• ,天气下雨可能性

    One day, there was some likelihood of rain.


  • 这项名为激光助凝结技术将揭开气象周期秘密帮助人类决定下雨事件地点

    The technique, called laser-assisted water condensation, could one day unlock the secrets of weather cycles and enable humans to decide where and when it rains.


  • 最近一个早上,有一个分配站走道中用汉语《雅克兄弟》;在教室中,另外一一个巨大模仿下雨声音外面也确实正在下雨)。

    On a recent morning, one group was stationed in the hallway singing “Frère Jacques” in Mandarin; in a classroom, another group was imitating the sound of rain on a giant drum (it was pouring outside).


  • 张照片一天夜里下雨黎明时拍摄的。

    The photo was taken at dawn after rain the previous night. (This photo and caption were submitted to My Shot.)


  • 多么美好的简直就是我们的”戴安娜“不过担心这会是变化无常的一天虽然……明天下雨。”

    "Such a lovely day... Made for us," said Diana. "I'm afraid it's a pet day, though... There'll be rain tomorrow."


  • 雨衣-除非炎热夏天一天知道,它必然下雨家里英里所以值得的。

    Waterproofs - unless it's a scorching summers day you know that it is bound to rain when you are miles from home, so well worth it.


  • 一天不想进去埃尔兰根植物园因为继续下雨

    That day I did not want to go to the Botanical Garden in Erlangen, continue as it was raining.


  • 有时候希望天气,那样永远谈话中提起如果下雨天,我就会成为一天讨论东西。

    Sometimes I wish that I was the weather, you'd bring me up in conversation forever. And when it rained, I'd be the talk of the day.


  • 今天下雨真是太遗憾了。唯一休息一天原来计划网球的。

    What a shame it's raining today. It's my only day off and I was really hoping to play tennis.


  • 开始下雨了,然后一直不停的下个月

    One day it started raining, and it didn't quit for four months.


  • 下雨了,雨滴浸泡厚厚的地面告诉了地面世界故事

    One day, it was raining, and the raindrops that soaked into the thick ground, touched the bulb and told stories of the world above the ground.


  • 一天过去这些日子一直在下雨很冷。堆鹿白骨旁边,骨头上一点也没有一定就在附近

    Days passed, days of rain and cold. One day he came to the bones of a deer. There was no meat on the bones. The man knew wolves must be near.


  • 一天我们荣幸地去晚宴但由于下雨不能开快车所以晚到了20分钟

    We were very honored to be invited to join him for dinner the first day we arrived. Due to a shower of rain, we could not drive very fast and were late for 20 minutes.


  • 由于广州这边已经连续三个星期都是阴雨绵绵的天气,所以出发晚上担心明天下雨

    As in Guangzhou, the weather has been overcast and rainy continuously for more than three weeks, I was worrying that tomorrow will be raining the night before we started.


  • 上周日一天我们告知如果下雨,我们将会一个公园烧烤可是下雨了,我们在客厅吃饭。 。

    The day before last Sunday , we told about if it doesn't rain , we will have a barbecue at the park , but it was rainning , we had the dinner at the living room .


  • 上周日一天我们告知如果下雨我们将会一个公园烧烤可是下雨了我们在客厅吃饭。 。

    The day before last Sunday we told about if it doesn't rain we will have a barbecue at the park but it was rainning we had the dinner at the living room .


  • 一家人兄长棒球比赛天气阴沉,他们到达赛场时候开始下雨

    One day the family went to see a baseball game of an older brother. It was cloudy and by the time they got to the field it started raining.


  • 旱季最热差不多下雨了。

    It was one of the hottest days of the dry season. We had not seen rain in almost a month.


  • 一天下雨的日子,不是毛毛雨而是大雨。

    You get yourself, not a drizzle, but some honest-to-goodness rain.


  • 看了下当天日记,发现我上面记下了这么句话:“非常空虚”,因为那天在下雨而且发生什么事

    When I looked that day up in my diary, I found that I had noted it down as "a very empty day" when it rained and nothing much happened.


  • 据天气预报说开集可能下雨

    A chance of rain has been forecast every day during the fair.


  • 本周一饭否网站发布的帖子中,包括诸如过去了,什么都”、“我回来了,现在正在些东西以及下雨了”等等。

    Postings on the Chinese web - sites on Monday included such gems for posterity as "Another day's gone by and I haven't done anything", "I'm back and now I'm writing something" and "it's raining".


  • 天空突然下来,又是刮风又是打雷又是下雨真龙到了叶公家里

    One day, the sky suddenly darkened, and then came wind, thunder and rain. The real dragon flew to Ye Gong's home.


  • 之内的交替达数十一旦下雨就是瓢泼大雨。

    During a single day, it can rain and shine a dozen times. And when it rains it pours.


  • 原以为今天非常糟糕。一开始下雨雨天使难过

    I thought today was going to be really bad. To start with, it was raining, and rainy days make me sad.


  • 下雨女士我们永远见面吗 我们共度时光一天一天 所有…

    Let It Rain lady Jane, would we ever meet again the times we had …


  • 下雨女士我们永远见面吗 我们共度时光一天一天 所有…

    Let It Rain lady Jane, would we ever meet again the times we had …


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