• 海平面上升,而这些风暴会强化其效应海水泛滥本来就是一种主要自然灾害,将会变得更加频繁剧烈

    Sea levels would rise, with the impact intensified by those storms: coastal flooding, already a major source of natural disasters, would become much more frequent and severe.


  • 海平面上升农作物产量减少更猛烈风暴更多令人沮丧后果所造成经济影响毁灭性的。

    The economic impact of rising sea levels, reduced crop yields, fiercer storms and many other doleful consequences would be devastating.


  • 第五观察资料显示:海洋表面温度持续上升最高级别飓风台风以及热带风暴的发生频率之间存在可预测关系。

    The fifth is the observation in reality of a predicted link between increased sea-surface temperatures and the frequency of the most intense categories of hurricane, typhoon and tropical storm.


  • 然令人感到讽刺的是,红树林受到来自气温升高带来海平面上升风暴威胁

    Ironically, mangrove forests are threatened by rising sea levels and increasingly strong storms which result from a warmer climate.


  • 上升气流形成风暴湿热空气变成高速旋风时,就形成了龙卷风

    Tornadoes form when the updrafts of air that supply storms with warm, humid air become a vortex, or high-speed whirlwind.


  • 由于海平面上升,以及可能更加强烈的风暴侵袭,这里可能会更加频繁发生洪水

    With sea levelsrising and storms predicted to grow more intense, floods could growmore frequent.


  • 搅动沙尘风暴前端区域上升

    Winds can stir dust, however, when storm fronts arise in the region.


  • 这些资金用于提供绿色技术削减排放以及使各国适应频繁的激烈风暴海平面不断上升的状况。

    It would be spent on cutting emissions by providing green technologies, and on enabling countries to adapt to more frequent fierce storms and rising sea levels.


  • 很多重要军事装置极其容易受到海平面上升风暴的影响。

    Many of its critical installations are vulnerable to rising seas and storm surges.


  • 无论是海平面上升荒漠化雨,冰川融化或是海洋酸化气候变化正在迅速改变我们这个星球景观

    Whether it's rising sea levels, desertification, torrential monsoons, melting glaciers or ocean acidification, climate change is rapidly altering the landscape of our planet.


  • 解释道:“按照目前规划,沿海建造大型核电站越来越,这些核电站容易受到海平面上升洪水风暴袭击。”

    He explained: "The current proposals will see a proliferation of very large nuclear facilities built at a number of coastal locations vulnerable to rising sea levels, flooding and storm surge."


  • 国家飓风中心警告风暴将使某些地区水位上升1 - 1.5(3- 5英尺)(更多信息参见国家飓风中心的公告档案)。

    The NHC also warned that a powerful storm surge could raise water levels by 3 to 5 feet (1 to 1.5 meters) in some places. (Please see the NHC's advisory archive for more information.)


  • 缅甸宣布举行为期3全国哀悼日据估计5月2日遭受强热带风暴袭击以来,缅甸国内的死亡人数已上升7.8万人失踪人数已达5.6万人。

    Three days of national mourning were also declared in Myanmar, where the estimate of casualties from the cyclone on May 2nd was raised to 78,000 dead and 56,000 missing.


  • 缅甸宣布举行为期3全国哀悼日据估计5月2日遭受强热带风暴袭击以来,缅甸国内的死亡人数已上升7.8万人失踪人数已达5.6万人。

    Three days of national mourning were also declared in Myanmar, where the estimate of casualties from the cyclone on May 2nd was raised to 78, 000 dead and 56, 000 missing.


  • 上升气流形成风暴湿热空气变成死锬旋风时,就形成了龙卷风

    Tornadoes form when the updrafts of air that supply storms with warm humid air become a vortex or high-speed whirlwind.


  • 歌剧院甚至风暴海平面上升受到气候变化的损害。

    The Opera House could even be vulnerable to climate change from storm surges and from sea-level rise.


  • 海平面上升农作物产量减少更猛烈风暴更多令人沮丧后果所造成经济影响毁灭性的

    Theeconomic impact of rising sea levels, reduced crop yields, fiercer storms and many other doleful consequences would be devastating.


  • 过去的一个世纪内,地球温度上升了0.6摄氏度,直接导致了地球上风暴洪水干旱等引起的各种天灾成倍增加

    The earth temperature rised 0. 6 centidegree last century, the consequent many visitation of providence was gemination increasing by storm, flood, and drought.


  • 引起美国次级抵押贷款市场风暴直接缘故美国利率上升住房市场持续降温

    The United States subprime mortgage market turmoil in the United States is the direct cause of the rise in interest rates and housing market continued to cool.


  • 事实上海平面上升风暴频率增高,较高层次全球化效应,证明这些现象与全球暖化间的因果关系,必须先建立关联

    In truth, sea-level rise and greater frequency of storms are higher-order results of global warming, in that they would require several links in a causal chain to be proved.


  • 过去里,随着金融风暴而来的是美国借贷费用下降而不是上升

    Over the past three years, in the wake of the financial crisis, U. S. borrowing costs have gone down, not up.


  • 地表温度升高意味着海平面上升可能会导致风暴沿海洪灾

    Increasing surface temperature means rising sea levels that increased the possibility of storm surges and coastal flooding.


  • 鉴于气候变化未来气候趋势难以预测海平面上升地面下陷、高频强度风暴、冰雹频发

    In light of climate change, the future climatic regime is difficult to be predicted, i. e. sea-level rise, land subsidence, frequencies and intensities of storm, precipitation rate, etc.


  • 区域自然灾害频繁海岸侵蚀海面上升风暴黄河断流主要灾害风险因子之间密切相关。

    Natural disasters occur frequently in this area, such as coastal erosion, sea level rise, storm surge and break-flow of Yellow River, etc.


  • 区域自然灾害频繁海岸侵蚀海面上升风暴黄河断流主要灾害风险因子之间密切相关。

    Natural disasters occur frequently in this area, such as coastal erosion, sea level rise, storm surge and break-flow of Yellow River, etc.


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