• 通货膨胀率下降长期经济衰退中的线希望。

    The fall in inflation is the silver lining of the prolonged recession.


  • 最近项研究发现过去年中装有家用高速网络美国人数量实际上有所下降,有15%的认为自己线者”。

    A recent study found that the number of Americans with high-speed Internet at home today actually fell during the last two years, and 15% of people now consider themselves to be "cord-cutters".


  • 下降水位低于表面刻下小时线表示经过了多少时间。

    The falling water level denoted the passing hour as it dipped below hour lines inscribed on the inner surface.


  • 生产线停工期已经55%下降到了26%。

    On the production line, downtime has been reduced from 55% to 26%.


  • 诺基亚步伐2004年初绊倒中恢复过来当时一条毫无生气的生产线致使市场份额下降到低于30%。

    Nokia's pace has just recovered from a stumbling block in early 2004, when a lifeless production line reduces its markets share below 30%.


  • 就是标记等高线地方这些标记告诉我们到底在上升还是下降

    OK, so that's where we use, actually, the labels on the level curves that tell us whether things are going up or down.


  • 2009年,全球粮食出口国粮食库存量与消费出口之和之间的比例下降了11%,低于15%的年均线

    In the five largest grain exporters, the ratio of stocks to consumption-plus-exports fell to 11% in 2009, below its ten-year average of over 15%.


  • 尽管面临着这样下降趋势,但是绝望中依然带有一线生机

    Even in the face of this downward spiral, the despairing have hoped.


  • 诺基亚步伐这个复兴的春天2004年初绊倒中恢复过来,当时一条毫无生气的生产线致使市场份额下降到低于30%,近年来的首次

    Nokia has a renewed spring in its step, having recovered from a stumble in early 2004, when a lacklustre product line-up caused its market share to drop below 30% for the first time in years.


  • 尼伯,“如果他们工资最低的工作,收入下降或者停滞不前,他们就会发现自己已经处于贫困线以下了。”

    "If they are working minimum-wage jobs and see their wages decline or stagnate, they may now see themselves below the poverty line," Kneebone said.


  • 农村地区处于贫困线以下的人口显著下降

    Population below poverty line in the rural areas was noticeably reduced.


  • 调查显示,1993-1994年间,全国半数人口生活贫困线以下,而2007年这一比例下降三分之一以下

    Surveys have shown that, in 1993/1994, close to half of the population was living under the poverty line. In 2007, that portion fell to under a third.


  • 另外美国劳工部昨日表示上周首次申请失业救济人数有所减少。这让人们看到了一线希望——美国居高不下失业率正在缓慢下降

    Separately yesterday, the Labour department said that new claims for jobless benefits slipped lower last week, offering a ray of hope that stubbornly high unemployment levels are slowly easing.


  • 这个数字2008年64%,如果到了8月份,深海地平线漏油估计这个数字下降

    That was down from 64% in favor in 2008. I suspect the number will be even lower by August if the oil is, as now projected, still flowing.


  • 索尼泰国洪水影响相机生产线,也致使盈利下降

    Sony also said the flooding in Thailand, which has upset its camera-production lines, would hurt profits.


  • 另外预计项目使线耐药结核治疗药物价格2010年时下降20%。

    This project is also expected to achieve price reductions of up to 20% for second-line anti-TB drugs by 2010.


  • 1992年,贫困线百分之33健全人负责,1995年则下降到了百分之14。

    In 1992, it accounted for 33% of the poverty line for able-bodied persons and by 1995 it had decreased to 14% of that level.


  • 所以除了坚信线3上升以外,我坚信突破线下降趋势就是一波

    So I believe that the weekly except big 3 waves up, I also believe that the breakthrough weekly decline, is this wave.


  • 之后5年内每年攀升500亿瓦并帮助企业优化生产线,这样太阳能发电的价格下降6美分千瓦时

    In the next five years, annual construction would rise to 5 GW apiece, helping firms optimize production lines. As a result, solar electricity would fall toward six cents per kWh.


  • 微软RIM通过产品线更新获得不少收益。同时,GoogleTV以及苹果TV的利润下降

    Microsoft and RIM made solid gains through their product line update, while Google TV and Apple TV interest dropped off.


  • 11RationalQuantify比对了两类数据强调了性能改进调用(绿线)性能下降的调用链(线)。

    In Figure 11, Rational Quantify compares two data sets and highlights chains of calls where performance has improved (green line) and chains of calls where performance has dropped (red line).


  • 一个债务负担相比同行业市场平均数使较高经营风险因为放大底部线影响需求下降, 。

    A high debt load compared with industry or market averages would also make for higher operating risk because it would magnify the bottom-line effects of a drop in demand.


  • 一条放松线风筝随风飘动下降

    A slack string will allow the kite to drift with the wind and descend.


  • 如果市场不是为了突破线下降趋势,为什么反弹那么,31863067点距离周线下降趋势只有一步之遥

    If the market is not in order to break through the weekly decline, why two times will rebound so high, 3186 points and 3067 points from weekly decline are only one step away.


  • 新的下降趋势线变成一个阻力位。

    This new downtrend line becomes a resistance level.


  • 指数运行到第一下降趋势线以上时候,反弹迅速停止然后形成一轮新的下降趋势。

    When the market moves above the first downtrend line, the rally quickly stops and then develops a new downtrend.


  • 强劲下降趋势压力比复合移动平均线关系显示出来

    The strong downward pressure is shown by the Guppy Multiple Moving Average relationships.


  • 强劲下降趋势压力比复合移动平均线关系显示出来

    The strong downward pressure is shown by the Guppy Multiple Moving Average relationships.


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