• 习惯不断思考过去过的什么有了效果?什么改善行动项目思考会议结束的时候,评估团队进程

    Make a habit of asking what worked and what could be better for both actions, and projects. Consider a round to evaluate group process at the end of meetings.


  • 思考会议结束时候,评估团队进程

    Consider a round to evaluate group process at the end of meetings.


  • 如果有人得罪了你们,你们要犹豫一,看看存心的还是无意的,不要采取极端做法只要看好机会砖块足够了

    If a person offend you, and you are in doubt as to whether it was intentional or not, do not resort to extreme measures; simply watch your chance and hit him with a brick. That will be sufficient.


  • 难以清楚地方全球系统的一部分只需小修一,哪里又翻新甚至重整一——有权这样的决定。

    Much harder to figure out is which bits of the global architecture need mere tweaking, which need retooling or replacing—and who should have the right to decide.


  • 心情低落的时候,朋友畅谈一也是鼓舞士气的不错的方法甚至产生避世的想法时,为什么你的朋友打个电话约会个咖啡呢?

    When you're feeling down, chatting to friends is a great way to perk up. Even if you're feeling misanthropic, why not give someone a ring and arrange to meet up for a coffee?


  • 这个最后品尝打扮,就好像今年的这时候需要理由美美的打扮一

    Why not go a little glam for this last, festive tastingas if you needed an excuse to get dressed up at this time of year!


  • 那种情况哭诉责怪抱怨生活不公之前自己必须好好做一努力才行。

    In those cases, you need to put some serious effort into yourself before you cry, blame, or complain about the unfairness of life.


  • 通常这样场合谈话很有一乐趣

    Usually it's a pleasure to speak on such an occasion.


  • 一方案2013年该国研发的总投入将翻一,达到20亿欧元

    Berlin's move will double state support for research and development to 2 billion euros through 2013.


  • 项预测显示未来20年里,在公路拥堵郊区工作人数上升环境保护综合影响铁路乘客人数将会

    One estimate has passenger numbers doubling over the next 20 years, thanks to a mix of road congestion, the expansion of urban employment and green concerns.


  • 然而试想一,如果伊梅尔特改变了主意决定抛弃GE金融又是一怎样的景象?

    Imagine, though, that Mr Immelt changed his mind and decided he would like to be rid of ge Capital.


  • 请你上网找到在赴宴进行一推敲看看有什么酒在预算之内,然后在网上了解这些酒。

    Find it and study it before you go. See what fits into your budget and look up the wines online.


  • 因此,好好审视这些创意暗色网站范例着手考虑尝试暗色设计吧。

    So check out some examples of inspiring dark websites and start thinking about giving dark colors a try.


  • 可以把邮件梳理原定推迟的感谢回复提前完成;或者读一读一直打算;重新整合一你的日程表什么的也可以啊。

    How about sorting through your snail mail, writing those thank you notes you’ve been putting off, reading the book you keep meaning to read, reviewing and editing your to-do lists, etc.


  • 来往频繁油轮使片海域一直处于可能发生石油泄漏的高度警戒状态世界自然基金会估计未来10里,波罗的海通过的油轮数就可能翻一

    The area is permanently on high alert for spills because of intense tanker traffic, which the World Wide Fund for Nature estimates could double in the next 10 years in the Baltic alone.


  • 90年代中期,支持堕胎力量占据着决定性的位置,只有12%的人认为堕胎在任何情况错误的;而今天这个数字已经了一

    In the mid - '90s, when pro-choice forces were especially dominant, only 12% believed abortion was always wrong; now that number has nearly doubled.


  • 尽量不要打扰你同事——如果真的需要某个同事交谈的话开始之际也要想一现在这个时间合适吗?”

    Try not to interrupt colleagues -and when you do need to have a conversation with someone, start off with "is this a good time?"


  • 它们同时也是人口密集的如果人均死亡人数,另一不同景象就会呈现,小小的缅因州打击最严重——每十万人口就有1.52人死亡。

    But they are also the most populous states and if you look at deaths per capita, a different picture emerges, with tiny Maine hit the hardest - 1.52 deaths per 100, 000 people.


  • 罗马人追崇“共和政体”,在这一体制代表为了共同利益权衡”,也不是什么藏着掖着他们自己功败垂成也要负起责任

    The Romans chose a republic, as a "public thing", where representatives could make trade-offs for the common good and were accountable for the sum of their achievements.


  • 瑞典国家统计部门3月6日对外公布一份研究报告显示,该国肥胖人士的数量过去25年里已经翻了一,而目前共有十分之一的瑞典人被认为处于体重大幅超标的状态

    The number of obese people in Sweden has doubled in the past 25 years, with one in 10 Swedes now considered largely overweight, a Statistics Sweden study showed.


  • 《科学日报》(Science Daily)2010-3-23——想象一景象:如果害怕蜘蛛恐高或者害怕飞行,而这些恐惧症能够通过简单一次注射治愈

    ScienceDaily (Mar. 22, 2010) —Imagine if your fear of spiders, heights or flying could be cured with a simple injection.


  • 如果探究一旅馆社会内部文化他们如何建立自己的”文化,也许别有一趣味

    Then it would be interesting to pinpoint the culture within the hotel community and how they build their "own" culture.


  • 普通人喜欢体验皇家气度也会选择在皇家旅行一感受

    Ordinary people like the experience of bearing the Royal, Royal Island will choose to travel about it, and feel it.


  • 几乎所有摩的都在等待乘客,事实上对于景象非常惊讶的,我通常情况,这里应该非常忙碌

    All the Taxi driver just waiting for anyone who needs a ride. I was actually suprised to see so many just waiting, usually it's so busy.


  • 过去十年里瑞典房价了一,这种飞速上升趋势仅仅金融危机短暂地打断了一

    Swedish house prices have doubled in the past decade, their rapid ascent only briefly interrupted by the financial crisis.


  • 同样具有韩国特色的也许那些人把新的卑微地位隐藏起来时所功夫。

    Status Offline Just as distinctly Korean may be the lengths to which some go to hide their newly humble status.


  • 外墙光滑粗糙灰泥交替变换,尤其是耀眼阳光照耀,更是生动的景象。

    The facade surfaces alternate between smooth and rough plaster which, particularly in grazing light, creates a vivid impression.


  • 外墙光滑粗糙灰泥交替变换,尤其是耀眼阳光照耀,更是生动的景象。

    The facade surfaces alternate between smooth and rough plaster which, particularly in grazing light, creates a vivid impression.


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