• 假设有人桌子上摆一个那么这个铁球立刻就会朝着磁铁的方向滚动过去。

    Suppose someone to place an iron ball on the table, then this ball will run straightway towards the magnet.


  • 杠杆周期中的上摆活动使其成为必然

    The up-swing of the leverage cycle makes sure of that.


  • 床前一张桌子,桌子上摆了几套书

    In front of the bed, there is a desk on which is several series of books.


  • 桌子上摆各种各样物体

    Various objects were on the table.


  • 新婚夫妇喜宴上摆一个蛋糕

    The newly-married couple had a three-tiered wedding cake at the banquet.


  • 秋千上摆摆去。

    She swung to and fro on the swing.


  • 推销员会在桌子上摆护身符帮助他们完业绩。

    Salespeople keep lucky talismans on their desks to help make their Numbers.


  • 张桌子上摆甜点,这扇窗出去可以看到雾气

    On this table she put the sweets, and from this window look out you'll see the nice fog of the mountain.


  • 架子上摆时钟,它每秒比其他正常时钟多“嘀嗒”一

    A new clock placed on the shelf was ticking two ticks to the second as any good clock should tick.


  • 前的应用程序已经商店上摆上年并且100万用户,”

    "The top apps have been in the market for a year and have a million users," he said.


  • 盘子上摆了一圈芳香的花儿花朵沿着边儿排开,嫩绿的枝干贪婪地伸向水中

    Round the plate were scented flowers, the blossoms laying on the edge, while the pale green stalks reached thirstily down to the water.


  • 一张桌子上摆许多日常用品之后全班同学挑出尺子书本钢笔

    After placing quite a number of everyday objects on a table, he asked various members of the class to give him the ruler, the book, the pen and so on.


  • 这时假设有人桌子上摆一个那么这个铁球立刻朝着磁铁的方向滚动过去。

    Now, suppose some one to place an iron ball on the table; then will this ball run straightway towards the magnet.


  • 上去之后,看到庙里神龛香炉、石几上摆一部旧书,乾隆翻了翻一个认识

    Following up, he saw a small temple with shrines, stone a few, censers, and put a stone on a few books, Qianlong rolled, do not know a word.


  • 双臂举动作和硬举动作完全一样只是在后摆阶段使用弹性能量制造立即上摆以进行下一次动作重复爆发力。

    The two-arm swing is exactly the same as a dead swing except that at the back of the swing you use the elastic power generated to immediately explode the kettlebell up for another rep.


  • L形下摆上摆臂、套筒支架车架组成平行机构时,双臂联动悬能够保证车辆在行驶过程中具有较高行驶稳定性

    A parallelogram linkage mechanism composed of L-shaped lower swing arm, upper arm and bushing support frame ensures travel stability of the forklift.


  • 不会看见红色窗户上摆POSE不过你会发现它们咖啡馆香香地嚼着饼干或者在一家上流酒店里喝依云(Evian)。

    You won't see any pooches posing in red-tinted Windows, but it's not out of the ordinary to find them munching on designer biscuits at a canal-side cafe, or slurping on Evian at an upmarket hotel.


  • 他们忙着摆货物上架呢。

    They were busy stacking the shelves with goods.


  • 如果拒绝所有摆吊在你面前诱饵而度过一生根本谈不上是生活了。

    If you went through life refusing all the bait dangled before you, that would be no life at all.


  • 事实上因——一个日益变得机械世界里关怀人类劳动——摆拍了这个为了创造出理想的照片

    But in fact, Mr. Hine - who cared about human labor in an increasingly mechanized world - posed this man in order to make the portrait.


  • 事实上,海因——一个日益变得机械世界里,关怀人类劳动——拍了这个人,为了创造出理想的照片

    But in fact, Mr. Hine -who cared about human labor in an increasingly mechanized world -posed this man in order to make the portrait.


  • 那个雕像上轮椅扔掉了,将雕像上的小女孩放在书架边上在架子边沿摆来摆去脸微笑着朝向天空

    I have since thrown the ceramic wheelchair away and the little girl sits on the edge of the shelf with her legs dangling over the side. She's smiling toward the sky.


  • 巴黎圣母院旁边个书摊,摊位摆了一小,其余是成排成排埃菲尔铁塔钥匙扣烟缸甚至还有门牌号码板写着“有危险”的标示牌

    One bouquiniste near Notre Dame presided over a stall with only a handful of books, but rows of paintings of Eiffel towers, key-rings, ashtrays and even house number plaques and "dangerous dog" signs.


  • 野生动物杂志见到照片技术上过于完美高度工业化甚至近乎于摆拍不同于那些照片,触发式相机的照片更像是秘密的快照

    Unlike the sort of photographs seen in wildlife magazines, which are so technically perfect and highly produced as to seem posed, camera trap photos feel like behind-the-scenes snapshots.


  • 他用粗鲁将狗摆向一旁,枪口打到耳朵连声尖叫

    He pushed the spaniel away, roughly, with the gun in his hand, catching her on the ear with the muzzle. She cried in pain.


  • 坐在玻璃板名女子,居然对着镜子快乐地欢笑着,歌唱着,并且摆了一些姿势,没有丝毫的不忍.

    The rabbit was crushed to death at last, while the lady, who was sitting on the glass, was laughing and singing happily and making some postures without the least showed sympathy.


  • 我想现在应该明白为什么婚礼上照片可以那么轻松地造型了。

    You can understand, then, why she posed so easily for those wedding photos. She knows that others expect her to baulk at her own image.


  • 我想现在应该明白为什么婚礼上照片可以那么轻松地造型了。

    You can understand, then, why she posed so easily for those wedding photos. She knows that others expect her to baulk at her own image.


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