• 他们生活非人的条件

    They were living in subhuman conditions.


  • 炸弹受控条件引爆了

    The bomb was exploded under controlled conditions.


  • 炸弹销毁专家受控条件引爆了这个装置

    Bomb disposal experts exploded the device under controlled conditions.


  • 同意暴露身份条件和记者谈话

    He agreed to speak to reporters on condition that he was not identified.


  • 某些条件电子不是粒子那样运动

    Under certain conditions, electrons can behave like waves rather than particles.


  • 他们中的许多人生活悲惨条件

    Many of them live under deplorable conditions.


  • 太多贫民生活十分拥挤条件

    Too many poor people are living in overcrowded conditions.


  • 需要自然的条件进行进一步研究

    Further research is needed under rather more naturalistic conditions.


  • 他们否认埃及同意特定条件参加峰会报道

    They denied a report that Egypt had agreed to a summit, subject to certain conditions.


  • 更好驱动装置湿滑条件提高轨道附着力

    Better driving equipment will improve track adhesion in slippery conditions.


  • 即使非常理想天气条件,也容易在这里弯。

    It's easy to make a wrong turn here even under ideal weather conditions.


  • 这种条件细菌破坏作用会减弱。

    Under such conditions, the destructive effects of bacteria are diminished.


  • 非常寒冷条件岩石冰霜击碎

    Under very cold conditions, rocks can be shattered by ice and frost.


  • 我们生来就注定分解死亡,即使理想的条件也是如此。

    We are genetically programmed to disintegrate and perish, even under ideal conditions.


  • 管理就是不确定经常快速变化条件做出艰难权衡

    Management is all about making difficult tradeoffs in conditions that are always uncertain and often fast-changing.


  • 较高温度潮湿条件有机物分解过程加快

    With a higher temperature and more moist conditions, the process of organic matter decomposition speeds up.


  • 测试本身只是一种工具可以特定条件合理精度测量其特性

    The tests themselves are merely tools, with characteristics that can be measured with reasonable precision under specified conditions.


  • 正是这样条件,诞生了可能充当管理阶层精英阶层,通过控制余粮维持自身

    It was these conditions that allowed an elite to emerge, probably as an organizing class, and to sustain itself through the control of surplus crops.


  • 只有特定时间条件他们才会在设在日本港口附近的工厂进行加工。

    This is only at certain times and on condition that they are processed at factories based near Japanese ports.


  • 所有光照情况战场条件提高士兵行动能力态势感知能力。

    Improve soldiers' mobility and situational awareness in all lighting conditions and battlefield conditions.


  • 这种条件龙虾发育出了不对称爪子左右一半破碎的爪子。

    Under these conditions, the lobsters developed asymmetric claws, half with crusher claws on the left, and half with crusher claws on the right.


  • 所做一个电脑程序模拟特定条件猛犸象发生什么

    What he did was, he wrote a computer program to simulate what would happen to mammoth under certain conditions.


  • 保存一小细胞,该细胞可无菌条件再生保存动物容易吗?

    Much easier to keep a flask of cells under very sterile, very reproducible conditions than it is to keep a small animal, right?


  • 政府资助所附带限制性条件银行现在不得不想法设法摆脱的影响。

    With such restrictive conditions attached to government aid, the bank is doing its best to wriggle out from under it.


  • 和风相关特定条件热岛形成最佳状态它们几乎可以在任何时候形成

    Heat islands develop best under particular conditions associated with light winds, but they can form almost any time.


  • 雨水浸泡土壤中,低氧条件植物根部效率很低。

    The roots of melon plants perform less efficiently under the low-oxygen conditions present in rainsoaked soil.


  • 但是记住观察这些条件反应热时一切都很好

    However, the thing to remember is that it's all well and good when you look at heats of reaction under those conditions.


  • 寒武纪大爆发不久泥石流迅速数千海洋动物掩埋有利于石化条件

    Shortly after the Cambrian explosion, mud slides rapidly buried thousands of marine animals under conditions that favored fossilization.


  • 他们符合自己意愿的条件签署联合条约

    They will sign the union treaty only on their terms.


  • 公司保留一定条件取消这项协议权利

    The company reserves the right to cancel this agreement in certain circumstances.


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