• 对于第一实验对象经过大约20小时训练数字跨度7上升20。”爱立信回忆

    "With the first subject, after about 20 hours of training, his digit span had risen from 7 to 20," Ericsson recalls.


  • 梅金森目前数字图书正在扩展市场尽管电子书大行其今年美国精装书销量仍在上升

    For now, Makinson says, digital books are expanding the market; hardback sales in the US are up this year, despite the march of ebooks.


  • 因为他们曼哈顿地区为防止水面上升,威胁人们安全防护后面

    They crave a view of nature because the Manhattan they live in sits partly behind a wall, a barricade built to block rising waters.


  • 尽管电子书大行其今年美国精装书销量仍在上升

    Hardback sales in the US are up this year, despite the march of ebooks.


  • 张照顶部,木表面上升起了一大约140千米高的青烟,它从名为PillanPatera火山口喷发而出。

    At the image top, over Io's limb, a bluish plume rises about 140 kilometers above the surface of a volcanic caldera known as Pillan Patera.


  • Cook先生提醒死亡人数必须迅速上升才会影响明年中期议会选举

    Mr Cook cautions that the body count would have to rise very sharply indeed to affect the mid-term congressional elections next year.


  • 那个时候交通变得日益拥挤,高耗能空调大肆其公路限速1973- 74年由于石油危机而制订的55mph约为88.6 kmph上升到65 mph此速度为现在美国一般公路的限速。

    Since then, congestion has grown worse, energy-demanding air conditioning has become routine, and highway speed limits have risen from the 55mph that was enforced after the oil shock of 1973-74.


  • 今年三月份每小时工资将上升1.7%——这点微不足提高很快上涨汽油杂货帐单费用抵消掉

    Hourly earnings rose just 1.7% in the year to March, a paltry raise that will soon be eaten up by the rising cost of petrol and grocery bills.


  • 使预期上升的海平面高度暴运输旧金山周围飞机场众多地区都将受到威胁,补充

    Add that swell to the projected sea-level rise, and many areas like the transportation corridor around San Francisco's airport could be threatened, he says.


  • 第四热浪特别是城市热岛”,直接使发病率死亡率上升主要涉及心血管病呼吸疾病老年人

    Fourth, heatwaves, especially in urban "heat islands", can directly increase morbidity and mortality, mainly in elderly people with cardiovascular or respiratory disease.


  • 还补充沿海地区空气海水温度过去10年里分别上升0.4摄氏度和0.2摄氏度。

    Average air and sea temperatures in coastal areas had risen about 0.4 and 0.2 degrees Celsius respectively over the past 10 years, the news agency added.


  • 报告陈述平均气温上升1 -4摄氏度所有地区旅游舒适指数造成极大下降

    An increase of between 1-4 degrees Celsius in average temperature will cause a drastic decline in the index of tourism comfort all over the region.


  • 随着时间推移伊朗库存上升了,当初的讨价还价如今变得微不足

    Meanwhile, as the months have dragged by, Iran’s stock of uranium has grown, making the bargain look less reassuring by the day.


  • 当然并不意味着盐沼中的数据得出来的气温变化海平面上升之间关系未来气候持续变化一直都成立,Miller提醒

    Still, that doesn't mean the exact relationship between temperature and sea level rise evident in the salt marsh data will hold as climate change accelerates in the future, Miller cautioned.


  • 若是思想不能飞鸟上升得更高就是卑微不足思想。——英国文艺复兴时期剧作家,诗人莎士比亚。

    If the thoughts of one individual could not rise higher than the birds, it is a humble little thought. During the period of the English Renaissance Drama.


  • 年轻人上升想方设法改进自己切勿怀疑有人想挡

    The way for the young man to rise is to improve himself everyway he can, never suspecting that anyone wishes to hinder him.


  • 一些中国人抱怨这些新的服务卓有成效地强行使得铁路旅行价格上升数量,因为减少便宜相对较的列车数量。

    Some Chinese complain that the new services are effectively forcing up the price of rail travel by reducing the number of, cheaper, slower-speed trains.


  • 犯罪比率上升相对存在一些微不足过失例如交通违规小偷小摸

    The increase in crime has been in relatively minor offences such as traffic violations and petty theft.


  • 巴,总一天太阳慢慢下沉,而成为时候一同上升

    Simba, the sun will set on my time here and will rise with you as the new king.


  • 气温将会持续上升,并由于此刻进入我们能量流自由能量机制的缘故,从而两极消融更快很可能超过最初预计

    The temperatures will continue to rise melting your poles and possibly more rapidly than originally anticipated due to the Tao free energy dynamics that are entering the flow at this time.


  • 格斯指数今日下跌127收盘较比上周惨跌状况而言,本周有较为上升的趋势。

    The Dow lost 127 points at today's close. But it was an up week for the markets after last week's carnage.


  • 症状包括头痛头晕心悸呼吸困难血压初始上升然后下降有时消化出血症状。

    Symptoms include headache, dizziness, palpitation, difficulty in breathing, and initially the blood pressure goes up and then goes down, sometimes the digestive tract may show bleeding.


  • 真正的还是中国传统文化本质东西上升精神层面上,禅宗等那种精神层面。

    What is real is that Chinese traditional essence be lifted up to a spiritual level, the high spiritual level like the Tao and Zen.


  • 前列腺男性泌尿生殖常见恶性肿瘤之一,发病率近年来呈上升趋势,此外导致该类患者死亡主要原因是其引起的转移性疾病

    Prostate cancer is a common malignant tumor in male genitourinary system, its morbidity is increasing in recent years, and the most common reason leads people to death is the metastasis.


  • 前列腺男性泌尿生殖常见恶性肿瘤之一,发病率近年来呈上升趋势,此外导致该类患者死亡主要原因是其引起的转移性疾病

    Prostate cancer is a common malignant tumor in male genitourinary system, its morbidity is increasing in recent years, and the most common reason leads people to death is the metastasis.


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