• 惟一进球雅各布森下半场开始不久打进的。

    The only goal was scored by Jakobsen early in the second half.


  • 下半场开始动物持球

    At the start of the second half the big animals had the ball.


  • 我们下半场开始4落后

    We were still 4 points behind at the beginning of the second half.


  • 随着下半场开始切尔西进一步小心行事。

    Chelsea's own caution lifted as the second half began.


  • 我们下半场开始更多突破幸运取得2个进球

    We started to penetrate more in the second half and luckily we got the two goals.


  • 下半场开始后,价格开始波动,LevittGil发现的。

    After the second half begins, prices start to drift again, just as Gil and Levitt found.


  • 下半场开始僵局终于被打破帕兹尼策动并且完成了这个进球。

    The deadlock was finally broken straight after the restart, as Pazzini both started and completed the move.


  • 下半场开始鲁尼展现出活力水准有所提高不时会犯老错误

    Although the standard improved after the interval, thanks mostly to the vigour of Wayne Rooney, there were still moments of banal inaccuracy.


  • 冈萨雷斯吹响下半场开始哨声时,人们唯一确定变化就是落后的一方将要进攻

    But don't quote me on that. When Manuel Enrique Mejuto Gonzalez blew the whistle after 45 minutes, the only definite change on the CARDS was the ends the teams would attack.


  • 只记得下半场开始时候我们走向赛场,之后就什么都想不起来了,直到救护车上醒过来。

    I remember walking out for the second half and nothing else until waking up in the ambulance on the way to the hospital.


  • 国米下半场开始分钟时本机会扳平比分,球队头号射手埃托奥射门却大失水准,在近门柱推射偏出门柱甚远。

    Inter should have equalized two minutes before the break, but top scorer Samuel Eto 'o made an uncharacteristic miss as he scuffed his shot wide of the goal.


  • 下半场开始英格兰状态绝佳,开球仅1分钟埃弗顿中场斯科特门柱起跳,就边锋洋科角球送入了对方大门。

    But England made a tremendous start to the second half, the Everton midfielder Jill Scott rising at the far post to head home the left-winger Rachel Yankey's corner within a minute of the restart.


  • 宾州州立大学在上半场曾以27:14落后于南加州,但他们在下半场开始发起反扑,一度以49:35领先14分。

    Penn State erased a 27-14 first-half deficit to take a commanding 49-35 second-half lead. Then it was USC's turn.


  • 西班牙国际球星劳尔,尽管伯纳体育馆问题男孩下半场开始不久的分钟内连下两城,老的球员们霉运当头

    Spanish international Raul, once the problem boy of the Bernabeu Stadium, turned himself into a hero with two goals in two minutes early in the second half as the roof caved in on Ferguson's men.


  • 南非队为本次世界杯带来了个近乎完美开端揭幕赛中,南非队在下半场开始不久便打入一球,后来被墨西哥扳回一球将比分逼平。

    South Africa nearly made a perfect start to the World Cupon Friday, scoring early in the second half before conceding a late goal in a 1-1 drawwith Mexico in the opening match of the tournament.


  • 返回场上后,绑上厚厚的绷带参加上半场余下比赛。因为辛克莱尔要接受头部针的治疗,加拿大队下半场开始不得不10人应战。

    She returned and played the rest of the first half with her head heavily bandaged, but Canada started the second half with 10 players as Sinclair was receiving six stitches in her scalp.


  • 上半场英格兰获得了绝佳的机会,来自阿森纳KieranGibbs射中了门框。在上半场顶住了压力下半场开始意大利队开始进入了状态。

    England came closest in the first half when Arsenal's Kieran Gibbs had a shot pushed onto the post but after heavy earlier pressure, Italy coped more comfortably after the break.


  • 欧文下半场比赛开始时把比分扳平

    Owen equalized early in the second half.


  • 下半场刚刚开始意大利队便射入第二

    Italy scored a second goal just after half-time.


  • 英格兰队下半场开始就被攻入一球。

    England conceded a goal immediately after half-time.


  • 下半场开始埃托奥阿尔维斯干扰曾差点获得点球——但是很快这个后卫一端送出手术刀般精确的斜传球哈维

    Eto'o appealed for a penalty early in the second half under challenge from Alves – a moment later the fullback was at the other end delivering an inch-perfect cross for Xavi.


  • 英格兰队下半场比赛开始时,看来赢家,比赛结束却令人沮丧

    Having looked the more likely winners as the second half unfolded, England finished the game frustratingly.


  • 我们队伍开始打的糟糕下半场打的好些

    Our team played badly at first but got better in the second half.


  • 此时哨声响起下半场比赛开始又全神贯注观看比赛

    Then, the bell rang. The second half started. They are back to watch the game attentively.


  • 但是在被打进我们下半场开始阶段控制住了比赛。

    But a game that we were in control of after a solid first half changed with that goal early in the second half.


  • 下半场开始阿森纳率先发难,切尔西的半场看起来威胁不断

    As Arsenal pressed onto the front foot in the second-half, Chelsea looked increasingly threatening on the break.


  • 曼联上半场结束时候角球然后下半场开始就被追成了2 - 2。

    United conceded from a corner just before half time, then again after the break, ending with a 2-2 stalemate.


  • 节目1990年开始便在上下半场解说员最后还用一名综述员。

    The network has used two commentators, who swap over midway through each half, and a summariser since 1990.


  • 下半场开始重要,我们打进一球自己处于有利位置。

    The start to the second half was crucial and we got a good one to put us in a good position.


  • 下半场开始重要,我们打进一球自己处于有利位置。

    The start to the second half was crucial and we got a good one to put us in a good position.


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