藏关系,帮助用户发现不同数据源意义,避免手工数据映射过程

    Exeros technology automatically uncovers hidden relationships between databases, helping users make sense of disparate sources without the labor-intensive process of manually mapping data.


  • 如果运行WebSphereStudioV 5.0(与V5.0.1不同),那么您需要升级5.0.1采用一个附加的手工操作步骤

    If you are running version 5.0 of WebSphere Studio (as opposed to version 5.0.1), you will need to upgrade to 5.0.1 or apply one additional manual step.


  • 尽管NLTK 附带了很多已经预处理通常手工不同程度的全集,但是概念上每一 都是依赖于相邻更低层次处理

    While NLTK comes with a number of corpora that have been pre-processed (often manually) to various degrees, conceptually each layer relies on the processing in the adjacent lower layer.


  • 尽管NLTK附带了很多已经预处理(通常手工)不同程度的全集,但是概念上每一都是依赖于相邻更低层次处理

    While NLTK comes with a number of corpora that have been pre-processed (often manually) to various degrees, conceptually each layer relies on the processing in the adjacent lower layer.


  • 手工者中颇受欢迎因为设计清晰且很多独到之处使得访问者能够选择很多不同方式浏览站点中的125 000多个商家

    Has become hugely popular among crafters because of its clean design and unique features that let visitors choose different methods of browsing through the site's 125, 000 vendors.


  • 手工者中颇受欢迎因为设计清晰且很多独到之处使得访问者能够选择很多不同方式浏览站点中的125,000多个商家

    Has become hugely popular among crafters because of its clean design and unique features that let visitors choose different methods of browsing through the site's 125,000 vendors.


  • 协调两手工编码接口数据导入导出不同只能它们全都链接起来指望人们可以提取(derefernce)发现的数据。

    Instead of coordinating the import and export of data from one hand-coded interface to another, you can just link it all up and expect everyone to dereference and recognise your data.


  • 由于手工性质确切色系款产品形态可能不同

    And, due to its handcrafted nature, the exact shades and patterns of this product may differ.


  • 手工锻造工具包括各种不同形状锤子锻造用于支撑工件的基础铁砧

    Hand forging tools comprise variously shaped hammers. The base on which the work is supported during forging is the anvil.


  • 山姆手工编程不同。在程序员输入简单指令计算机自动生成程序

    Sam: It's different from manual programming. After the programmer inputs simple instruction, the computer creates the program.


  • 设计师开始想像这样情况用户中连续50接受相同日期格式然后手工输入一次不同的格式。

    Designers start to imagine situations like this: the user accepts the same date format 50 times in a row, and then manually enters a different format once.


  • 设计师开始想像这样情况用户中连续50接受相同日期格式然后手工输入一次不同的格式。

    Designers start to imagine situations like this: the user accepts the same date format 50 times in a row, and then manually enters a different format once.


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