• 西洋某次旅程中。

    On one of the seven voyages.


  • 小镇上以后找不到象棋有人想下西洋跳棋

    I moved to a small town, and nobody played chess there, but one guy challenged me to checkers.


  • 小镇上以后找不到象棋有人下西洋跳棋

    I like to play chess. I moved to a small town, and nobody played chess there, but one guy challenged me to checkers.


  • 下西洋远至东非动机,可能为了搜求长颈鹿非洲特产

    Searching for the African specialties such as giraffes may be the reason why Zheng made his voyage to East Africa.


  • 西洋美国哥伦布哥伦布发现的西班牙人,对科尔特斯的远征

    The Voyages of Christopher Columbus in America; the Discoveries of the Spaniards from the Death of Columbus, to Cortess Expedition.


  • 介绍郑和西洋医生沿途开展的环境调查医疗救助药材采购医药交流活动

    The introduction along with doctor in Zheng He's voyages to the West environment inquiry, medical relief and raw material for medicine purchase which other medicine exchanges develops along the way.


  • 永乐元年(1403)起,郑和率一支庞大船队西洋完成世界航海史上壮举

    From the 1st year of Yongle in Ming Dynasty (1403), a large fleet headed by Zheng He voyaged to the Western Ocean for seven times, accomplishing a feat in the world's navigation history.


  • 太仓自元代海运漕粮兴起,明初伟大航海家郑和七下西洋太仓为启锚地归舶港

    Taicang, thanks to water transport of grains, began to rise in Yuan Dynasty. Zheng He's voyage in the earlier Ming Dynasty chose this place as his starting point and returning base.


  • 郑和七次西洋哥伦布美洲大陆发明麦哲伦的环球航行,都指南针利用开。

    The Zheng He seven under Western world, Columbus to the Americas mainland's discovery with Magellan's sail around world, cannot separate with compass's application.


  • 西洋记》明朝永乐年间郑和西洋、通使30国事为线索,以小说的形式记述了这段历史

    Voyage to the west is a novel recording the history of Zheng he's seven trips to the western seas and his visits to more than 30 countries in the Yongle era.


  • 在600多年中国就拥有世界上庞大的郑和远洋舰队下西洋也没有用于搞对外扩张

    As early as 600 years ago, China owned world's largest ocean-going fleet commanded by Adm. Zheng he. Though he made seven ocean voyages, no territorial expansions were ever made.


  • 这儿大船15世纪早期郑和下西洋航行船,它穿过中国东海南海然后穿行印度洋到达东非

    This big ship here was the one sailed in by Zheng he in the early 15th century on his great voyages around the South China Sea, the East China Sea and across the Indian Ocean to East Africa.


  • 明代郑和带着七个访问团队西洋时,当时中国拥有世界财富总量世界上海军三分之一

    When Admiral Zheng he took his seven trips to the "West Seas" during the Ming dynasty, China possessed one-third of the world's wealth and the world's greatest navy.


  • 郑和下西洋世界航海史上壮举现在东南亚一带还有许多纪念郑和的建筑物,表达了人们的崇敬。

    Zheng he's voyages were a great feat in the world's navigation history. There are still many buildings in present Southeast Asia dedicated to his memory.


  • 本文结合有关史实记载介绍太仓保存郑和下西洋有关的历史文化遗存跟随郑和西洋的太仓

    The thesis, in connection with historical facts and records, gives an introduction of the historical and cultural relics of Zheng's trip and the natives of Taicang who followed him overseas.


  • 郑和西洋规模远远大于后来的哥伦布之的“地理发现”,对于世界历史进程影响则远逊于后者。

    The scale of Zheng Hes navigation far exceeds that of Columbias "Great Disco very" which followed, but the former had less effect on the progress of the world history.


  • 当时,郑和率领着世界上强大的船队下西洋带去不是火、掠夺殖民而是瓷器是丝绸、是茶叶

    Leading the most powerful fleet in the world, Zheng He made seven voyages to the Western Seas, bringing there porcelain, silk and tea, rather than bloodshed, plundering or colonialism.


  • 历经600年来历史变迁文化积淀,中国和当年郑和下西洋远航船队主要经过的东南亚地区已经形成了两个郑和。

    With 600 years of historical and cultural vicissitude, there emerged "two Zhengs" respectively in China and in Southeast Asian area where his fleet had visited.


  • 格雷夫斯发现太平洋较低温度四种在西洋同样的酶功能更好

    Graves found that all four Pacific enzymes function better at lower temperatures than the four Atlantic versions of the same enzymes.


  • 没有来自15位船员通信情况广阔西洋努力确定船只方位很困难的。

    Efforts to pinpoint its location have been difficult in the vast Atlantic and with no communication from the ship's 15-member crew.


  • 格·丽特- - - - -场可怕涨潮罕见存活者弗兰克林- - - - -个外表体面,身材瘦长西方移民结伴上路,向西洋方向行进。

    A rare survivor of the deadly "flux", Margaret teams up with Franklin, a decent, gangling emigrant from a western state, and heads for the Atlantic.


  • 到处充斥着美国味儿的文物气息:想象嘉年华游戏(狂欢节)街头()剧,足以西洋匹敌

    Americana, everywhere: think carnival games and enough street theater to rival Atlantic City.


  • 格拉斯哥莫斯科同一纬度但是因为靠近温暖西洋海岸并且处于西风影响所以有着适中的气候

    Glasgow is on the same latitude as Moscow but because it is close to the warm Atlantic Ocean shores and lies in the path of a prevailing westerly wind, it has a significantly more moderate climate.


  • 提醒西洋两岸危机复苏阶段。因此不要奢望奇迹出现

    A helpful reminder that on both sides of the Atlantic, this is a post-crisis recovery. Do not expect miracles.


  • 地区星期五里通宵保持在这样强的飓风肆虐之,并在同样条件,它星期六抵达西洋沿海岸

    Hurricane-force winds are expected in that region overnight Friday, with hurricane conditions arriving along the mid-Atlantic coast by Saturday afternoon.


  • 地区星期五里通宵保持在这样强的飓风肆虐之,并在同样条件,它星期六抵达西洋沿海岸

    Hurricane-force winds are expected in that region overnight Friday, with hurricane conditions arriving along the mid-Atlantic coast by Saturday afternoon.


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