• 说:“我见非常昂贵蛋白质补充剂它们声称质量上乘它们可能不一定达到平均健康成年人好处。”

    "I've seen very expensive protein supplements that claim to be high quality but they might not really be beneficial for the average healthy adult," she says.


  • 这话反过来说就不一定

    The converse of this statement may not be true.


  • 例如疯子打交道不一定

    It is not necessarily true, for example, when you are dealing with lunatics.


  • 土地国有化也许不一定对中国有利。

    But nationalization of the land may be no good for China.


  • 但是快速公交系统不一定每个城市都适用。

    But bus rapid transit systems are not the answer for every city.


  • 很显然通用汽车公司有利的不一定美国也有利。

    Clearly what was good for General Motors was not necessarily good for the US.


  • 记住感受到特别的事情一定作用。

    Remember, what makes you feel loved and special might not be what works for her.


  • 冈萨罗知道这样不一定,学习可以弟弟们不闯祸

    He knows that might not be true, he says, but it keeps them out of trouble.


  • 不一定每个人都这个可能性,所以这点放到了最后。

    This isn't necessarily a possibility for everyone, so I've kept it till the end of the post.


  • 理想工作环境非常奇怪希望一定你是最好的

    So ideal working conditions are very strange. The ones you want aren't always the best ones for you.


  • 为什么必要与客户谈判一个 不一定自己公司有利地合同

    Tell me about a time when you negotiated a contract that was not the best outcome for the Company. Why was it necessary?


  • 经常要与分享快乐动作斗争这个有用不一定其他人有用。

    I often fight the impulse to be a happiness bully, but what works for me might not work for someone else.


  • 安眠药而且我发现褪黑素之类天然眠药也不一定有用。

    I don't take sleeping pills, and find natural sleep-enhancing supplements like Melatonin produce mixed results for me.


  • 衣服不一定穿谁的身上好看,好话不一定什么样作用

    The person that good clothes not necessarily wear is in the whose body all good-looking, and the good words is uncertain all right which kinds rise the function.


  • 甚至那些公开簿记运作流程慈善机构不一定自身活动进行严格评估

    Even charities that are scrupulously open in their book-keeping and procedures may not analyse their activities rigorously.


  • 培训交付手段可能某些学员有效,不一定其他的学员同样有效。

    A certain training delivery might be relevant for some learners, but it might not be as relevant for other learners.


  • 所谓理想好人实际上一定社会有益;人们好的标准一直有不同的看法

    So-called ideally good men, in fact, are not always of benefit to society and the standards of goodness have long been argued.


  • 可能讲得不一定一个阶段很大精力研究这个问题,希望大家有所启发。

    It may not be right. I will make great efforts to study this in next stage and I hope it would bring you some inspiration.


  • 可能讲得不一定一个阶段很大精力研究这个问题希望大家有所启发。

    What I said maybe not definitely right and I will take more energy to study the question in next stage. I hope that you have learnt something from my speech.


  • 可能不一定一个阶段很大精力研究这个问题希望大家有所启发。

    Maybe my views are not necessarily right , and I would make great efforts to study this problem in the next phase. Hope my words could give you some inspiration.


  • 点击量的剧增不一定的网站在商业有多少帮助但是他很感谢人们的关注

    He said the surge probably didn't help his business much, but he appreciated the interest.


  • 不仅任何给定约束机制存在局限性而且约束技术不一定所有信息格式都最佳选择

    Not only will any given constraining mechanism typically include limitations, but a single constraint technology is not the best choice for all information formats.


  • 尽管一定每个组织都切实可行,但每个尝试都创建一个能够代表真实情况性能测试环境

    While this might not be feasible for every organization, every attempt should be made to create a performance testing environment that is representative of reality.


  • 模特们有效不一定每个人都有效…尝试过的不成功液体节食法作为证据难道还不够吗。

    What works for models doesn't work for everyone... in case that unsuccessful liquid diet you tried wasn't enough proof.


  • 祷告者他们所求的能有成真的然而他们所求的愿境却一定他们自身最为有利

    Prayers always hope what they have prayed for will come true one day. However, what they have prayed for may not be the best for them.


  • 既然那么专家谈,我个人尽量不要说太多,也不发表评论,比如哪个说法,哪个说法不一定对

    Given that so many experts are debating, I personally make no comment on which is right and which is wrong.


  • 既然那么专家,我个人尽量不要太多发表评论,比如哪个说法哪个说法不一定

    Since they have been discussed by many professionals, personally I prefer not to talk much about that, neither will I make any comment, say, which argument may be correct and which may not be correct.


  • 既然那么专家谈,我个人尽量不要太多不发表评论比如哪个说法,哪个说法不一定

    I think since there are that many experts are talking about this, I will try not to say too much or leave any comment, such as which saying is right, or which maybe not right.


  • 既然那么专家个人尽量不要太多,也不发表评论比如哪个说法哪个说法不一定对

    Now that so many experts have stated their opinions, I, for my part, will try my best not to talk too much, as well as to make any comment, like which opinion is right or wrong.


  • 既然那么专家个人尽量不要太多,也不发表评论比如哪个说法哪个说法不一定对

    Now that so many experts have stated their opinions, I, for my part, will try my best not to talk too much, as well as to make any comment, like which opinion is right or wrong.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定