• 已经不再流行牛仔裤上时,你会怎么

    What do you do when you're sitting on a pile of old wide legs jeans that just aren't in fashion anymore?


  • 因为她们总是想到自己公众面前穿不再流行衣着就会颤抖

    Because they tremble at the thought of been seen in public in clothes that are out of fashion.


  • 业内公司应该设法获得版权以便能够尽快地发行那些不再流行的音乐,并把变成一个机械的、自动的、大规模生产的流程。

    It should be securing the rights to release all the titles in all the back catalogs as quickly as it can - thoughtlessly, automatically, and at industrial scale.


  • 虽然生态系统概念在20世纪50年代60年代非常流行但它不再主导的概念。

    Although the ecosystem concept was very popular in the 1950s and 1960s, it is no longer the dominant paradigm.


  • 款式服装使的款式不再流行

    New fashions drive out old ones.


  • 印刷术直接影响下,手写版就已经流行书籍得到更多传播,不那么流行的作品不再传播。

    The immediate effect of printing was to increase the circulation of works that were already popular in a handwritten form, while less popular works went out of circulation.


  • 随着收音机电视最近互联网电脑游戏发明读书似乎不再一种流行活动

    With the invention of radio, television and most recently, the Internet and computer games, it seems that reading books is no longer a popular activity.


  • 已经不再一种流行休闲方式而且实用

    It's no longer a popular pastime, and it's not very practical.


  • 他们- - -伴随着老牌明星例如玛丽琳·门罗詹姆斯·狄恩- - -早已属于流行文化不再青睐的神明

    They-along with older stars like Marilyn Monroe and James dean-already belonged to pop culture's morbid pantheon.


  • 不再艾滋病患者死于结核病”,艾滋病规划署的一运动促使人们更多认识这些互为关联流行

    The UNAIDS [Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS] campaign, “No More People Living with HIV Dying of TB”, is promoting greater awareness of these interlinked epidemics.


  • 尽管现如今食用松鼠已经不再那么流行但是如果打开老版烹饪乐趣或是祖母食谱箱子,你一定找到烹饪松鼠的食谱窍门

    While it may have fallen out of modern favor, if you crack open older editions of the Joy of cooking or your grandmother's recipe stash, you're sure to find recipes and tips for cooking with squirrel.


  • 研究人员这种趋势归因于潮流(刚好大小厨房不再流行)我们消费大量盒装冷冻食物

    Researchers attribute this trend to both fashion - fitted kitchens are no longer in vogue - and the amount of cumbersomely boxed chilled meals we consume.


  • 尽管不再几年那么流行JDO仍然一个不错功能

    JDO isn't quite as popular as it was a few years ago, but it's still a nice feature to have.


  • 自18世纪启蒙运动人们开始巫术怀疑态度,对巫术的迷信不再流行

    The belief in witchcraft declined at the beginning of the 18th century when people began to examine their old beliefs again with a skeptical eye.


  • 多用途运动(SUV)不再流行推动节能使用可再生能源政策更为大胆,制造商美洲大陆和沿海海床下发现更多的石油储备。

    Sport-utility vehicles are losing popularity, policies to boost conservation and renewable energy have become bolder, and producers have found a lot more oil below America’s soil and coastal seabed.


  • 更多新闻机构不再TwitterFacebook等流行网站那样,开始通过多个平台社交网站进入市场。

    More news organizations are beginning to establish a presence across multiple platforms and social sites, and it's not just the popular sites like Twitter and Facebook anymore.


  • BrightSource为了完成这个壮举,他们不再使用光伏电池,光伏电池能够将电能直接转换为电能,当今太阳能发电流行方式

    But to accomplish this feat BrightSource will not use photovoltaic cells, which generate electricity directly from sunlight and currently constitute the most common form of solar power.


  • 个名为Areva核能公司,最近发起了一项解决老龄工人短缺的计划打算通过Experconnect启用大约100位退休人员。由于近来,核能技术不再流行

    Areva, a nuclear-power group, recently launched a scheme to address the needs of older employees, and plans to use about 100 retired people a year through Experconnect.


  • 如今流行的围观意为关注不再含有贬义

    But now the popular "crowd" means attention, not derogatory.


  • 近年一种流行论调认为新兴国家风险小,因为他们年前那样了,现在他们不再依赖外资

    A popular argument in recent years has been that developing economies are less risky because, unlike a decade ago, they are no longer dependent on foreign capital.


  • 今晚不想流行偶像身份——不管这个身份意味着什么——出现大家面前,我愿意作一代人的见证,不再了解作为孩子什么意义的人们的见证。

    Tonight, I come before you less as an icon of pop (whatever that means anyway), and more as an icon of a generation, a generation that no longer knows what it means to be children.


  • 随着流行音乐许多技术使用以及许多超级明星参与广告不再枯燥乏味的。

    With the use of popular music, and many technologies, and many super stars' participant, advertisement is no longer boring.


  • 因为秘密花园流行还有数不尽的粉丝,人们不再认为仅仅本受小孩喜爱打发时间的绘本了。

    Due to the popularity of "Secret Garden" and its numerous follow-ups, coloring books are no longer seen as a pastime only to be enjoyed by children.


  • 这个世界上流行文化不再可能苏珊波明星

    In the world of pop culture, there is no more unlikely star than Susan Boyle.


  • 美国主要出口商品不再农产品工业品,而是大规模生产的流行文化产品

    America's biggest export is no longer the fruit of its fields or the output of its factories, but the mass-produced products of its popular culture.


  • 目前市场流行激光系统具体装备平台优劣不是本文重点不再展开了。

    Currently the most popular in the market of laser systems. The merits of the specific equipment platform is not the focus of this article is no longer carried out.


  • 过去曾经流行的种种教学方法不再适应当代语言教学需要

    The once popular methods can no longer cater to the contemporary language teaching requirements.


  • 过去曾经流行的种种教学方法不再适应当代语言教学需要

    The once popular methods can no longer cater to the contemporary language teaching requirements.


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