• 新型干法水泥厂利用余热发电不仅经济效益明显而且技术成熟

    Cogeneration adopted in cement plant has exhibited both matured technology and obvious economical benefit.


  • 生产低碳()铁,不仅经济效益明显,而且产品质量好,锰(铬)回收率也高。

    Producing the medium carbon ferromanganese and medium carbon ferrochromium by shaking ladle is economic, also could lift the quality of products and the recovery rate of manganese and chromium.


  • 设计不仅可以减少工人劳动强度而且可以保证加工质量从而可以获得更好经济效益

    This design can not only reduce the labor intensity, but can guarantee the quality of processing, thereby be better economic benefits.


  • 不仅具有巨大的经济效益而且具有公共效益

    It not only has the tremendous economic benefits, but also has the public benefit.


  • 广告翻译不仅产品信誉销售经济效益息息相关而且一定程度上反映出一个国家和民族的文化素质(谭卫国2003)。

    Advertising Translation credibility not only with products, sales and economic benefits are closely related, and to some extent reflects a state and national cultural quality (Tan Weiguo 2003).


  • 实践证明这种新的管理制度不仅提高工人、管理人员、领导干部积极性而且可得到明显经济效益

    The practice has proved that this new managing system not only raises the enthusiasm of workers, managing personnel and carders, but also obtains obvious economical benefits.


  • 不仅带来了巨大的经济效益而且创造了一种新的艺术形式

    It has not only brought huge economic profits but has created a new artistic form as well.


  • 在投入安装运行将近的时间里,系统不仅先进实用安全可靠而且解决公司实际问题带来了明显经济效益

    Installed and circulated nearly a year, the system was not only advanced, practical, safety, reliable, but also resolved the company's actual problem, and brought obvious of economic performance.


  • 摘要工业节水作为一项千秋大业不仅能够有效提高企业经济效益有效节约水资源

    Abstract: : Industrial water, as a long-term cause, not only can effectively improve the economic efficiency of enterprises, but also can effectively conserve water resources.


  • 通过分析lng利用原理LNG进行的分析,得出回收lng冷量发电不仅有效利用能源而且减少机械制冷造成的大量电能消耗具有可观的经济效益社会效益

    From the analysis we know that recovery and utilization of LNG cold energy not only efficiently utilizes energy, but also reduces power consumption, which has both great economic and social benefits.


  • 建设好交通管理交通,不仅带来交通效益而且主要的是基础上产生经济效益社会效益环境效益

    Constructing and managing transit well not only brings transit benefit but more important brings economic, social and environmental benefit on this foundation.


  • 成本控制效果如何,不仅关系项目能否顺利完成而且直接影响施工企业经济效益

    The cost control effect not only affects the smooth completion of the project, but also directly affects the economic benefits of the construction enterprises.


  • 学生保持高低,不仅关系远程教育机构办学社会经济效益也是教学水平管理水平反映

    Student persistence rate is not only related to distance education institutions to run the social and economic benefits as well as the reflection of their teaching and management level.


  • 方法不仅速度、效率成本牢固可靠而且有可观经济效益

    The method possess of not only quick speed, high efficiency, low cost, and fastness and dependence, but also considerable economic benefit.


  • 本文认为,构建我国现代物流体系不仅注重经济效益要注重环境效益,为建立循环型社会作出贡献。

    To establish our modern logistics system, we should attach great importance not only to the economic benefits, but also to the environmental benefits so that we can contribute to a recycling society.


  • 现场工程获得成功不仅取得良好环境效益取得了良好的经济效益

    The field test was successful and not onlyimproved the environment of coal mine area. but also got good economical benefit.


  • 内陆集装箱运输网络具有巨大的经济效益社会效益不仅广大货主提供周到服务而且扩展港口的内陆腹地

    As it is shown that inland container transport network has enormous economic and social benefits, which not only provide comprehensive service for shippers, but also extend hinterland of ports.


  • 实践证明,改造闸阀填料密封件不仅能够很好地解决密封渗漏问题而且产生很大安全和经济效益

    Proved by practice, the floodgate valve packing seal after transforming can not merely well solve the sealed seepage problem, and has produced very great security and economic benefits.


  • 随着压型钢板广泛应用充分考虑这些面层平面内的能力——受力蒙皮作用,不仅能真实反映结构实际工作,而且可获得相当经济效益

    With widely applying of profiled sheet, it is not only reflect the working of structure but also obtain benefit that considering the ability resistance to shear of profiled sheet in the plane itself.


  • 结果表明:在肉羊饲料中添加复合蛋白不仅可以改善机体的生化代谢基础代谢,而且能降低饲养成本提高经济效益

    The results showed that adding compound protein into diets of sheep could improve biochemical metabolism and basal metabolism level, also decrease the feed cost and increase economic benefits.


  • 此项技术的采用不仅创造较大的经济效益而且能提高汽轮机运行安全可靠性

    The new technics adoption can not only create more economic effect, but also advance turbine operating's safety reliability.


  • 采用成组技术不仅取得了好的经济效益而且提高企业市场变化中的应变能力

    Adopting group technique can not only obtain higher economical benefit but also enhance the enterprise's ability in response to market variations.


  • 根据分析结果提出项目不仅具有较高经济效益而且还能带来显著的社会效益环境效益

    According to the analysis results puts forward that this project not only has good economy benefit but also has good society benefit and environment benefit.


  • 作为可再生的清洁能源越来越受到重视不仅巨大的环保意义,有突出的经济效益

    Wind energy resources are paid more and more attention as clean energy, it has not only environmental protection but also economy profit.


  • 实践证明根据水稻需水规律进行科学灌溉不仅可以大量节水而且还能增产社会效益经济效益都十分显著。

    The practice has proved that the scientific irrigation based on rice water requirement rule can save water and increase yield and gain significant social and economic benefits as well.


  • 通过整改,企业不仅实现减排节能节水环境效益经济效益了大幅度提高

    The company has not only realised the environmental benefits of reducing emissions and conserving energy and water, but has also dramatically improved its economic performance.


  • 油田开发产生无机不仅阻碍油气生产降低经济效益可能造成生产事故

    Inorganic scale which forms in the process of oil field development results in industrial accidents, decreasing economic benefits as well as hinding production.


  • 油田开发产生无机不仅阻碍油气生产降低经济效益可能造成生产事故

    Inorganic scale which forms in the process of oil field development results in industrial accidents, decreasing economic benefits as well as hinding production.


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