• 专家们一致认为未来出现一个难题如何破坏地球情况下养活90亿人口

    Experts agree that the next few decades will present a puzzle: how to feed nine billion people without wrecking the planet in the process.


  • 纵观我们物种宇宙中的位置,我们可以清楚地看到,就算我们几百年几千有可能活上

    Take a broader look at our species' place in the universe, and it becomes clear that we have an excellent chance of surviving for tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of years.


  • 围绕航天飞机项目意义何在争论仅仅为期十年载人与载人航天飞行大讨论的一个方面

    The debate on the value of the Space Shuttle Program is but one facet of the manned vs. unmanned space flight controversy that has raged for decades.


  • 十年中间阶段,现代公司管理旋转门一样改变,对公司来说非常墨守成规

    In the middle part of this decade, Hyundai management ranks had a revolving door, and there was a great deal of instability at the company.


  • 家长们希望等待另外十年求得答案。

    Families don't want to wait another decade for answers.


  • 周五杰瑞·宋飞一次性表演让人想起了了以名字命名情景喜剧生活十年据称基于任何东西东西

    And Jerry Seinfeld's one-off performance on Friday was a reminder of the nine-year life of the sitcom that shares his name, and the near decade of something that was allegedly based on nothing.


  • 如果美国走运的话,曾被视为明显优势那些特点如今已变成了弱点。美国有可能上世纪90年代日本一样,面临一个经济停滞的“失落十年”。

    If the US is unlucky, traits seen as distinctive strengths are now weaknesses, and a "lost decade" of stagnation, like Japan's in the 1990s, might lie ahead.


  • 一般来讲,正常体重中年人的时间里体重都会增加。但是那些练习瑜伽的人的体重练习瑜伽的人的体重增加得少

    Middle-aged people of normal weight generally put on pounds over 10 years, but those who did yoga gained less weight than those who didn't practice yoga.


  • 作为一个教授民法超过非常明白缴纳罚款幼小的女儿杨若楠将会“黑户孩子”一样生活

    Yet as one who taught civil law for more than 10 years, Yang was well aware that by not paying the fine, his younger daughter, Yang Ruonan, would live as a “black child.”


  • ——作家捷克南顿,尼亚,卡罗莱加利福尼亚餐馆呆了

    Former waiter Jake Blanton, who spent ten years in restaurants in Virginia, North Carolina, and California.


  • 对于某些人可能只是幻想换句话说,太空旅行也是认为是科幻小说吗。

    It might be kind of fanciful to some, but on the other hand, space travel was considered science fiction not that many decades ago.


  • 以色列巴勒斯坦报纸上发表专栏文章一系列和谈是否取得十年的和平努力未能取得的成果希望。

    Newspaper columns in Israel and the Palestinian territories have placed little hope that these negotiations will accomplish what decades of attempts at peace have failed to do.


  • 因为即便过去市场大批美国人收入缩水,我们相信市场。

    No, because even after a decade that has bankrupted whole swaths of America, we still put our faith in the markets.


  • 争论可能会持续学者们可能,实际上经常唇舌之争,出言伤人,因为通常涉及利害关系,因此也无伤大雅。

    Arguments may persist for decades; academics may-and often do-sling insults at each other; but it does not matter a great deal because the stakes are normally rather low.


  • 然而之后我们甚至这些担忧

    However, in five to ten years we'll struggle to even remember these concerns.


  • 一点奇怪动量效应已经一些职业投资人利用

    It is hardly a surprise that the momentum effect has been exploited by some professionals for decades.


  • 此处论据编排得有条磨练十年美国原教旨主义者的斗争

    Here his arguments are well-rehearsed and finely honed from decades of combating American fundamentalists.


  • 这些新创始人中的大部分几乎已经早期十年网络经济崩溃(网络泡沫破灭)导致经济低迷了。

    Many of their fresh-faced founders can barely remember the downturn triggered by the dotcom bust in the early part of the decade.


  • 设计兴建在洋流湍急恶劣条件下经受住考验的机器一直是个难题,在过去十年无论是国内还是国外,失败的例子总是屡见

    Designing and building machines that can survive the harsh conditions of fast-flowing ocean waters has been challenging and the past decades have seen repeated disappointments here and abroad.


  • ,这很有趣有些对此感到犹豫但是他们还是决定随波逐流

    It was kind of funny at that time, decades ago, some of the people were kind of reluctant, but they said we just had to go with the flow.


  • 人们十年首次真正论及长期能源计划科技含量高、排放二氧化碳核能呼声很高

    With people actually talking about long-range energy planning for the first time in decades, the high-tech carbon-negative nuclear option has a high profile at the moment.


  • 过去讲述一个关于挠精神故事

    These past ten years tell a story of resilience.


  • 十年了,这国家的人都给压迫得喘过气来。埃及是“这里的平静悄悄”,在沙特,就是连个“字儿几乎都听到。

    Decades of repression have ensured that the opposition is quiescent in Egypt and virtually inaudible in Saudi Arabia.


  • 能活现在,大概总结过去十年经验教训,卸下了思想包袱,生气悲观。

    That I've lived to this age is probably due to my effort to sum up my personal experience of the past decades and draw a lesson from it. I've never been weighed down by CARES.


  • 很明显美国国债市场担心这个-期的国债收益率3%,并且如果目前趋势继续下去的话债券市场没有什么理由需要担心。

    The Treasury market obviously isn't worried - not it 10 year Treasury yields are under 3%. And there is little reason for the bond market to be worried if current trends continue.


  • 有时候一个人说谎为了保护希望因为麻烦苦恼。我愿意用我的一生再还你天真无邪

    Sometimes lying to someone is protecting him. I don't want to afflict you with my trouble. I will trade my life for ten innocent years of you.


  • 有时候一个人说谎为了保护希望因为麻烦苦恼。我愿意用我的一生再还你天真无邪

    Sometimes lying to someone is protecting him. I don't want to afflict you with my trouble. I will trade my life for ten innocent years of you.


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