• 恩师下文大和尚慈悲前往泰国慈善会议之行的前一天南京弟子的邀请参加放生活动

    Mentor to Thailand charity meeting in compassion of nanjing, the day should be invited to participate in activities disciple released.


  • 事不宜迟狄公手下化装追查邙山深处已废弃找到辆崭新的乌马车

    Without further ado, di Gong rate of men disguised military head out of the city to trace, in the depths Mangshan abandoned village on the spirits to find five new Ukrainian Punta carriage.


  • 设立一些目标时,比如财务的,家庭的,工作的,属成长的 --每次设立任何目标总会有些站住来说‘你以为你是谁啊?

    The moment you establish some goals for your finances, your family, your career, your spiritual growth -- the moment you set any kind of goal -- there are going to be people who say.


  • 坐在石头树桩围着一群——他们就是这样称呼自己的——他们安静地着天好像并不在场

    Seated above on rocks and stumps and surrounding me were the faeries, as they called themselves, quietly talking together as if I were not even there.


  • 日志记下进程

    Write down your progress in a journal.


  • 我们外在身体毁坏每天得到更新,只要时间单独神同在就行。

    Outwardly our body suffers wear and tear, but spiritually we can be renewed every day by spending time alone with God.


  • 正是由于人类大脑体积广泛适应性我们才得以居住在长动物演化这个行星支配性物种

    It is the size and immense adaptability of the human brain that is responsible for the transformation of our species from tree-dwelling primates into the dominant species on the planet.


  • 巴菲特现在拥有世界最大铁路公司之一北方顿,年后个人所有。

    Buffett now owns one of the largest railroads in the world, Burlington Northern, which he took private two years ago.


  • 词源学看,一种非常特别女神水仙有关的生物,但种属我们自成体系的。

    Etymologically speaking, a fairy is something quite particular, related in kind to the na-iads, or water nymphs, and while of the genus, we are sui generis.


  • 也是这样着说,首先亚当,成了活人。(血气)末后的亚当,成了叫人活的

    And so it is written, the first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.


  • 沃格林并不仅仅知主义谴责拓展黑格尔新教主义身事实的凌驾设计整个现代世界

    Voegelin extends his condemnation of Gnosticism not only to Hegel and Protestantism, but beyond it to virtually the entire modern world.


  • 奥斯瓦尔德.钱伯斯《竭诚为主》写道生命本质我们确信确信。”

    Oswald Chambers, in My Utmost for His Highest, writes "The nature of the spiritual life is that we are certain in our uncertainty.


  • 我们众人既然敞着脸,得以看见荣光,好像镜子里返照,变成形状,加荣,如同从主的变成的。

    And we, who with unveiledfaces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into hislikeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Spirit of theLord.


  • 他们研究成果发表美国期刊长动物学》科学家研究日本印尼动物园中的黑猩猩猩猩大猩猩

    For their research, published in the American Journal of Primatology, scientists studied chimpanzees, orangutans and gorillas from zoos in Japan and Indonesia.


  • 乔伊斯拿到奖学金缅因州了文科,在那里碰到帕蒂爸爸,后来曼哈顿东区的万惟一神教堂给了这位彻头彻尾的非犹太人。

    Joyce got a scholarship to study liberal Arts in the woods of Maine, where she met Patty's exceedingly Gentile dad, whom she married at All Souls Unitarian Church on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.


  • 接下来是1931年,专辑《克里·奥尔狂想曲》发布,我们从中能够感受到艾曲调节奏风格转变,如同画家调色板色调的变换一样。

    We reached 1931 with Creole Rhapsody, which reflected Ellington's command of the tonal and rhythmic resources of his band as if they were colours on a painter's palette.


  • 在属意义你的心脆弱器官

    Spiritually, your mind is your most vulnerable organ.


  • 引人注目的丁梅斯代尔先生不久,叫作罗杰·渥斯老人容貌举止发生变化

    Nothing was more remarkable than the change which took place, almost immediately after Mr. Dimmesdale's death, in the appearance and demeanour of the old man known as Roger Chillingworth.


  • 歌声歌声一般翱翔云,他脚步一个从来不知道失败的得胜者的脚步。

    When Joy sang his voice soared upward as the lark's, and his step was the step of a conqueror who has never known defeat.


  • 自己到底能不能倍并不是很感兴趣,不过按照说法顿的股票将会如果事实的确如此,那么笔记本应该有所显示

    I wasn't interested in doubling my money, but in his saying that Burlington was going up. If it was, my note-book ought to show it.


  • 所有一切使得推荐引擎几乎就是个但是日常经验告诉我们它们实际非常容易出错

    That makes recommendation engines sound practically psychic, but everyday experience tells us that they're actually pretty fallible.


  • 早期主义者——实际所有知主义者——都坚持个人必须追寻直接内在实现(知)。

    Early Gnostics, and Gnostics of all kinds, insist that individuals must seek direct inner spiritual realization (gnosis).


  • 事实,只有神的国度可以永远长存,其他一切事物至终会消失,故此我们必须一个目的导向的人生——委身敬拜团契相交成长事奉完成使命的人生。

    Everything else will eventually vanish. That is why we must live purpose driven lives-lives committed to worship, fellowship, spiritual growth, ministry, and fulfilling our mission on earth.


  • 所听见东西不再出自康德宾塞这种神秘的仙笔下,不再是书本的枯燥哲学文字,而是奔流着鲜红的热血的活生生的哲学。

    What he heard was no longer the philosophy of the dry, printed word, written by half-mythical demigods like Kant and Spencer.


  • Tafforeau博士第一次发现加速器妙用,还是2000年时。那时十分厌倦于为了研究掌类牙齿釉质必须切下化石牙齿。

    Dr Tafforeau first saw the light, as it were, in 2000, when he found himself unhappy at having to cut up the teeth of fossil primates in order to study the fine details of their enamel.


  • 奥斯瓦尔德·钱伯斯《竭诚为主》写道生命本质我们确信确信。”

    Oswald Chambers, in My Utmost for His Highest, writes "the nature of the spiritual life is that we are certain in our uncertainty."


  • 1948年12月那个晚10,和的父母一起在中

    Zhuang Ling was 10 years old on the December night in 1948 when his family boarded the Chung Ting.


  • 1948年12月那个晚10,和的父母一起在中

    Zhuang Ling was 10 years old on the December night in 1948 when his family boarded the Chung Ting.


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