• 律师协商离婚协议毫不留情

    Her lawyers have been ruthless in thrashing out a divorce settlement.


  • 事实离婚非常昂贵的

    Indeed, getting a divorce was very expensive.


  • 事实今天美国无论到哪里,看到报纸刊登着一些广告,告诉人们如何以及哪里可以办理廉价离婚

    In fact, wherever you go in the United States today, it is not unusual to see newspaper ads that provide information on how and where to get a cheap divorce.


  • 这种破裂的关系是,他们事实已经离婚

    Their broken relationship has already seen them divorce.


  • 很多人异国的工作搭档联姻(事实已与一名异国配偶离婚)。

    Many are married to partners from another country (and divorced from a spouse from still another country, come to that).


  • 尽管所有人际关系都会要是有困难时候,但在婚姻的关系中出现问题时间占了一大半,这个婚姻关系就很危险。 事实,就像奥诊所指出的,在婚姻关系中,障碍和困境出现以后,大约有半数最终都离婚了。

    While all relationships can experience difficult times, a marriage that has more problems than positive moments may likely deteriorate.


  • 实际也是他俩日后离婚原因之一。

    In fact it's one of the reasons for their divorce.


  • 我认为,唯独女性可以社会文化各个层面都有效维护自身权益的时候,他们才可能在离婚实施自己权利但是为了不偏离主题,我此不作详细讨论

    Only after women have been able to assert their rights in all spheres of society and culture have they been able to exert their rights in divorce court, but that is a subject for another article.


  • 昨天在“700俱乐部”节目帕特罗伯森建议一名观众不要那些自己罹患阿尔茨海默症的配偶离婚人心怀愧疚。

    Pat Robertson advised a viewer of yesterday's 700 Club to avoid putting a "guilt trip" on those who want to divorce a spouse with Alzheimer's.


  • 如果没有第一婚姻不会离婚了,也就不能婚姻中得到的两个世界漂亮可爱的孩子

    I might not have gotten married that first time, so that I would never have gotten divorced... but then I wouldn't have my first two beautiful wonderful incredible children from that first marriage.


  • 也许会怀孩子,也许会和太太离婚,也许他们同居而且他会为画像

    Perhaps she has his baby, perhaps he leaves his wife, perhaps they live together and he paints her.


  • 对比这两组婚姻组的离婚可能性实际注定迅速终结

    One marriage has an extremely low chance of divorce, while one is virtually guaranteed to end quickly.


  • 缺乏情感化学反应或者说,对另一半“没有感觉”,已经超过了“欺骗”,成为导致英国离婚首要原因。

    The lack of emotional chemistry - or ‘falling out of love’ with their partner - has surpassed cheating as the leading cause of divorce in the country.


  • 只是罗列了家庭所有成员一生中发生主要事件如:出生死亡结婚离婚证明这些。所有的这些事件只记录本户籍册

    It neatly lists every member of a family, along with details of all major life events -a birth, death, marriage and divorce certificate, all in one.


  • 然而一张照片记录的只是人一生中短短的一瞬间薄薄的一张照片怎么预计年后一次离婚呢 ?

    A photograph that records a split second from a lifetime is a very thin slice indeed. How could it predict a divorce decades in the future?


  • 纽约心理医生乔纳森·阿尔珀特注意到,更多夫妇由于经济忧虑而生活在一起,“而通常他们本应出现离婚法庭。”

    Jonathan Alpert, a New York-based psychotherapist, has seen many more couples living together "due to financial worries, who ordinarily would have been in a divorce court."


  • 无论离婚这样的大事还是工作压力人人有。

    People experience stress, whether from a major event like divorce, or work-related stress.


  • 他们婚姻并不如人意;事实提出离婚不愿意

    The marriage isn’t going well; in fact, he asked for a divorce, but she refused.


  • 某种意义讲,他去个电话更好些因为电影学院离婚了年纪女人用一间办公室

    In some ways, that would be better, because she shared an office at the Film School with only one other colleague, an older, divorced woman whom she’d taken into her confidence.


  • 比较平和离婚案件中,财经顾问和律师们也许会要求已经结婚夫妻段时间,直到财政依赖对方的那一符合条件。

    In the case of more amicable divorces, financial advisers andlawyers may urge a couple who have been married eight years to wait until thedependent spouse qualifies.


  • 尽管离婚传统意义不被提倡,但过去20年中,我国离婚大幅

    Although divorce is traditionally discouraged in China, over the past 20 years the rate has soared.


  • 事实近年来无论有多少所谓的“明智建议我们从未真正有效降低美国离婚(我们却一直以为我们能!)

    The fact remains that despite our wise advice over the years, we haven’t budged the divorce rate in the U.S. (not that we thought we could!).


  • 甚至10照片笑容或者皱的眉头都能够预计一个人离婚

    Facial expression predicted divorce even when the smile or frown was on a ten-year-old's face.


  • Alan Hawkins是犹他州普罗沃杨百翰大学家庭生活教授他说迄今为止很多关于导致离婚因素研究实际没人研究离婚的整个考虑过程。”

    Alan Hawkins, a professor of family life at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, says there's a lot of research on factors that predict divorce but "virtually no research on the thinking process."


  • 因此与其每次选举中被动地激烈地投票反对其他人,不如让我们官方离婚我们大陆朋友们同居。

    So rather than passive aggressively vote against each other at every election, let's make the divorce official and move in with our friends on the continent.


  • 因此与其每次选举中被动地激烈地投票反对其他人,不如让我们官方离婚我们大陆朋友们同居。

    So rather than passive aggressively vote against each other at every election, let's make the divorce official and move in with our friends on the continent.


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