• 总之,“不会起来,让会得更好”我们口号

    Anyway, our motto is: "Let the people who do not sham become a hypocrite."


  • 不会一个穿着男人女人来教育小孩或者他们大摇大摆地进入面前的这座银行,或者让我坐他们巴士出租车这些没有法律约束的。

    But I am not going to have a hooded man or woman teach my children, or push their way into the bank ahead of me, or drive my taxi or bus, and there will never be a law that says I have to.


  • 斯文·加利(高领毛衣老爹牛仔裤宋飞鞋)跟超人同质化上有一比,这个错误不会自动更正

    The Svengali's self-inflicted uniform (black turtleneck, dad jeans, Seinfeld kicks) rival Superman's in its homogeneity-a style blunder no AutoCorrect can fix.


  • 这位敢穿全身鲜肉现身专栏到底怎样的效果,那还真是让难以预料但是我们可以肯定Ga姐的专栏是不会教你怎么搭配包包鞋子的。

    Coming from a star who has worn a dress made entirely of meat, exactly what the column will be about is hard to say, but we can be sure it won't be how to match your handbag and shoes.


  • 不会有人带着钱包出门了。钱包所有功能(如钱、优惠券身份证……)都会嵌入移动设备中。

    No one will carry wallets any more -- all wallet functionality (payment, coupons, identity) will be embedded in your mobile device


  • 即使是纸巾盒子不会丢,因为他喜欢这些盒子来饰品,或者他只是难以忍受扔掉一个那么整理东西

    Even old tissue boxes, because he likes using them to hold knick knacks or he just can't bear to throw away something that looks so much like a storage box.


  • 了解会什么东西前提下,不会自己主要机器这种软件的。

    I won't install software like this on my main machine without knowing everything that's going to be installed.


  • 亲爱的晚安。”即使知道永远不会听到

    "Good night, my dear." Even if I know you will never hear it.


  • (歌词大意大家我们卡梅隆女孩/不会发现我们身穿运动佩戴珠宝/是否介意叫你DC(大卫.卡梅隆)?

    Sample lyrics: “They call us the Cameron girls/ Won’t find us wearing twinsets and pearls”, and “Do you mind if I call you DC?/ I sense we have real chemistry./


  • 中国一句老话“羊毛出在羊身上”,如果企业设计费用成本肯定不会自己印刷钞票交给设计中心。

    There is a Chinese saying: old saying "whatever", if not the design fee Tanru Jiezhuang enterprise cost and certainly not their printing banknotes to the design center.


  • 即使是纸巾盒子不会丢,因为他喜欢这些盒子饰品,或者他只是难以忍受扔掉一个那么整理东西

    Even old tissue boxes, because he likes using them to hold knickknacks or he just can't bear to throw away something that looks so much like a storage box.


  • 我们知道多数认为并不是那样因为多数人不会他的购物中一次桔子

    We know most people don't think like this because most people don't fill their shopping baskets one orange at a time!


  • 保护首要问题,下班后他们不会解雇或者受到骚扰

    The top priority for protection of cross dressers is that they not be fired or harassed for off-the-job cross dressing.


  • 艾曼纽展示了情人太太威力如果害怕我的情人斥责他的话他不会这么无礼了,使劲把肉饼袋子窗外

    Emmanuel had shown me the power of my lover's wife; he would not have been so rude if he feared he might be reprimanded. I wanted to fling the bag of meat pies through the window.


  • 真的以为不会翻开袜子抽屉吗?(实际上),我总会翻开梳妆台抽屉它隔壁的桌子药柜

    Do you really think I won't look in your sock drawer? I always check dresser drawers, the bedside table, and the medicine cabinet.


  • 男人故意哑巴的,他们不会领会到其中的信号如果喜欢他们,就直接告诉他们。

    Men are dumb, they won't pick up signals, if you like them, tell them.


  • 后来想起这件事,就猜测要是知道钱包里的什么,我还会不会那样诚实

    Thinking about it later, I began to make good imagination whether I would have been so honest if I had known what was in the wallet!


  • 妈妈生活巧克力永远都不会知道里面到底什么

    My mama always said, life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get!


  • 如果不是透视威廉可能不会注意到确信促成了王室罗曼史。

    If it hadn't been see-through, William might not have noticed her. I definitely think it has a played a part in the royal love story.


  • 时候,大部门时候,他人不会知道不知道的。

    When you don't know, fake it. Pretend. Most times the others won't know that you don't know.


  • 感到可以放松自己更加愉快地变被人发现不会恐惧了。

    I feel I can relax and enjoy cross dressing more and not feel so terrified of being found out.


  • 其实我们永远都不会长大,我们只是学会公共场合

    We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public.


  • 布袋奇怪不会不下或不满,总是不大不小,不胀不,就那一个样儿。

    Strangely enough, the bag was never too full and never less than full; it was neither big nor small, neither fat nor thin-it stayed the same.


  • 可以潇洒转身离开可是只有自己知道潇洒的,而且也许根本不会在乎我是不是美丽的背影

    I can very natural and unrestrainedly turned to leave, but only I know pizazz is of outfit, and maybe you don't care if I have a beautiful figure.


  • 什么东西不会漏出来?

    What is full of holes and holds water?


  • 今天不得那个俏丽的盒子里的是什么礼物了,尽管我陶醉了好几但是我永远不会忘记当晚我们回到收到的另一份尤其礼物

    Today, I can't remember what was wrapped in that beautiful box, which I swooned1 over for several days, but I'll never forget the special gift, which I received when we arrived, back home.


  • 好处:吃上一点点俄式牛肉,再来点蔬菜沙拉减肥的人就不会整天喊饿了。

    Why it's better: By supplementing those Minnie Mouse portions of prepackaged beef Stroganoff with a tub of salad, dieters complain less about being hungry.


  • 要读一读保险单上那小小的字体写究竟是什么。正是想象女儿旅行最令人毛骨悚然情景尽管保证会全身穿上,戴上头盔,速度不会超过每小时25英里

    This is exactly the kind of hair-raising scenario I imagined when my daughter went travelling - although she assured me she wore full leathers, a crash helmet and never went above 25mph.


  • 要读一读保险单上那小小的字体写究竟是什么。正是想象女儿旅行最令人毛骨悚然情景尽管保证会全身穿上,戴上头盔,速度不会超过每小时25英里

    This is exactly the kind of hair-raising scenario I imagined when my daughter went travelling - although she assured me she wore full leathers, a crash helmet and never went above 25mph.


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